Crafting professions

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Crafting stations

Artisanat a Nightblade weapon at a weaponsmithing station in the Winstead node in Alpha-2.[1]

There's going to be a number of different types of selectables that you can incorporate as part of the crafting process; each of them having unique results as part of the stat block for the weapon, but also increasing the quality, predicated on the quality of the selectable that you're contributing.[2]Steven Sharif

Crafting stations (also referred to as Crafting benches) are workstations located on freeholds or within nodes.[4][5][6][7][8]

  • Recipes have slots for required and selectable crafting materials. Adding higher rarity selectable materials increases the rarity of the crafted item.[9][1][10] Choosing different selectable items can also result in crafted items with different statblocks and unique properties.[2]
  • There is no limit to the number of players that can use a crafting station at the same time.[17]
Q: Can crafting stations be mobilized / moved and can they be placed anywhere in the world?
A: It depends on the crafting station. There are going to be different tiers of crafting stations that represent the quality of item you're looking to create within that specific profession. There's going to be crafting stations that can be utilized by players within their freeholds and then crafting stations that are resigned only to the development of particular nodes, within particular areas, or particular buildings... There's a wide variety of those things to make it a more dynamic experience and something that caveat how players decide to build the world and what the value of those things are.[7]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

List of crafting stations

Artisan progression

Les joueurs doivent choisir un chemin dans l'arbre de compétences d'artisan pour chaque personnage.[21] Pour chaque chemin d'artisan (Collecte, Traitement et Artisanat) il y a plusieurs professions. Un personnage ne pourra suivre qu'un seul chemin entièrement.[22][23]

  • Les joueurs peuvent s'essayer à chaque profession en tant que "débutants" avant de décider quel chemin ils suivront.[24]
  • Choisir un chemin particulier dans l'arbre de compétences donne l'opportunité aux joueurs de se spécialiser dans un certain domaine. Cela crée de l'inter-dépendance entre les joueurs, améliorant l'expérience en tant qu'artisan.[25]
  • Il est possible de maîtriser chaque profession du chemin d'artisan choisi, mais cela sera une épreuve longue et laborieuse, coûteuse en ressources.[26]
    • Les joueurs ne pourront maîtriser une profession que lorsqu'ils auront achevé la maîtrise de leur chemin d'artisan.[27]
    • Après des tests, il pourrait être décidé d'utiliser une valeur fixe pour certifier la maîtrise d'une profession.[27][28]
  • La maîtrise n'est pas qu'une question de création d'item. Elle donne accès à beaucoup de choses, même des titres, accès à des items, des négociations, et des quêtes. [29]
  • Choisir une profession n'affecte pas les stats des joueurs.[30]
  • Les personnages d'un même compte (Alts) pourront avoir différentes professions.[22]

Les joueurs auront l'opportunité de tâter chaque profession à un niveau très bas celà leur donne un avant-goût de chaque profession et leur permet de savoir vers laquelle ils préfèrent s'orienter et quelle profession ils veulent maîtriser.[24]Steven Sharif

Quand on dit que vous ne pourrez pas tout maîtriser nous ne disons pas que vous ne serez pas maître au sein de votre propre arbre d'artisan, qui sont l'artisanat, la collecte et le traitement. Vous serez un maître d'un des trois, mais vous ne serez pas un maître des deux autres.[23]Steven Sharif

Artisan mastery

A character may only ever be a Master in up to 3 professions and Grandmaster in up to 2 professions across all artisan branches.[31][32]

  • Artisan mastery is no longer restricted to a single branch.[32]
  • Characters may change which professions they master.[33]
Becoming a master Crafter or a master Processor or a master Gatherer should be a significant time investment and resource investment; and because of that it should also be something that when you achieve that status it's like people on the server know who you are.[34]Steven Sharif
  • Masteries aren’t just about making an item. They grant many things, including titles, access to items, bargains, and quests. [29]
  • Previously it was stated that with considerable effort a player can master all professions within a mastered parent artisan class.[26][35] This was later changed to a player being able to master some but not all professions within a mastered parent artisan class.[36][21] This was changed to being able to master up to two or three professions within a mastered parent artisan class (subject to testing).[37] This was changed to being able to master up to two professions.[38] The current stance is only being able to become a Master of 3 professions and Grandmaster of 2 professions across all branches.[31][32]
Q: What would be the daily activities for someone at level 50 with a maxed out artisan tree?
A: The daily activity might be something along the lines of, depending on what type of profession or processor you are, of interacting with fellow artisanship individuals to wheel and deal on supply and demand chains; orchestrating and participating and caravan roads that move materials across the world so that you can satisfy buy orders and/or commission requests. Participating in unique trades and/or dungeon experiences that have the opportunity to acquire unique crafting materials so that you can create the dragon's legendary sword and sell that potentially. Finding unique harvestable materials in remote parts of the world or engaging in treasure map finding for again unique materials and/or processing things. There's a whole host of different intents that are loops for the players to participate in that again are situationally relevant based on the world state.[39]Steven Sharif


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