Mayoral commissions

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Alpha-2 Mayoral commissions.[1][2]

Mayoral commissions serve as a strategic decision base for the mayor. What issues am I facing? What issues do I believe I will face? How is this aligning with my strategy? And then how will my citizens help me help participate in accomplishing these goals so that I'm best set strategically for what I intend to do with those commissions?[3]Steven Sharif

Mayoral commissions are simple types of quests with singular objectives that are able to be initiated by mayors.[1][2][4]

  • There will be a cap to the number of commissions that can be accepted by a single player.[5]
  • Mayoral commissions can be conducted by both citizens and non-citizens, but only citizen contribution will generate mandates for the node.[5][2]
Q: Is participation always going to be greater for larger nodes by default, or can a small node with close to 100 participation still greatly benefit from them?
A: That's gonna come down to what commissions the mayor is initiating. Level three nodes aren't going to be initiating mayoral commissions that require thousands of players to participate, because they don't have access to those; where Metropolises that have a huge citizenship base will get access to those kinds of commissions. So the rewards will be proportionate to the node level and the expected amount of citizens.[7]Chris Justo


Les Maires sont les dirigeants d'un Gouvernement de Nœud qui contrôle le développement de ce Nœud.[9]

  • Coordonne le transfert des ressources demandées avec les citoyens qui opéreront des Caravanes.[11]
    • Les maires doivent communiquer sur quelles Ressources sont nécessaires pour un nœud en particulier puis doivent motiver les citoyens pour qu'ils remplissent ces besoins.[11]

Seul des citoyens de nœud peuvent être élus maire.[12]

Vous ne pouvez être citoyens que d'un seul nœud à la fois.[12]Steven Sharif

Les Maires gagnent de nouveaux pouvoirs et responsabilités lorsque leur nœud avance.[15]

Node mandates

Alpha-2 Node mandates.[1][17]

The more citizens like what a mayor is doing, the more power they're going to get to do more things; and the less citizens like what they're doing, the less power they're going to get to do things.[17]Chris Justo

Node mandates are an energy system that enables mayors to take actions within a node.[1][17]

  • A newly elected mayor may begin their term with "a couple" of default mandates.[18]
  • Unused mandates at the end of a mayor's term will be lost.[18]
We're concerned about limiting how much damage a bad faith mayor can do; and this is definitely one of those systems that if you're doing good things that the citizens are agreeing with- and this is part of your power as a citizen even if even if you think you don't have any power- this is one of your main things is agreeing with what the mayor is doing makes them able to do more actions; and that are hopefully are favorable for you.[17]John Collins
Q: Is there a cap on the energy for mandates?
A: There is not currently a cap that's designed for mandates. However, mandates are an accrued energy through action and actions have cooldowns associated with them that you can do them over certain periods of time; and they also have certain weights that are applied by design. So naturally within a given period of time a mayor will only have the ability to do so many things that generate mandates; and as a result that is the soft cap. However, the system is built- or is being built- in such a way where that is a variable we can define through testing when we see if there should be, or should not be, we can add that at a later time.[19]Steven Sharif


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