Compétences primaires

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Preview des compétences primaires lors de l’Alpha-1.[1]

Qu’importe l’archétype secondaire que vous choisissez parmi les huit, vous recevrez un choix d’améliorations en adéquation avec l’idéal de base de cette classe. Vous savez comme le fait qu’un tank est le contrôleur du champ de bataille et doit survivre. Le mage d’infliger des dégâts, éléments et capacités dans ses AoEs. Le rogue d’être furtif et d’infliger des dégâts critiques. Ces améliorations vont donc pencher vers ces identités.[2]Steven Sharif

L'idée derrière le système est que vous contournez en quelque sorte la ligne à travers ces améliorations de votre rôle, n'est-ce pas. Nous avons la sainte trinité traditionnelle qui est présente dans les conceptions de classes des MMOs et souvent celles-ci n’en sont pas du tout déviées ou complètement déviées. L’amélioration consiste en quelque sorte à offrir un équilibre de ça où vous conservez toujours le semblant de ce système de trinité tout en offrant la possibilité de personnaliser votre expérience de jeu vers l'un des autres angles du triangle.[3]Steven Sharif

Les compétences primaires (capacités de classe) sont basées sur l’archétype du joueur.[4] Les joueurs peuvent personnaliser leurs compétences primaires avec des amélioration de compétences via leur | archétype secondaire.[5][4][6]

Le concept derrière les améliorations de compétences est non seulement de changer leur saveur afin qu'elles reflètent l'archétype secondaire, mais aussi de changer fondamentalement le cœur de leur fonctionnement.[7]Steven Sharif

Il y aura un certain seuil à partir duquel vous ne pourrez plus améliorer vos capacités actives à cause des décisions d’améliorations de capacités précédentes, vous devrez donc choisir auxquelles vous souhaitez appliquer les améliorations.[12]Steven Sharif
  • Choisir le même archétype primaire et secondaire accroît la focalisation sur cet archétype.[14]
  • Les améliorations de compétences primaires changeront fondamentalement la manière dont fonctionne la capacité: cela altèrera ce que faisait la capacité pour incorporer l’identité de l’archétype secondaire.[15]
  • Changer les améliorations de vos compétences vous obligera à vous rendre auprès d’un PNJ dans un nœud Village ou supérieur.[17]
  • Certaines couleurs de sorts et FX généraux changent en fonction de l’amélioration.[18]
    • Les compétences actives pourraient sembler totalement différentes après l'application d'une amélioration.[19]

Les compétences primaires dans l’Alpha-2 devraient être très différentes de celles de l’Alpha-1.[22]

La liste de capacités dans l’Alpha Un est loin de ce que sera la liste de capacités, en particulier du point de vue du niveau/progression. Vous pouvez donc vous attendre à ce que ce soit incroyablement différent.[22]Steven Sharif

Points de compétences

Early preview de l'interface utilisateur des compétences dans l'Alpha-1.[23]

C'est là que les joueurs attribuent des points de compétences à leurs compétences actives, leurs capacités passives - ce qui peut améliorer leur utilisation d'armes et d'armures et de régénération de santé et de statistiques passives et de trucs comme ça - mais du côté des armes, c'est là que vous allez vous spécialiser dans certains types de provocations basés sur des groupes d'armes. Nous avons donc un peu parlé de cela dans le passé : si vous avez une dague, les dagues pourront avoir une chance de provoquer un saignement sur votre attaque d'arme et cela fonctionnerait en synergie avec la capacité d'une compétence active comme disons Backstab qui fait plus dégâts si la cible est sous un effet de saignement. Nous avons également dit dans le passé que les joueurs pourront attribuer des points de compétence dans leurs compétences actives qui sont plus orientées vers le combat d'action ou le ciblage tab.[24]Steven Sharif

Les joueurs recoivent des points de compétences en gagnant des niveaux. Ceux-ci peuvent être utilisés pour augmenter les compétences (augmenter leur rang) dans leurs arbres de compétences actives, passives ou de combat/d'armes.[25][26][27][28]

  • Il ne sera pas possible de maximiser toutes les compétences dans un arbre de compétences.[28]
  • En ce qui concerne la progression des compétences, les joueurs pourront voir large et obtenir un certain nombre de compétences différentes, ou aller "en profondeur" dans un petit nombre de compétences spécifiques.[29]
  • Les joueurs peuvent réinitialiser et redistribuer leurs points de compétences.[30]
  • Les améliorations ne coûtent pas de points de compétences [13]. Il était initialement prévu que certaines améliorations requerraient plus de dépenses, en matière de points de compétences. [12]

Les compétences actives pourront se voir allouer des points de compétences supplémentaires et débloquer des fonctionnalités supplémentaires, afin que du point de vue de la distribution pour le joueur, ce sera a vous de décider si vous voulez être plus diversifié mais moins profond - plus large mais moins grand, dans certains de ces choix de compétences. Ou, si vous voulez être très très grand, ce sera quelque chose qui dépendra du joueur à cet égard.[31]Steven Sharif


Respeccing (resetting and reallocating) adventuring skills may require travelling to a specific location rather than being able to be done on-the-fly.[32][30]

I am still conflicted on whether or not I want to allow respecs on-the-fly. I believe that respecing should be done at a particular location that requires a bit of transit and some strategic thinking ahead of time about the encounters that you're expecting, but respecing your class should be relatively easier obviously with that constraint of being at a particular location.[32]Steven Sharif
  • Swapping between multiple saved specs may be able to be done after a suitable cooldown period.[33][34]
  • Respeccing artisan skills is going to be more difficult than respeccing adventuring skills.[32]

Compétences actives

Les joueurs peuvent créer leurs personnages avec les compétences actives de leur choix sur leur barre d'action.[36][37]

Certaines personnes préfèrent avoir un nombre de barre d'action limité: ils n'ont pas forcément besoin d'avoir trois, quatre ou cinq barre d'action actives; Cependant certaines personnes aiment cela: Ils veulent avoir listé tous leurs objets leurs compétences, leurs montures, ainsi que tout ce avec quoi ils peuvent interagir, avec une icône[41]Steven Sharif
  • Les compétences ne seront pas directement données aux joueurs, en montant de niveau ils devront choisir lesquelles prendre.[45]
  • Il n'y aura pas de livres de compétence ou de mémorisation.[46]

Il y aura bien sûr plusieurs barres d'action disponibles, car vous aurez vos consommables, vos compétences actives, et autres. Mais la quantité de compétences actives ne va pas nécessairement surcharger le personnage et devenir inutile surtout à certains niveaux.[47]Steven Sharif

Class augments

A player may choose a secondary archetype when they reach level 25.[48][5] Each secondary archetype offers four different schools of augmentation.[8][9][5][10] Each augment school affects a primary archetype's skills in different ways.[11]

When you reach the class phase, which is around level 25 and you introduce that secondary archetype selection to create your one of 64 classes, then you'll have a number of augments that you'll be able to apply on a per-ability basis; and your core ability kit comes from your primary archetype selection; and those augments will change the look and feel of those abilities; and some will have the affect to create more darker thematic aspects to it. Or just generally different aesthetics to the abilities that represent the secondary [archetype] selection.[48]Steven Sharif
The intent behind the augment system is not to provide new active abilities. They're intended to augment existing active abilities that are provided through your primary archetype; and so your secondary archetype selection completes your class selection, of which there's 64 types and you get augment skills that can apply certain attributes and mechanics to your existing active skills. So, if you have certain abilities, like a backstab as a Rogue primary archetype, and you take that healer secondary archetype selection, now the properties of your backstab will still remain the same as an active ability, however it might include things like life steal, or it might include things like susceptible weakness to the target, and reduces their healing because the definition of what those augments are intended to provide based on the archetype selected for the augments is within the schools of magic that live for that archetype: so a Cleric is about balancing life and death and the control of those types of hit points.[49]Steven Sharif
  • Each augmentation has a level requirement.[12]
  • Augments to primary skills can fundamentally change the way the ability works - adapting what the ability once did to incorporate the identity of the secondary archetype/class.[15]
  • Augments do not cost skill points.[13] It was previously stated that certain augments will have more expense required on the skill point side.[12]
There's going to be a certain threshold at which you can no longer augment your active abilities based on the decisions you've augmented previous abilities, so you'll have to pick and choose which ones you want to apply the augments towards.[12]Steven Sharif
  • Choosing the same primary and secondary archetype increases focus on that archetype.[14]
  • Secondary archetype augments allow different aesthetics to apply to primary abilities that reflect the secondary archetype selection.[48]
    • Some spell colors and general FX change based on augments.[18]
    • Active skills could look totally different after an augment gets applied.[19]

Compétences universelles

Compétences universelles, such as active blocking and dodge rolling, are able to be unlocked by all archetypes.[51][20]

Outside of your class-specific skill tree, there's going to be a subsection of a few skills that are universal, like active block, like dodge; and I think what we're going to do- or at least what we're going to be discussing here- is those universal skills will have progressions that might align with your passive tree; and you can spec skill points into progressing additional features of those universal abilities that you will have access to. So I think that's probably going to be the direction that we're going to take.[20]Steven Sharif
Q: Will each archetype be equally efficient with universal skills, like dodging and active blocking, or will each of them have their own versions and flavors, or will some people be more powerful than others?
A: We want to provide a progression path that's shared for those universal skills across all the archetypes. So when you spend skill points, you can choose to spend them within the universal skill set and unlock particular ability types for the universal skills as well, but you will be spending them from the skill points that you would normally spend within your class-specific skill tree; and this offers again a different wheel of customization that I think is interesting.[51]Steven Sharif
  • The developers will be testing the use of separate energy mechanics for universal skills in Alpha-2.[52]
  • Universal skill progression may align with a player's passive skill tree.[20]


Esquiver in Alpha-1 early combat.[31]

Another thing that's important about these action combats is the ability to dodge and moving out of the way of certain skill shots.[31]Steven Sharif

Evasion moves such as dodging and weaving will be present in Ashes of Creation combat.[53][54][55]

So you see an animation windup that's a telegraph on what's coming; and then you have response actions that you can take as a result of that in order to dodge, weave, move, do whatever. It is both a combination of what your rotation is but also how you have reaction abilities ready to go that you save for certain circumstances that are important.[54]Steven Sharif

Blocage actif

Le bouclier Paladin's Might dans Ashes of Creation Apocalypse posséde sa propre hitbox et point de vie (PV). Il peut bloquer les projectiles.[57]

  • Les développeurs n'ont pas encore décidé si le blocage actif sera intégré dans le MMO. Ils se dirigent pour le moment vers un système plus traditionnel basé sur la mitigation de dégâts à l'aide de buff mais tout en considérant l’interaction entre le positionnement du blocage avec un blocage passif provenant du système de stat en cascande

Dans APOC quand nous avions la posture active du bouclier- cela était un blocage actif du bouclier basé sur un système de combat d'action; et quand nous avons collecté les données du concept sur son efficacité et sa précision durant son utilisation par les joueurs, nous avons remarquées que cela n'était pas très élevés; et c'est préoccupant au moins quant à la mise en place d'un blocage par bouclier exclusivement actif par opposition à l'activation d'un buff qui donne un pourcentage de blocage universel aux dommages reçues- et en lien avec les stats- c'est vraiment quelque chose sur laquelle on tente d'intégrer dans le système de combat hybride[58]Steven Sharif

C'est quelque chose dont nous réfléchissons de manière récurrente et que nous testons activement dans notre système hybride et vous nous connaissez quand il s'agit de quelque chose que nous prenons en considération. Bien sûr nous voulons une partie action qui puisse interagir avec le système de stat par cascade; et vous savez que ça sonne comme un oxymore d'un point de vue action et ciblé, mais ce n'est pas nécessairement le cas. Il peut y avoir une partie action- par exemple si vous utilisez votre posture de bouclier et que vous interceptez correctement un projectile ou une compétence provenant d'un arc frontal, vous allez mitiger 80% des dégâts ou appliquer 80% de la défense physique du bouclier; et s'il provient d'une zone en dehors de cet arc frontal vous allez avoir un bonus moins élevé; et c'est essentiellement ce qui se passerait si l'on prenait en compte par exemple la valeur de la défense physique de votre bouclier, vous l'appliquez comme un facteur de mitigation des dégâts reçus, mais en plus vous ajoutez les stats en cascade à ce système responsable de la mitigation des dégâts du bouclier ou du taux de blocage; et peut-être vous savez que la compétence principal indique 80% de mitigation des dégâts provenant d'un arc frontal qui peut atteindre 87% grâce à vos stats essentiellement; et si cela n'est pas dans cet arc frontal, alors il s'abaissera à une valeur de 50% d'efficacité- voire 40% ou quelque chose comme ça. Donc ça vous donne une idée de qu'est ce qui est utilisé pour déterminer ces compétences et comment ils intéragissent d'un point de vue action.[58]Steven Sharif

Capacités de combat

The aspiration for combat is for abilities to have corresponding counter-play abilities.[59]

  • The goal is to have special animations for parrying, blocking and evading.[60]

They can be a challenge to implement sort of really reliably so you might not see them on every evasion or every block, but we do want that stuff to show up.[60]Jeffrey Bard

Contrôle de foule

Contrôle de foule (CC/mezzing) abilities include root, snare, stun, sleep and slow.[61][59]

  • CC effects do not apply to Non-combatant (green) players. The target of a CC ability must be flagged in order to suffer the CC effects. This prevents players from opening attacks that stun non-combatant players during a pull for example.[62]
  • Some crowd-control abilities can dismount a mounted player. In that case the mount would persist with its own health pool and other stats.[65]
    • In Alpha-1 testing mounts were not separate from the player.[65]
There's also going to be effects that just stun the mount or stun you on the mount.[65]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Ranger Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[68] The root effect is nature based.[69]
Ancestral Bolas Ancestral Bolas.png Tank Throws a magical web of bolas at the target location. All enemies within are snared and build additional hate towards the tank every second. Enemies entering or exiting the radius will be tripped.[70]
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Icon clean.png Mage Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to all nearby enemies from that target, dealing lightning damage and applying 3 stacks of Electrified to each target hit.[71][72][73]
Chains of Restraint Chains of Restraint Icon2.png Cleric Call forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.[74][75]
Condemn Condemn.png Cleric Stun target enemy for 3 seconds.[76][77]
Crippling Blow Crippling Blow.png Fighter Deal Physical damage and apply Snare to target enemy for 6 seconds.[78]
Fissure Mage Spell 7.png Mage Call forth a line of jagged earth spikes in front of the[sic] you, dealing earth damage and applying 10 stacks of Stagger to each enemy hit along its path while launching them upwards.[79]
Grapple Grapple Icon.png Tank Takes aim for a moment before hurling a hooked chain in a line, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds.[80][81]
Imbue Ammo: Weighted Imbue Ammo-Weighted.png Ranger Imbues your ammunition with weight. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer the Snared status effect, reducing their movement speed by 50%. Each application applies 3 seconds of duration to the target, up to a maximum of 12 seconds. 10 charges.[82]
Knock Out Knock Out.png Fighter Knock out target enemy, putting them to sleep for 10 seconds. Any damage breaks the effect.[83]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Fighter Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[84]
Quake Quake.png Mage Held ability: Cast a powerful earthquake that deals more damage the longer it was charged and applies 10 stacks of Staggered to all enemies around the caster. If the spell was fully charged, this applies Tripped instead of Staggered.[85]
Slam Slam.png Tank Slam your target with immense force, knocking them back. Applies 10 stagger. Deals 500% additional threat.[86]
Slumber Slumber (Active).png Mage Applies the sleeping condition to targets affected within a small area around the primary target, rendering them unable to move or take any action. Any damage dealt to a sleeping target will break the effect. Duration is reduced by 20% for each additional target hit, to a minimum of 40% of base duration.[87][88][89]
Tremoring Bellow TremoringBellowIcon.png Tank Releases a thundering shout in a forward cone, applying the staggered condition on enemy targets. Also stomps the ground dealing damage around the caster and tripping enemies affected by the snared condition.[90]
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.
Diminishing returns in regards to crowd control and conditions like stun and sleep and slows and that thing: Yes we will have absolutely diminishing returns. I think it's a necessary component to balance out classes that have high control ability.[59]Steven Sharif
We're trying to stay away from hard locks as much as we possibly can. We want to have the system be very play, counter-play, counter-counter-play feel.[59]Jeffrey Bard
  • Soft CC's are in the tab-targeted abilities.[96]

Crowd control breaks

All archetypes will have their own versions of crowd control breaks.[67]

Skill Icon Origin Description
Exert Exert.png Fighter Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 20% increased attack and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.[97]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png Fighter Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[98]
Unstoppable Exert Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Exert additionally breaks all hard control effects on the caster, and may be used any time while under a hard controlling effect.[99]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png Fighter Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[100]


Revamped Alpha-1 Mage Fireball ability.[101][102]

The general approach that we're taking based on a lot of feedback and just good combat design in general. You know philosophy is that we want to give more agency in the hands of the player and the antithesis of that is locking the player down for really long amounts of time. The sort of concept behind that is like you could make an animation effects as glorious looking as possible but if it's taking away control of the player, none of that really matters. Especially the 100th or thousandth time you're using the spell you're tired of that happening you don't feel powerful: You feel the opposite of powerful. So we're trying to like give a lot of control back to the player while they're using these abilities so they can still control their movements, they can react simultaneously while they're taking actions; and we just want to get overall more of a fluid flow, I guess, of combat. And that's the general design philosophy we're using to approach the overhaul.[101]Tradd Thompson

A lot of abilities you have the capability of moving while casting. It's going to decrease your movement speed significantly or depending on the type of ability. We do reserve the cost- and that's really what it is when you tie ability usage to mobility- we do reserve the cost of requiring the character to remain stationary on some big effect type abilities.[103]Steven Sharif
Most abilities you'll find in Ashes of Creation are capable of being cast while moving. Some of those abilities might slow your movement during the cast, but you can continue to move. Very rarely, and depending on obviously the importance of the ability or the power level of that ability, you might be rooted in place. So, for example, the AoE ability [Chains of Restraint] has a lot going on. It has damage ticking over time, it is an area of effect, it also has a status condition application; and in those instances the player character gets rooted.[108]Steven Sharif
That's the cat-and-mouse of these abilities. Like we've seen with the Ranger, they have a backflip, they have their Airdrop [sic] ability. The Mage has teleportation. There are going to be abilities that are tit-for-tat; and managing the resource of those abilities and the timing of when you use them to either correlate to your opponent's use of those things, or to save them for yourself when you want to get away, that's part of what makes the engagements dynamic and different each time.[111]Steven Sharif
  • The ability to prone is not be in the game.[114][115]
There's a balance in the game design between your movement speed on attack and the movement speed of your opponent. When you have a game that is both PvE centric as well as PvP centric, you have to make sure that combat is blended for both approaches; and we can always run into problems where, if you're significantly hampered in your movement speed, that has an effect on how we expect player versus player engagements to interact; and we don't want to restrict a player's ability to be mobile if they're the target of an attack. And as a result of that we need to make sure that we don't restrict the movement abilities of the player who is doing the attacking as well. So we want it to be relatively free for you to stay with each other. Your opponents move around the battlefield together and if we're hampering you on the attack action, we have to then implement some type of snare, or slow, or cc effect essentially on your opposing target; and that's not the approach we want to take for for PvP.[117]Steven Sharif
If we're talking about Fighter, they're going to have a lot of heavy gap closers. They can probably be a little bit more liberal in the use of their gap closers because they have so many of them, versus let's say a Ranger that needs to choose when to use their escape abilities, because they have fewer of them. The same would be true for a melee character like a rogue. Their approach vector is going to be more stealth-driven than it would be perhaps let's say from a gap-closer perspective.[63]Steven Sharif
Q: If a ranger is super mobile, what are the melee's options in order to catch them?
A: Different class kits will provide different gap closers. They'll provide different mobility skills. They'll have lockdowns. They'll have chains to pull back. They'll have a lot of different things in the rotation. That's part of what an MMORPG experience is. You're not just restricted to three or six skills, you have a rotational suite; and depending on the type of challenges you face is going to help determine which of those rotations you spec into from your skill tree.[64]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Ranger Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[68] The root effect is nature based.[69]
Blink Blink.png Mage Instantly teleport a set distance in the direction you are moving.[118][119]
Blitz Blitz.png Fighter Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing Physical damage to the target on arrival.[120]
Call of the Wild Call of the Wild Icon.png Ranger Remove all movement impairing effects and increase movement speed by 20% for 8 seconds. Snares and Roots effects applied to the caster are ignored.[121]
Caravan Trail Speed Bonus Trail Speed Bonus.png Caravan Minor speed boost for travelling on a simple trail.[122]
Exert Exert.png Fighter Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 20% increased attack and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.[97]
Form Of Celerity Form of Celerity.png Fighter While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[123]
Form Of Fluidity Form of Fluidity.png Fighter While in this form, the caster receives +4% Disable Resistance Chance per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +40%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[124]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Fighter Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[84]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png Fighter Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[98]
Recharging Lunging Assault Recharging Lunging Assault Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Lunging Assault gains an additional charge and generates 5 additional Combat Momentum when dealing damage to one or more enemies.[125]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Tank Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[126]
Speed Boost Speed Boost.png Caravan Gives the caravan a temporary speed boost.[127]
Unstoppable Exert Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Exert additionally breaks all hard control effects on the caster, and may be used any time while under a hard controlling effect.[99]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png Fighter Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[100]
Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation.png Cleric Sprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival.[128][129] An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.[130]


There are player and spell/projectile collision mechanics in Ashes of Creation.[131][132][133]

  • Inertia and momentum physics will help prevent blocking doorways/access points. This is based on a character's direction and movement speed, and can be used to push people out of the way.[134][133]
  • Specific ranged skills will have a pushback effect but this is not inherent to all ranged abilities.[136]
  • Player collision inherently limits the number of individuals that can be affected by AoE skills.[131]
Not all projectiles can be body-blocked. Some potentially can, but there will be certain abilities and effects, like a shield wall, that can that can be brought up and that will obscure line-of-sight to the target as well; and it will restrict some of those attacks from occurring.[132]Steven Sharif

Postures de combat

The use of weapon stances in game is likely.[137]

Mécanique de tir à la tête

Il n'y a pas de mécanisme de tir à la tête dans le MMORPG Ashes of Creation.[138][139][140]

Skills by archetype

Bard skills

Les Bards ont des capacités de combat, pas seulement des buffs.[144]

  • Les bardes auront une grande variété de compétences parmi lesquelles choisir, comme les aspects de maitrise des mots, acteur et musical.[145]
    • Les bardes pourront jouer des instruments de musique, comme les Flutes et Cornemuses.[146][147]
  • Les Bards fourniront des soins de proximité ou basés sur des proc à un bien moindre degré que les Clerics.[148]
  • Les Bards ne seront pas la classe des "temps d'arrêt". Ça sera le rôle des espaces sociaux au sein des noeuds.[144]
  • Les Bards auront une utilité en dehors des combats, tout comme les autres classes.[149]

dans d'autres jeux, les Bards ont tendance à être du genre passif et ce n'est vraiment pas la direction que nous souhaitons prendre. Nous voulons que toutes les classes soient amusantes à jouer. Nous voulons que toutes les classes soient viable. Nous voulons que vous vous sentiez utiles: que chaque instant du jeu soit amusant; donc une grande partie de ce genre de choses sera basé sur les combos, sur des actions réactives entre votre groupe et le monstre que vous combattez, ou les joueurs que vous combattez. Il y aura beaucoup de mouvement entre le front et l'arrière garde pour permettre en quelque sorte d'aider et de faire en sorte que tous bénéficient d'un support quelque soit leur manière de faire. Vous ne serez pas assis à l'arrière à vous ennuyer en jouant passivement du luth.[150]Jeffrey Bard

Les Bards peuvent choisir d'activer des buffs qui augmentent les capacités à tanker, esquiver, causer des dégats et soigner autour d'eux.[151]

  • Certains buffs sont associés à la manière de jouer du Bard en combat: Si un Bard touche une cible avec un skill shot, les alliés à portée pourront bénéficier d'un buff temporaire en lien avec la capacité utilisée.[152]

Disons que le Bard utilise une arme, il a une épée de sortie et... effectue une attaque ressemblant à une excellente performance de gladiateur. Cela inspirera ses amis proches qui bénéficieront d'une augmentation de leurs dégâts critiques, et maintenant ils infligent des dégâts supplémentaires contre les cibles pour les prochaines 10 secondes ou 8 secondes. Donc, vous aurez besoin de rester actif. vous aurez besoin de vous soucier de votre positionnement, la relation entre la position du groupe par rapport à vous afin de vraiment accentuer ce que vous lui amenez.[152]Steven Sharif

Cleric skills

Restauration. Renforcement. Affaiblissement. Les prêtres maintiennent leur équipe dans la bataille en renforçant leurs capacités de combat et en maudissant leurs ennemis. Loin de simplement soutenir ses alliés par la guérison, un clerc est également capable d'utiliser une force destructrice face au danger..[153]

Les clercs contrôle la vie, et cela peut se voit au travers de leurs capacités utilitaires qui sont liées à la corruption.[154]

Capacités de combat du Clerc

info-orange.pngCette section contient des informations sur les tests Alpha-1. Il sera mis à jour lorsque de nouvelles informations seront disponibles.
Skill Icon Description
Barrier Barrier.png Sacrifice 25% of your maximum health to place a health shield on target ally for 10 seconds. Does not stack.[155][156]
Bless Weapon Bless Weapon.png Imbues your target's weapon with radiant light, causing each of their weapon combo attacks to deal additional radiant damage and applies a mana regeneration buff to the caster. Each hit extends the duration of the mana regeneration buff, up to a maximum of 15 seconds. Has a 10% chance to proc bonus radiant damage and apply a stack of Burning to the target.[157][158]
Castigation CastigationIcon.jpg Lashes your target with holy energy whip, dealing direct damage and restoring health and mana to yourself over time.[159][1][160][161]
Chains of Restraint Chains of Restraint Icon2.png Call forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.[74][75]
Communal Restoration Communal Restoration Icon2.png Restore health to all party members in range instantly, plus additional healing over time. Allies under the HoT also receive +10% maximum health for its duration.[162][163] This can overheal.[162]
Condemn Condemn.png Stun target enemy for 3 seconds.[76][77]
Consecrating Wave Consecrating Wave.png Send forth a cone of radiance that deals radiant damage to all enemies while healing the ten nearest allies.[164][165]
Defiant Light Defiant Light.png Heal target ally for 50% of their maximum health over 10 seconds. If that target would receive fatal damage while under this effect, this effect is consumed and prevents that target's death, healing them for 25% of their maximum health instead.[166][167]
Deliverance Deliverance.png Held ability: Charges up healing energy that heals a target ally upon release, scaling in power the longer it is charged and the more % missing health of the target.[168][169]
Devotion DevotionIcon.jpg Launch an orb of energy into the air that will fall upon your target, healing them.[170][1][171][161]
Divine Censure DivineCensureIcon.jpg Hurls a radiant spear at the target, dealing damage.[172][1][173][161]
Divine Flare Divine Flare.png Place a targeted area heal on the ground that heals all targets within after several seconds. Total healing is split between all targets hit.[174][175]
Divine Infusion Divine Infusion.png Consume Divine Power to instantly complete the remaining cast time of any healing spell currently being cast. The amount of Divine Power consumed is proportional to the amount of cast time remaining upon activation.[176][177][178][179]
Divine Light DivineLightIcon.jpg Heals your target with a flash of light. Reduces the cooldown of Devotion and Radiant Burst.[180][1]
Flash Cure Flash Cure.png Instantly heal target ally. This may be used during other ability activations.[181][182]
Healing Touch Healing Touch.png Heal target ally in melee range for a large amount of health.[183][184]
Judgment Judgment Icon2.png Cast a heal on target ally for a large amount of health. If this is cast on an enemy, it instead deals radiant damage to the target and applies 2 stacks of Burning.[185][186]
Mend Mend.png Instantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Each charge of this ability consumed after the first has no mana cost, and restores an increasing amount of mana to the caster based on the number of missing charges. Consecutive uses of the ability will gain bonus healing.[187][188]
Radiant Burst RadiantBurstIcon.jpg Heals allies around you in a wide area for a large amount.[189] Stacks up to 3 times.[1]
Regeneration RegenerationIcon.jpg Bathe your target with restorative energy that heals them over time.[190][1]
Resplendent Beam Resplendent Beam.png Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 5 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The amount of healing is reduced for each subsequent target.[191][192]
Resurrection ResurrectionIcon.jpg Resurrects a dead ally with 25% health and 15% mana.[193][1][194][161]
Smite Smite.png Smite your target, dealing instant damage and applying a stack of Burning to target enemy. Has no cast time and deals increased damage if activated within melee range of the target. This attack always critically hits on targets under the effect of Condemn.[76][195]
Soothing Glow Soothing Glow.png Apply a healing over time effect to target ally. Reapplying this effect extends its duration on the target by its base duration value.[196][197]
Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation.png Sprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival.[128][129] An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.[130]

Capacités passives du Clerc

info-orange.pngCette section contient des informations sur les tests Alpha-1. Il sera mis à jour lorsque de nouvelles informations seront disponibles.

- None -

Fighter skills

The Fighter archetype includes maneuverability and "closing the gap" mechanics to enable the fighter to quickly traverse distances on the battlefield as well as debuffs that can reduce healing received on a target.[198][199][200][201][202]

Skill Icon Description
Battle Cry Battle Cry.png Unleash a resounding war bellow, applying the Riled effect to the caster and all nearby party members and Shaken to all nearby enemies. Gain 5 Combat Momentum for each target that was Riled. Riled targets have increased stability and have increased chance of tripping Shaken enemies.[203]
Blitz Blitz.png Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing Physical damage to the target on arrival.[120]
Blood Fusion Blood Fusion.png Return 100% of damage dealt as health and 50% of damage dealt as mana over the next 6 seconds. If activated while below 50% health, gain 25% increased damage mitigation and healing received over the duration.[204]
Brutal Cleave Brutal Cleave.png Perform a wide sweeping attack, dealing damage to all enemies in front of you. This ability shares a cooldown with Overpower, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher reduces its cooldown by 8 seconds. +10-20 Combat Momentum (based on number of targets hit) [205]
Cataclysm Cataclysm.png Deal heavy damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front you. Shaken enemies have a 5% chance to Trip when hit, and the effect is removed when triggered. This chance doubles when hit by Riled targets.[206]
Crippling Blow Crippling Blow.png Deal Physical damage and apply Snare to target enemy for 6 seconds.[78]
Exert Exert.png Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 20% increased attack and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.[97]
Form Of Celerity Form of Celerity.png While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[123]
Form Of Ferocity Form Of Ferocity.png While in this form, the caster receives +2% Attack Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[207]
Form Of Fluidity Form of Fluidity.png While in this form, the caster receives +4% Disable Resistance Chance per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +40%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[124]
Knock Out Knock Out.png Knock out target enemy, putting them to sleep for 10 seconds. Any damage breaks the effect.[83]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[84]
Lethal Blow Lethal Blow.png Perform a powerful descending strike upon target enemy, dealing additional physical damage based on the amount of % missing health, up to 300% base damage.[208]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[98]
Maim Maim.png Perform a powerful melee strike in a short forward cone, dealing physical damage to all targets hit, plus 100% additional damage to recently tripped targets.[209]
Overpower Overpower.png Deal direct damage and apply Shaken to target enemy. This ability shares a cooldown with Brutal Cleave, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes the cooldown of this ability. +10 Combat Momentum.[210]
Rupture Rupture.png Deal physical damage and apply a debuff to the target. While the debuff is active, the target acquires 5 wound stacks per second that they are moving. After 5 seconds, the largest takes heavy damage, plus additional damage for each stack of wound it has.[211]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[100]
Q: What percentage of Fighter skills are templated attacks versus requiring a target?
A: There's probably four or five abilities right now that require a single target and then I think the rest are either like on self or some template conal attack or something.[212]Steven Sharif

Mage skills

Skill Icon Description
Arcane Empowerment Mage Spell Shift 8.png Temporarily dramatically increased cast time while active. Consume all spell charges for increased duration per charge consumed. Spell charges are generated whenever you cast an offensive mage spell while not under the effects of Arcane Empowerment. Each cast generates 1 charge, up to a maximum of 10 charges.[213]
Arcane Eye Arcane Eye Icon.png Conjure a magical eye that reveals any camouflaged enemies within a 20 meter radius around you to you and all party members over the next 8 seconds.[214]
Arcane Volley Arcane Volley (Active).png Fires a volley of arcane missiles at your target, dealing arcane damage with each hit.[215][216]
Ball Lightning Ball Lightning Icon.png Creates a large ball of highly charged electricity that travels slowly forward, dealing rapid periodic lightning damage to enemies it overlaps with and applying 1 Electrified stack to targets with each hit.[217][218][219]
Blink Blink.png Instantly teleport a set distance in the direction you are moving.[118][119]
Blizzard Blizzard.png Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Each shard impact deals ice damage in a small area around it. All enemies in the blizzard also acquire 1 stack of Chilled periodically. Activate the ability again to end the channel early.[220][221][217]
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Icon clean.png Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to all nearby enemies from that target, dealing lightning damage and applying 3 stacks of Electrified to each target hit.[71][72][73]
Cone of Cold Cone of Ice.png Blasts a cone of cold in front of the caster, dealing ice damage and applying 1 stack of Chilled to each enemy hit.[217][222][223]
Elemental Empowerment Elemental Empowerment (active).png Whenever you cast an elemental spell, your weapon attacks deal additional damage of that spell's element and apply a stack of the corresponding elemental status effects to targets hit. Casting a spell of a different element switches this effect to the new element.[224][225]
Fireball Fireball (Active).png Instantly hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing fire damage and applying 1 stack of Burning to target on impact. Burning deals periodic fire damage over time for each stack applied. When the target reaches 5 stacks, they become Conflagrated, dealing extreme fire damage over time.[226] Hitting a conflagrating enemy with a lightning spell causes Fusion, dealing significant damage and removing the Conflagrated effect.[227]
Fissure Mage Spell 7.png Call forth a line of jagged earth spikes in front of the[sic] you, dealing earth damage and applying 10 stacks of Stagger to each enemy hit along its path while launching them upwards.[79]
Frostbolt Frostbolt (Active).png Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing ice damage and applying 2 Chilled stacks to the target on impact. Chilled reduces movement speed of the target for each stack applied. When the target reaches 5 stacks, they become Frozen, rooting them in place for the duration. Hitting a frozen enemy with a lightning spell causes them to Shatter, dealing significant damage and removing the Frozen effect.[228][229]
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike (Active).png Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing lightning damage and applying 2 stacks of Electrified to the target. This deals additional damage based on how long it was charged. Electrified reduces the target's magical mitigation for each stack applied. When the target reaches 10 stacks, all Electrified stacks are consumed and they become temporarily Shocked. Whenever a Shocked enemy takes damage, they take additional damage and 1 stack of Shocked is consumed. Shocked is initially applied with 20 stacks.[230][231]
Magma Field (Lavastorm).png Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals fire damage to enemies per tick while periodically applying a stack of Burning to enemies within the area.[232]
Meteor (Meteor Shower).png Conjures a massive flaming rock before sending it hurling toward target location. Upon impact, it deals major fire damage while knocking foes flying, and then continues to roll forward for its remaining distance, dealing additional fire damage while applying stacks of Burning to enemies along its path.[233]
Quake Quake.png Held ability: Cast a powerful earthquake that deals more damage the longer it was charged and applies 10 stacks of Staggered to all enemies around the caster. If the spell was fully charged, this applies Tripped instead of Staggered.[85]
Shell Shield.png Create a protective magical shell[234] around yourself that absorbs a large amount of damage before breaking.[235][236]
Slumber Slumber (Active).png Applies the sleeping condition to targets affected within a small area around the primary target, rendering them unable to move or take any action. Any damage dealt to a sleeping target will break the effect. Duration is reduced by 20% for each additional target hit, to a minimum of 40% of base duration.[87][88][89]

Ranger skills

The majority of a Ranger's skill tree will likely be ranged, but there will be options to incorporate melee aspects.[237]

  • Some abilities require a bow to be equipped.[50][238][239][240]
  • Instead of a minimum range requirement, certain Ranger skills, such as Thundering Shot, currently have variable effects conferred at different ranges.[241]
  • The majority of Ranger abilities allow movement while casting. Only a few abilities impose movement penalties while casting.[50]
Skill Icon Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[68] The root effect is nature based.[69]
Barrage Barrage Icon.png Fires a continual barrage of arrows at your target for 1.5 seconds, dealing 12% physical damage per arrow.[242]
Bear Trap Bear Trap Icon.png Spawn a Trap at the target location, which arms after 1 second. When an enemy triggers the Trap, they take damage and become Rooted for 2 seconds.[243]
Call of the Wild Call of the Wild Icon.png Remove all movement impairing effects and increase movement speed by 20% for 8 seconds. Snares and Roots effects applied to the caster are ignored.[121]
Camouflage Camoflague Icon.png You become harder to see and cannot be directly targeted. The further you are from an enemy, the more difficult you are to spot. Any outgoing combat actions cancel this effect, as well as incoming damage or other negative effects.[244]
Disengage Disengage Icon.png Delivers a quick kick backflipping in the opposite direction. Enemies hit are Snared for 4 seconds.[245]
Headshot Headshot.png Deals 175% physical damage to target enemy.[246]
Hunt of the Bear Hunt of the Bear.png Call forth the spirit of the bear, imbuing yourself with increased physical mitigation.[247]
Hunt of the Raven Hunt of the Raven.png Call forth the spirit of the raven, imbuing yourself with increased physical penetration.[248]
Hunt of the Tiger Hunt of the Tiger.png Call forth the spirit of the tiger, imbuing yourself with 10% increased critical damage.[249]
Imbue Ammo: Barbed Imbue Ammo Barbed Icon2.png Imbues your ammunition with barbed thorns. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer the Bleeding status effect, dealing damage over time. Each application applies 3 seconds of duration to the target, up to a maximum of 30 seconds. 10 charges.[250]
Imbue Ammo: Concussive Imbue Ammo Concussive Icon2.png Imbues your ammunition with concussive force. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer ten stacks of the Staggered status effect, increasing Tripped duration when applied and lowering their accuracy and evasion stats per stack. 10 charges.[251]
Imbue Ammo: Weighted Imbue Ammo-Weighted.png Imbues your ammunition with weight. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer the Snared status effect, reducing their movement speed by 50%. Each application applies 3 seconds of duration to the target, up to a maximum of 12 seconds. 10 charges.[82]
Lightning Reload Lightning Reload Icon.png Grants a charge of Lightning Reload, allowing you to fire one ability Shot for free, ignoring its cooldown and other costs.[252]
Mark of the Bear Mark of the Bear.png Marks the target, reducing their mitigation by 25%.[253]
Mark of the Raven Mark of the Raven.png Marks the target, triggering bonus damage every time the target is hit. The lower the health on the target is, the higher the damage.[254]
Mark of the Tiger Mark of the Tiger Icon clean.png Marks the target, increasing critical chance versus the target by 50%.[255]
Piercing Shot Piercing Shot.png Fire a projectile that travels in a straight line, piercing through and damaging all enemies in its path.[256]
Raining Death Raining Death reskin.png Fires a dense rain of arrows 20 meters ahead, dealing high damage. Deals more damage to more distant targets.[257]
Scatter Shot Scatter Shot Icon.png Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing Physical Damage to every enemy target within a 20m cone in front of the caster.[258]
Snipe Snipe New.png Charge a powerful ranged attack, dealing large damage after charging for 3 seconds. Deals 300% physical damage.[259]
Thundering Shot Thundering Shot Icon.png Fires a lightning-infused projectile at your target, dealing 200% of your physical power as Lightning damage.[260]
Vine Field Vine Field reskin.png Summons 3 fields of grabbing vines, one at the target location every .5s for 1.5s. Targets hit are damaged for 10% physical damage and snared for 3s, reducing their movement speed by 40%. Targets that have more than 10s of snare duration are rooted. This effect can only trigger once per target.[261]

Rogue skills

All classes are capable adventurers, but rogues excel at delving the deepest dungeons and finding the most hidden of treasures.[262]

  • Rogues will have utility skills that enable them to discover hidden doors, traps and additional treasures.[263]
  • These will be randomly spawned throughout different times of the day to ensure that encounters are not the same each time.[263]

If you're in a party and you have a Rogue that's available, they'll be able to use that utility skill to discover these random doors that might exist in a dungeon. Now the way we make it so that it's not essentially the same door every time and it's just a first time thing and every time thereafter where that door's at, is these locations are randomly spawned throughout different times of the day so they'll change essentially as you go into a dungeon at different times. So it'll be important and relevant for parties to make sure that they have a diversity of archetypes available to them. And in particular for the rogues case because they can find those hidden type doors and then have access to different types of loot tables based off of that.[263]Steven Sharif

Skill Icon Description
Stealth This does not render a player completely invisible.[264] Instead, there will be indicators that can help players "feel out" where stealthed individuals may be.[265]

Summoner skills

The summoner uses abilities that channel through their summons (also referred to as class skill pets).[266][267]

You gain your summons from your summoner class as an active skill and then skills can be further developed with points.[3]Steven Sharif
  • Abilities from the summon appear on the summoner's hotbar. The summoner is essentially playing through their summon.[266][267]
    • Summoner has control over their summon, unless the summon is under ancillary effects.[266][269][267]
  • Summoners will not be able to fuse with or be taken over by their normal summons.[266][267]
  • Summoners may also have the ability to transfer pain to their summons, meaning that a portion of damage or threat taken by the summoner can be transferred to their summon instead.[271]
  • Summoner summons are not the same as combat pets.[272]
    • Summoner's summons will add to the summoner's power when they are summoned, unlike combat pets, which take a portion of the player's power.[273]
The Summoner archetype does not have that portion of power taken away when they summon their pet. That's part of their... power is their summon.[273]Steven Sharif
  • Summons will exist until another summon is cast, the summon is killed, or the summoner logs off.[274]
  • Summons can be leveled through the application of skill points to their active skill.[3]
  • Summons will be able to use crowd control (CC).[66]
  • Summoners may be able to name their summons, but will not be able to change their creature type, which is part of the nameplate above the summon.[275]
  • Summons follow the same PvP flagging rules as players and share the player's flag status.[276][277]
Summons follow the same flagging rules as players, if your summon pks someone, you gain corruption[276]Steven Sharif

Summoners summon different varieties of summons, depending on the class and augments they choose.[278][279]

Augmentation from a secondary archetype can be applied to a summon.[281]

For example: If your summon had a sweeping attack with a claw, or had the ability to bite an opponent, or rush an opponent; and you took teleportation, you could rush them similar to how I've given an example with the tank: Teleporting to a target instead. Or, its claws could combust on impact on a target dealing some burn damage that persists. Or... let's say your summon traditionally was some type of bear or bear cat, you could apply an elemental augment and now it could be a transparent flaming bioluminescent cat; and its damage would be fire based. So, that's how we want to influence the active skills with how augments apply; and that's how it would apply with Summoners.[281]Steven Sharif

Tank skills

info-orange.pngCette section contient des informations sur les premières phases de test. Il sera mis à jour dès que de nouvelles informations seront disponibles.
Skill Icon Source Description
Absorption Field Absorption Field.png Alpha-2 A field of absorption.[282]
Aegis Aegis New Icon.png Alpha-2 Instantly dispels all negative effects on the caster, then creates a protective dome behind the tank for 15 seconds, transferring 50% of all damage received by targets within the area to the tank instead. All targets within the cone also receive increased status effect resistance for the duration.[283]
Ancestral Bolas Ancestral Bolas.png Alpha-2 Throws a magical web of bolas at the target location. All enemies within are snared and build additional hate towards the tank every second. Enemies entering or exiting the radius will be tripped.[70]
Grapple Grapple Icon.png Alpha-2 Takes aim for a moment before hurling a hooked chain in a line, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds.[80][81]
Grit GritIcon.png Alpha-2 Applies a buff to the caster, reducing incoming damage by 15%, but also reducing movement speed by 30% and outgoing damage by 20%. Each incoming hit consumes a stack of courage to reduce incoming damage by an additional 15%. Courage can not be generated while Grit is active.[284]
Hatred V Tank Ability Active.png Alpha-0 Single target that adds hate.[285]
Inciting Strikes IncitingStrikesIcon.png Alpha-2 Slashes twice in a forward cone while adding additional threat.[286]
Indomitable Spirit Indomitable Spirit.png Alpha-2 30% increased max HP and 30% increased healing received.[287]
Protéger Protect (Active).png Alpha-2 Intercept attacks that strike your friendly nearby target, redirecting half of the damage taken to you. Must be within 10ys to Protect. If this range is exceeded for more than 5 seconds, the effect ends.[288]
Rush of Courage Rush of Courage.png Alpha-2 You feel a surge of resolve - gain 100 Courage.[289]
Shake It Off Shake It Off.png Alpha-2 Activate to instantly restore 50% of all damage taken in the past 4 seconds. Always heals for at least 10% of your maximum HP.[290]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Alpha-2 Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[126]
Slam Slam.png Alpha-2 Slam your target with immense force, knocking them back. Applies 10 stagger. Deals 500% additional threat.[86]
Tremoring Bellow TremoringBellowIcon.png Alpha-2 Releases a thundering shout in a forward cone, applying the staggered condition on enemy targets. Also stomps the ground dealing damage around the caster and tripping enemies affected by the snared condition.[90]

Targeted skills

Targeted skills require either a soft or hard locked target.[291][21]

  • Soft locking is when the reticle moves over a valid target while in action mode. The targeting plate will appear slightly grayed out to indicate that this is a soft-lock target. If the reticle moves away from the target or the target moves away from the reticle, the target is lost.[21].
  • Hard locking is when the player uses right-mouse on a soft-locked target in action mode, or when the player selects a valid target in tab mode. The targeting plate will not be grayed-out to indicate that a hard-lock target is selected. Unlike soft locking, if the target moves out of the reticle, the target is not lost. Tab will still cycle between hard-locked targets in action mode based on proximity priority.[238][21]
  • Targeted skills will be greyed out if the target is not within a valid range.[291]
  • The developers will be testing additional targeting methods, such as target-of-target as well as separate friendly and enemy targets, most likely during Alpha-2.[292]
Skill Icon Origin Description
Arcane Volley Arcane Volley (Active).png Mage Fires a volley of arcane missiles at your target, dealing arcane damage with each hit.[215][216]
Barrage Barrage Icon.png Ranger Fires a continual barrage of arrows at your target for 1.5 seconds, dealing 12% physical damage per arrow.[242]
Barrier Barrier.png Cleric Sacrifice 25% of your maximum health to place a health shield on target ally for 10 seconds. Does not stack.[155][156]
Bear Trap Bear Trap Icon.png Ranger Spawn a Trap at the target location, which arms after 1 second. When an enemy triggers the Trap, they take damage and become Rooted for 2 seconds.[243]
Bless Weapon Bless Weapon.png Cleric Imbues your target's weapon with radiant light, causing each of their weapon combo attacks to deal additional radiant damage and applies a mana regeneration buff to the caster. Each hit extends the duration of the mana regeneration buff, up to a maximum of 15 seconds. Has a 10% chance to proc bonus radiant damage and apply a stack of Burning to the target.[157][158]
Blitz Blitz.png Fighter Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing Physical damage to the target on arrival.[120]
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Icon clean.png Mage Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to all nearby enemies from that target, dealing lightning damage and applying 3 stacks of Electrified to each target hit.[71][72][73]
Concentrated Scatter Shot Multi-Scatter Shot Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Scatter Shot becomes a held ability. After being fully charged, you instead fire a single projectile in a forward line that pierces through enemies and deals significantly increased damage. 30m range.[293]
Condemn Condemn.png Cleric Stun target enemy for 3 seconds.[76][77]
Crippling Blow Crippling Blow.png Fighter Deal Physical damage and apply Snare to target enemy for 6 seconds.[78]
Defiant Light Defiant Light.png Cleric Heal target ally for 50% of their maximum health over 10 seconds. If that target would receive fatal damage while under this effect, this effect is consumed and prevents that target's death, healing them for 25% of their maximum health instead.[166][167]
Deliverance Deliverance.png Cleric Held ability: Charges up healing energy that heals a target ally upon release, scaling in power the longer it is charged and the more % missing health of the target.[168][169]
Devotion DevotionIcon.jpg Cleric Launch an orb of energy into the air that will fall upon your target, healing them.[170][1][171][161]
Divine Censure DivineCensureIcon.jpg Cleric Hurls a radiant spear at the target, dealing damage.[172][1][173][161]
Expeditious Barrage Expeditious Barrage Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Reduce Barrage's movement penalty while channeled.[294]
Fireball Fireball (Active).png Mage Instantly hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing fire damage and applying 1 stack of Burning to target on impact. Burning deals periodic fire damage over time for each stack applied. When the target reaches 5 stacks, they become Conflagrated, dealing extreme fire damage over time.[226] Hitting a conflagrating enemy with a lightning spell causes Fusion, dealing significant damage and removing the Conflagrated effect.[227]
Flash Cure Flash Cure.png Cleric Instantly heal target ally. This may be used during other ability activations.[181][182]
Frostbolt Frostbolt (Active).png Mage Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing ice damage and applying 2 Chilled stacks to the target on impact. Chilled reduces movement speed of the target for each stack applied. When the target reaches 5 stacks, they become Frozen, rooting them in place for the duration. Hitting a frozen enemy with a lightning spell causes them to Shatter, dealing significant damage and removing the Frozen effect.[228][229]
Hatred V Tank Ability Active.png Tank Single target that adds hate.[285]
Headshot Headshot.png Ranger Deals 175% physical damage to target enemy.[246]
Healing Touch Healing Touch.png Cleric Heal target ally in melee range for a large amount of health.[183][184]
Heartseeking Snipe Heartseeking Snipe Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Snipe has a 30% increased chance to critically hit against enemies beyond 20 meters.[295]
Judgment Judgment Icon2.png Cleric Cast a heal on target ally for a large amount of health. If this is cast on an enemy, it instead deals radiant damage to the target and applies 2 stacks of Burning.[185][186]
Knock Out Knock Out.png Fighter Knock out target enemy, putting them to sleep for 10 seconds. Any damage breaks the effect.[83]
Lethal Blow Lethal Blow.png Fighter Perform a powerful descending strike upon target enemy, dealing additional physical damage based on the amount of % missing health, up to 300% base damage.[208]
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike (Active).png Mage Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing lightning damage and applying 2 stacks of Electrified to the target. This deals additional damage based on how long it was charged. Electrified reduces the target's magical mitigation for each stack applied. When the target reaches 10 stacks, all Electrified stacks are consumed and they become temporarily Shocked. Whenever a Shocked enemy takes damage, they take additional damage and 1 stack of Shocked is consumed. Shocked is initially applied with 20 stacks.[230][231]
Longbow basic attack Bow basic attack.png Longbow A slower, powerful, longer range basic ranged attack. Tapping the basic attack button will shoot normally. Holding the basic attack button will charge the shot (and root the player) to cause added damage.[296][297][298]
Mend Mend.png Cleric Instantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Each charge of this ability consumed after the first has no mana cost, and restores an increasing amount of mana to the caster based on the number of missing charges. Consecutive uses of the ability will gain bonus healing.[187][188]
Multi Trap Bear Trap Multitrap Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Bear Trap now has 3 charges, but the cooldown is increased by 15 seconds.[299]
Multi-Scatter Shot Multi-Scatter Shot Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Scatter Shot has an additional charge.[300]
Omnidirectional Disengage Omnidirectional Disengage Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Disengage now moves you in the direction of your input instead of always backward.[301]
Overpower Overpower.png Fighter Deal direct damage and apply Shaken to target enemy. This ability shares a cooldown with Brutal Cleave, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes the cooldown of this ability. +10 Combat Momentum.[210]
Protéger Protect (Active).png Tank Intercept attacks that strike your friendly nearby target, redirecting half of the damage taken to you. Must be within 10ys to Protect. If this range is exceeded for more than 5 seconds, the effect ends.[288]
Regeneration RegenerationIcon.jpg Cleric Bathe your target with restorative energy that heals them over time.[190][1]
Reinvigorating Disengage Omnidirectional Disengage Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger When you hit one or more enemies with Disengage, its cooldown is refreshed and can be used again. This can only occur once per cooldown period.[302]
Resplendent Beam Resplendent Beam.png Cleric Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 5 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The amount of healing is reduced for each subsequent target.[191][192]
Resurrection ResurrectionIcon.jpg Cleric Resurrects a dead ally with 25% health and 15% mana.[193][1][194][161]
Rupture Rupture.png Fighter Deal physical damage and apply a debuff to the target. While the debuff is active, the target acquires 5 wound stacks per second that they are moving. After 5 seconds, the largest takes heavy damage, plus additional damage for each stack of wound it has.[211]
Scatter Shot Scatter Shot Icon.png Ranger Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing Physical Damage to every enemy target within a 20m cone in front of the caster.[258]
Shortbow basic attack Copper Shortbow Icon.png Shortbow A fast, low power, short range basic ranged attack. Holding down the basic attack button will repeatedly fire.[297][298]
Slam Slam.png Tank Slam your target with immense force, knocking them back. Applies 10 stagger. Deals 500% additional threat.[86]
Slumber Slumber (Active).png Mage Applies the sleeping condition to targets affected within a small area around the primary target, rendering them unable to move or take any action. Any damage dealt to a sleeping target will break the effect. Duration is reduced by 20% for each additional target hit, to a minimum of 40% of base duration.[87][88][89]
Smite Smite.png Cleric Smite your target, dealing instant damage and applying a stack of Burning to target enemy. Has no cast time and deals increased damage if activated within melee range of the target. This attack always critically hits on targets under the effect of Condemn.[76][195]
Snipe Snipe New.png Ranger Charge a powerful ranged attack, dealing large damage after charging for 3 seconds. Deals 300% physical damage.[259]
Soothing Glow Soothing Glow.png Cleric Apply a healing over time effect to target ally. Reapplying this effect extends its duration on the target by its base duration value.[196][197]
Thundering Shot Thundering Shot Icon.png Ranger Fires a lightning-infused projectile at your target, dealing 200% of your physical power as Lightning damage.[260]
Trap Slinger Bear Trap Multitrap Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Bear Trap becomes a thrown projectile and arms itself instantly upon landing. Deals double damage when triggered.[303]
Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation.png Cleric Sprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival.[128][129] An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.[130]

Indirect fire skills

Alpha-2 Chain Lightning arcing around an environmental obstacle.[304]

Indirect fire skills are targeted skills where the projectiles may path around obstructions that are not in line-of-sight, so long as the maximum distance travelled for the skill is not exceeded.[305][304][306]

  • This is a prototype concept that is subject to testing and balancing.[306]
  • A limited number of these may exist throughout different class kits.[306]
Some abilities might have indirect fire. So, if you have let's say a Archer or Ranger who has the ability to select a Mage as their secondary class; and they might want to augment a Snipe ability in order to go around a corner like an Arcane Archer might have... Some abilities might not care about that line-of-sight. They might care the distance to the target around the corner, or the path that it's taking; and if it's outside that path is too long it might not be able to reach them of course.[305]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Icon clean.png Mage Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to all nearby enemies from that target, dealing lightning damage and applying 3 stacks of Electrified to each target hit.[71][72][73]
Headshot Headshot.png Ranger Deals 175% physical damage to target enemy.[246]

Templated skills

Templated skills allow blind firing (free aim) without a target while in action mode. If a player moves into the path of the attack they can be struck.[307][308][309][21]

One of the differences between tab and action combat mode is you can launch projectiles in action combat mode as a blind fire option, and if a target or if something moves in the way between the time of that projectile launching and impacting either its max distance, or a piece of terrain, or another target, it's possible that players might move into that projectile.[309]Steven Sharif
  • Some templated skills may have template indicators, but in general will require the player to assess the correct range for the skill.[291]
If it is a templated ability, which means it's skill-based to use, you'll need to get a feel for those distances; and that's some skill-based learning where you get an idea for what those distances are. Some of those will have template indicators but they'll be very in-world and immersive. We're not utilizing more UI-centric looking indicators, but generally the AoE templates are meant to be skill-based.[291]Steven Sharif
Q: Why did you move away from arrows being projectiles?
A: We are still using projectiles, but we are using a locking mechanism in tab-targeting for those projectiles to home to the target should you have a valid angle in that perspective. The action side of that is that you can blind-fire projectiles.[307]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Ranger Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[68] The root effect is nature based.[69]
Ball Lightning Ball Lightning Icon.png Mage Creates a large ball of highly charged electricity that travels slowly forward, dealing rapid periodic lightning damage to enemies it overlaps with and applying 1 Electrified stack to targets with each hit.[217][218][219]
Blizzard Blizzard.png Mage Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Each shard impact deals ice damage in a small area around it. All enemies in the blizzard also acquire 1 stack of Chilled periodically. Activate the ability again to end the channel early.[220][221][217]
Brutal Cleave Brutal Cleave.png Fighter Perform a wide sweeping attack, dealing damage to all enemies in front of you. This ability shares a cooldown with Overpower, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher reduces its cooldown by 8 seconds. +10-20 Combat Momentum (based on number of targets hit) [205]
Cataclysm Cataclysm.png Fighter Deal heavy damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front you. Shaken enemies have a 5% chance to Trip when hit, and the effect is removed when triggered. This chance doubles when hit by Riled targets.[206]
Concentrated Scatter Shot Multi-Scatter Shot Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Scatter Shot becomes a held ability. After being fully charged, you instead fire a single projectile in a forward line that pierces through enemies and deals significantly increased damage. 30m range.[293]
Cone of Cold Cone of Ice.png Mage Blasts a cone of cold in front of the caster, dealing ice damage and applying 1 stack of Chilled to each enemy hit.[217][222][223]
Consecrating Wave Consecrating Wave.png Cleric Send forth a cone of radiance that deals radiant damage to all enemies while healing the ten nearest allies.[164][165]
Divine Flare Divine Flare.png Cleric Place a targeted area heal on the ground that heals all targets within after several seconds. Total healing is split between all targets hit.[174][175]
Ensnaring Vine Field Ensnaring Vine Field Icon.png Ranger Enemies are Snared while within Vine Field's area of effect.[311]
Fissure Mage Spell 7.png Mage Call forth a line of jagged earth spikes in front of the[sic] you, dealing earth damage and applying 10 stacks of Stagger to each enemy hit along its path while launching them upwards.[79]
Grapple Grapple Icon.png Tank Takes aim for a moment before hurling a hooked chain in a line, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds.[80][81]
Greatsword basic attack Greatsword Auto Attack Icon.png Greatsword
Heartseeking Snipe Heartseeking Snipe Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Snipe has a 30% increased chance to critically hit against enemies beyond 20 meters.[295]
Hunt of the Bear Hunt of the Bear.png Ranger Call forth the spirit of the bear, imbuing yourself with increased physical mitigation.[247]
Hunt of the Raven Hunt of the Raven.png Ranger Call forth the spirit of the raven, imbuing yourself with increased physical penetration.[248]
Hunt of the Tiger Hunt of the Tiger.png Ranger Call forth the spirit of the tiger, imbuing yourself with 10% increased critical damage.[249]
Inciting Strikes IncitingStrikesIcon.png Tank Slashes twice in a forward cone while adding additional threat.[286]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Fighter Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[84]
Longbow basic attack Bow basic attack.png Longbow A slower, powerful, longer range basic ranged attack. Tapping the basic attack button will shoot normally. Holding the basic attack button will charge the shot (and root the player) to cause added damage.[296][297][298]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png Fighter Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[98]
Magma Field (Lavastorm).png Mage Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals fire damage to enemies per tick while periodically applying a stack of Burning to enemies within the area.[232]
Maim Maim.png Fighter Perform a powerful melee strike in a short forward cone, dealing physical damage to all targets hit, plus 100% additional damage to recently tripped targets.[209]
Mark of the Bear Mark of the Bear.png Ranger Marks the target, reducing their mitigation by 25%.[253]
Mark of the Raven Mark of the Raven.png Ranger Marks the target, triggering bonus damage every time the target is hit. The lower the health on the target is, the higher the damage.[254]
Mark of the Tiger Mark of the Tiger Icon clean.png Ranger Marks the target, increasing critical chance versus the target by 50%.[255]
Meteor (Meteor Shower).png Mage Conjures a massive flaming rock before sending it hurling toward target location. Upon impact, it deals major fire damage while knocking foes flying, and then continues to roll forward for its remaining distance, dealing additional fire damage while applying stacks of Burning to enemies along its path.[233]
Mortal Headshot Mortal Headshot Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Headshot deals 50% additional damage to targets below 50% of their maximum health.[312]
Piercing Shot Piercing Shot.png Ranger Fire a projectile that travels in a straight line, piercing through and damaging all enemies in its path.[256]
Quake Quake.png Mage Held ability: Cast a powerful earthquake that deals more damage the longer it was charged and applies 10 stacks of Staggered to all enemies around the caster. If the spell was fully charged, this applies Tripped instead of Staggered.[85]
Raining Death Raining Death reskin.png Ranger Fires a dense rain of arrows 20 meters ahead, dealing high damage. Deals more damage to more distant targets.[257]
Refreshing Headshot Mortal Headshot Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Ranger Headshot refunds 4 seconds of its cooldown when it hits a Marked target.[313]
Scatter Shot Scatter Shot Icon.png Ranger Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing Physical Damage to every enemy target within a 20m cone in front of the caster.[258]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Tank Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[126]
Shortbow basic attack Copper Shortbow Icon.png Shortbow A fast, low power, short range basic ranged attack. Holding down the basic attack button will repeatedly fire.[297][298]
Snipe Snipe New.png Ranger Charge a powerful ranged attack, dealing large damage after charging for 3 seconds. Deals 300% physical damage.[259]
Tremoring Bellow TremoringBellowIcon.png Tank Releases a thundering shout in a forward cone, applying the staggered condition on enemy targets. Also stomps the ground dealing damage around the caster and tripping enemies affected by the snared condition.[90]
Vine Field Vine Field reskin.png Ranger Summons 3 fields of grabbing vines, one at the target location every .5s for 1.5s. Targets hit are damaged for 10% physical damage and snared for 3s, reducing their movement speed by 40%. Targets that have more than 10s of snare duration are rooted. This effect can only trigger once per target.[261]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png Fighter Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[100]

Weapon skills

Basic weapon attack livestream teaser.[314]

L’idée est que chacune de ces armes ait un arbre de compétences unique pour les différentier, pas seulement en matière de sensations, mais aussi de mécaniques. L’une des choses importantes que nous voulons vraiment inclure dans Ashes, est une vaste base de compétences, afin que les joueurs puissent construire leurs personnages comme ils le souhaitent ; et que cela dépasse leur panoplie de classe. Par exemple, si je suis un ranger, je peux me spécialiser à l’arc court ou à l’arc long, et ce seront deux builds très différents. Dans cet exemple je pourrais avoir une partie de l’arbre de compétences (arc court) spécialisé dans le saignement qui pourrait entrer en synergie avec les compétences spécifiques du ranger, pour lesquelles l’arc long n’aurait pas nécessairement de synergie. Le choix de leurs armes influera sur les compétences dans lequel un archétype est spécialisé.[315]Tradd Thompson

Les compétences d’armes octroient des compétences passives, des effet de procs et autres effets de status, plutôt que des compétences utilisables dans la barre d’action du joueur.[316] Plus il y aura de points de compétences alloués à un arbre de compétences d’armes, plus un joueur maîtrisera cette dernière. Cela a des influences variées comme le nombre d’attaques, la vitesse d’attaque, ou encore les chances d’effets de procs avec les attaques de base délivrées par cette arme. Ces procs pourraient entrer en synergie avec les compétences actives du joueur.[317][318][319][315][320][321][26][27][322][15][323] Ces synergies fonctionnent aussi avec les compétences actives des autres joueurs.[25]

Notre approche ne sera pas de distribuer des compétences via les armes. Ce sera de distribuer des compétences via les classes.[317]Steven Sharif
Disons qu’une dague a un effet tranchant qui fait saigner ou qui estropie la cible… A chacune de vos attaques vous avez une chance de déclencher cet effet. Ensuite cet effet peut entrer en synergie avec les compétences actives que votre arbre de compétences propose. Donc imaginons que l’attaque sournoise fait 30 dégâts supplémentaires à une cible qui saigne. Si vous attaquez avec votre arme principale en premier pour déclencher l’effet de saignement, puis que vous utilisez la compétence d’attaque sournoise, alors vous avez une synergie.[27]Steven Sharif
Imaginons que vous pouvez utiliser une attaque sournoise pour faire des dégâts, et que cette attaque a un modificateur sur ses dégâts à condition que vous soyez derrière la cible, et qu’elle inflige 50 dégâts supplémentaires si la cible saigne. Alors vous voudrez essentiellement mettre en synergie les conditions de proc de votre arme, avec vos compétences actives, afin que vous puissiez synchroniser certaines compétences actives avec les effets de statuts infligés à la cible. [26]Steven Sharif

Weapon skill trees

Weapon skill trees unlock passive skills, proc effects, and status conditions based on a player's experience with each weapon type.[49][327][328][316][317][318][319][315][320][321][26][27][322][15][323] These do not unlock skills that are usable on a player's action bar.[316]

Basic attacks

Les attaques de base sont déclenchées pour l'arme primaire en appuyant sur Q ou le clic gauche de la souris (ces touches peuvent être réattribuées par le joueur).[238][239][320]

quand vous utilisez l'attaque de base avec une arme, vous pouvez tirer à l'aveugle si l'arme est associée à un projectile, sans avoir de cible. De plus, si votre viseur en mode caméra active est sur une cible, vous verrouillerez cette cible, afin que vos projectiles atteignent leur cible, si elle est à portée et dans le bon angle.[310]Steven Sharif
Attaques de base Icon Origin Description
Greatsword basic attack Greatsword Auto Attack Icon.png Greatsword
Longbow basic attack Bow basic attack.png Longbow A slower, powerful, longer range basic ranged attack. Tapping the basic attack button will shoot normally. Holding the basic attack button will charge the shot (and root the player) to cause added damage.[296][297][298]
Shortbow basic attack Copper Shortbow Icon.png Shortbow A fast, low power, short range basic ranged attack. Holding down the basic attack button will repeatedly fire.[297][298]

Attaques directionnelles

Il y aura des attaques directionnelles (attaques de dos, attaques de flanc, attaques frontales) qui infligeront des dégâts supplémentaires selon la position d'origine de l'attaque.[330]

  • Les Voleurs auront généralement plus souvent recours à ce type d'attaque.[330]

Weapon attack cone

Cône d'attaque des armes dans l'Alpha-1.[331]

Lorsque j'attaque je touche plusieurs de ces adversaires, et c'est important parce que toutes les armes, que vous soyez en mode réticule ou ciblage auront des attaque basées sur l'action. Pas des competences actives, mais des attaques d'arme.[331]Steven Sharif

Toutes les armes ont un Cône d'attaque frontal, que vous soyez en mode ciblage ou action.[331]

Les armes d'hast par exemple auront un angle bien plus important sur une plus grosse distance. Les dagues auront un angle bien plus réduit, alors il vous faudra être bien plus précis.[331]Steven Sharif

Ceci est décrit comme une attaque d'arme et non une compétence active.[331]

Voir également

Les références

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 toast-keybinds-skills.png
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  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Forums - Livestream Q&A 2022-08-26.
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  112. Direct, 2021-12-23 (55:32).
  113. Vidéo, 2021-12-23 (23:53).
  114. 114.0 114.1 Direct, 2022-10-14 (48:45).
  115. 115.0 115.1 stevenclarification.png
  116. Direct, 2020-06-26 (1:30:40).
  117. 117.0 117.1 Direct, 2022-06-30 (49:42).
  118. 119.0 119.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (4:40).
  119. 120.0 120.1 120.2 Blitz Description.png
  120. 121.0 121.1 Call of the Wild Description.png
  121. Trail Speed Bonus Description.png
  122. 123.0 123.1 Form of Celerity Description.png
  123. 124.0 124.1 Form of Fluidity Skill Tree Description.png
  124. Recharging Lunging Assault Description.png
  125. 126.0 126.1 126.2 Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (5:07).
  126. Speed Boost Description New.png
  127. 128.0 128.1 128.2 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (24:03).
  128. 129.0 129.1 129.2 Wings of Salvation Info Panel.png
  129. 130.0 130.1 130.2 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (24:16).
  130. 131.0 131.1 Direct, 2023-12-19 (1:52:02).
  131. 132.0 132.1 132.2 132.3 Direct, 2023-12-19 (1:20:09).
  132. 133.0 133.1 collision.jpg
  133. Entrevue, 2020-03-27 (15:20).
  134. Direct, 2023-10-31 (1:30:52).
  135. Direct, 2023-12-19 (1:17:45).
  136. Direct, 2019-06-28 (1:19:00).
  137. Direct, 2020-10-30 (1:15:59).
  138. steven-headshots-1.png
  139. 140.0 140.1 steven-headshots-2.png
  140. 141.0 141.1 Entrevue, 2018-10-21 (9:10).
  141. Entrevue, 2018-10-20 (3:25:31).
  142. 143.0 143.1 143.2 Direct, 2018-09-27 (34:49).
  143. 144.0 144.1 Direct, 2017-05-17 (1:06:19).
  144. Direct, 2019-06-28 (1:21:02).
  145. Direct, 2017-07-28 (40:15).
  146. Direct, 2018-04-8 (PM) (1:18:37).
  147. Direct, 2020-07-25 (58:38).
  148. Direct, 2017-05-19 (39:55).
  149. Direct, 2017-06-01 (22:58).
  150. Entrevue, 2020-07-19 (1:00:04).
  151. 152.0 152.1 Direct, 2018-04-8 (PM) (46:11).
  152. Blog: The Gift of Life - Cleric Alpha One Preview.
  153. Direct, 2017-05-26 (19:03).
  154. 155.0 155.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (19:50).
  155. 156.0 156.1 Barrier Info Panel.png
  156. 157.0 157.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (14:03).
  157. 158.0 158.1 Bless Weapon Info Panel.png
  158. a1castigation.png
  159. Vidéo, 2020-11-01 (0:33).
  160. 161.0 161.1 161.2 161.3 161.4 161.5 161.6 alpha-1-cleric-spells.png
  161. 162.0 162.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (16:02).
  162. Communal Restoration Info Panel.png
  163. 164.0 164.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (17:32).
  164. 165.0 165.1 Consecrating Wave Info Panel.png
  165. 166.0 166.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (22:12).
  166. 167.0 167.1 Defiant Light Info Panel.png
  167. 168.0 168.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (7:34).
  168. 169.0 169.1 Deliverance Info Panel.png
  169. 170.0 170.1 a1devotion.png
  170. 171.0 171.1 Vidéo, 2020-11-01 (1:09).
  171. 172.0 172.1 a1divinecensure.png
  172. 173.0 173.1 Vidéo, 2020-11-01 (0:51).
  173. 174.0 174.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (18:26).
  174. 175.0 175.1 Divine Flare Info Panel.png
  175. Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (25:36).
  176. Divine Infusion Info Panel.png
  177. Vidéo, 2023-05-31 (16:58).
  178. Divine Power Buff Description.png
  179. a1divinelight.png
  180. 181.0 181.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (10:03).
  181. 182.0 182.1 Flash Cure Info Panel.png
  182. 183.0 183.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (23:28).
  183. 184.0 184.1 Healing Touch Info Panel.png
  184. 185.0 185.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (15:15).
  185. 186.0 186.1 Judgment Info Panel.png
  186. 187.0 187.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (5:16).
  187. 188.0 188.1 Mend Info Panel.png
  188. a1radiantburst.png
  189. 190.0 190.1 a1regeneration.png
  190. 191.0 191.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (12:04).
  191. 192.0 192.1 Resplendent Beam Info Panel.png
  192. 193.0 193.1 a1resurrection.png
  193. 194.0 194.1 Vidéo, 2020-11-01 (0:55).
  194. 195.0 195.1 Smite Info Panel.png
  195. 196.0 196.1 Vidéo, 2023-07-28 (9:22).
  196. 197.0 197.1 Soothing Glow Info Panel.png
  197. Entrevue, 2023-09-10 (9:52).
  198. Vidéo, 2024-03-29 (3:50).
  199. Entrevue, 2023-09-10 (16:56).
  200. steven-fighter-momentum.jpg
  201. Direct, 2017-12-15 (1:00:36).
  202. Battle Cry Description.png
  203. Blood Fusion Description.png
  204. 205.0 205.1 Brutal Cleave Description.png
  205. 206.0 206.1 Cataclysm Description.png
  206. Form Of Ferocity Description.png
  207. 208.0 208.1 Lethal Blow Description.png
  208. 209.0 209.1 Maim Description.png
  209. 210.0 210.1 Overpower Description.png
  210. 211.0 211.1 Rupture Description.png
  211. Direct, 2024-03-29 (1:56:56).
  212. Arcane Empowerment Description.png
  213. Arcane Eye Description.png
  214. 215.0 215.1 Arcane Volley Description2.png
  215. 216.0 216.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (22:13).
  216. 217.0 217.1 217.2 217.3 217.4 217.5 Vidéo, 2023-09-29 (11:29).
  217. 218.0 218.1 New Ball Lightning Description.png
  218. 219.0 219.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (7:15).
  219. 220.0 220.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (9:22).
  220. 221.0 221.1 Blizzard Description2.png
  221. 222.0 222.1 Cone of Cold Description2.png
  222. 223.0 223.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (11:22).
  223. 224.0 224.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (14:55).
  224. Elemental Empowerment Description.png
  225. 226.0 226.1 Fireball Description2.png
  226. 227.0 227.1 New Fireball Description.png
  227. 228.0 228.1 New Frostbolt Description.png
  228. 229.0 229.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (15:35).
  229. 230.0 230.1 Lightning Strike Description2.png
  230. 231.0 231.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (13:40).
  231. 232.0 232.1 Magma Field Description2.png
  232. 233.0 233.1 Meteor Description2.png
  233. Shell Buff Description.png
  234. Shell Description2.png
  235. Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (6:15).
  236. Direct, 2023-05-31 (1:10:42).
  237. 238.0 238.1 238.2 238.3 Direct, 2022-09-30 (49:16).
  238. 239.0 239.1 239.2 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (40:50).
  239. 240.0 240.1 Entrevue, 2018-05-11 (16:32).
  240. Direct, 2023-12-19 (1:53:41L5DeC8wIcuM).
  241. 242.0 242.1 Barrage New Description.png
  242. 243.0 243.1 Bear Trap Description.png
  243. Camoflague Description.png
  244. Disengage Description.png
  245. 246.0 246.1 246.2 Headshot Description Ranger2.png
  246. 247.0 247.1 Hunt of the Bear Description.png
  247. 248.0 248.1 Hunt of the Raven Description.png
  248. 249.0 249.1 Hunt of the Tiger Description.png
  249. Imbue Ammo Barbed Skill Tree Description.png
  250. Imbue Ammo Concussive Skill Tree.png
  251. Lightning Reload Description.png
  252. 253.0 253.1 Mark of the Bear Description New.png
  253. 254.0 254.1 Mark of the Raven Description.png
  254. 255.0 255.1 Mark of the Tiger Description.png
  255. 256.0 256.1 Piercing Shot Description.png
  256. 257.0 257.1 Raining Death Description.png
  257. 258.0 258.1 258.2 Scatter Shot Description.png
  258. 259.0 259.1 259.2 Snipe Description New.png
  259. 260.0 260.1 Thundering Shot Description.png
  260. 261.0 261.1 Vine Field Description.png
  261. Rogue2.jpg
  262. 263.0 263.1 263.2 Direct, 2020-07-25 (42:49).
  263. Direct, 2022-01-28 (1:12:27).
  264. Direct, 2017-05-03 (49:39).
  265. 266.0 266.1 266.2 266.3 266.4 Direct, 2023-03-31 (1:22:21).
  266. 267.0 267.1 267.2 267.3 Direct, 2017-05-19 (10:06).
  267. steven-summoners.png
  268. steven-summon-control.png
  269. Direct, 2017-05-26 (43:20).
  270. Direct, 2023-02-24 (1:27:22).
  271. Direct, 2020-10-30 (1:21:14).
  272. 273.0 273.1 Entrevue, 2022-01-14 (42:18).
  273. 274.0 274.1 Direct, 2020-07-25 (1:41:46).
  274. Direct, 2021-01-29 (1:21:01).
  275. 276.0 276.1 steven-summons-pvp-1.png
  276. steven-summons-pvp-2.png
  277. Entrevue, 2021-06-13 (13:11).
  278. 279.0 279.1 279.2 279.3 279.4 279.5 279.6 Direct, 2018-04-8 (AM) (0:58).
  279. 280.0 280.1 Direct, 2018-04-8 (PM) (11:27).
  280. 281.0 281.1 Direct, 2018-04-8 (PM) (24:11).
  281. Absorption Field Description.png
  282. Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (9:54).
  283. Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (5:21).
  284. 285.0 285.1 Direct, 2017-10-16 (21:48).
  285. 286.0 286.1 Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (6:41).
  286. Indomitable Spirit Description.png
  287. 288.0 288.1 Protect Description.png
  288. Rush of Courage Description.png
  289. Shake It Off Description.png
  290. 291.0 291.1 291.2 291.3 Direct, 2023-01-27 (1:11:07).
  291. Direct, 2023-07-28 (59:56TpBSGYWxd38).
  292. 293.0 293.1 Concentrated Scatter Shot Skill Tree Description.png
  293. Expeditious Barrage Skill Tree Description.png
  294. 295.0 295.1 Heartseeking Snipe Skill Tree Description.png
  295. 296.0 296.1 296.2 Direct, 2022-09-30 (26:42).
  296. 297.0 297.1 297.2 297.3 297.4 297.5 297.6 Vidéo, 2022-09-30 (19:32).
  297. 298.0 298.1 298.2 298.3 298.4 298.5 298.6 Vidéo, 2022-09-30 (10:44).
  298. Bear Trap Multitrap Skill Tree Description.png
  299. Multi-Scatter Shot Skill Tree Description.png
  300. Omnidirectional DIsengage Skill Tree Description.png
  301. Reinvigorating Disengage Skill Tree Description.png
  302. Bear Trap Trapslinger Skill Tree Description.png
  303. 304.0 304.1 Vidéo, 2023-04-28 (20:57).
  304. 305.0 305.1 Direct, 2023-04-28 (59:52).
  305. 306.0 306.1 306.2 steven-indirect-fire.png
  306. 307.0 307.1 Direct, 2023-12-19 (1:18:49).
  307. Direct, 2022-09-30 (52:33).
  308. 309.0 309.1 Direct, 2022-09-30 (48:10).
  309. 310.0 310.1 310.2 310.3 Direct, 2023-04-28 (55:55).
  310. Ensnaring Vine Field Skill Tree Description.png
  311. Mortal Headshot Skill Tree Description.png
  312. Refreshing Headshot Skill Tree Description.png
  313. Twitter - What’s your go-to weapon?
  314. 315.0 315.1 315.2 315.3 Vidéo, 2022-09-30 (24:49).
  315. 316.0 316.1 316.2 Direct, 2022-10-14 (18:34).
  316. 317.0 317.1 317.2 Direct, 2022-06-30 (1:12:38).
  317. 318.0 318.1 318.2 Direct, 2022-09-30 (53:15).
  318. 319.0 319.1 319.2 Direct, 2022-09-30 (43:45).
  319. 320.0 320.1 320.2 320.3 320.4 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (47:57).
  320. 321.0 321.1 321.2 Entrevue, 2021-02-07 (49:18).
  321. 322.0 322.1 322.2 322.3 Direct, 2020-01-30 (1:28:40).
  322. 323.0 323.1 323.2 Direct, 2018-06-04 (1:11:19).
  323. 324.0 324.1 Direct, 2020-02-28 (1:10:21).
  324. 325.0 325.1 Direct, 2023-05-31 (1:12:58).
  325. Direct, 2022-09-30 (1:13:23).
  326. Entrevue, 2023-07-09 (1:14:09).
  327. Direct, 2022-12-02 (56:09).
  328. Direct, 2022-09-30 (46:17).
  329. 330.0 330.1 Direct, 2021-03-26 (1:11:25).
  330. 331.0 331.1 331.2 331.3 331.4 331.5 Direct, 2020-08-28 (1:15:39).
  331. class cleaving.png