Augmentations d'équipement

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Des améliorations d'équipement (pierres de puissance / runes) peuvent être appliquées aux armes pour ajouter des types de dégâts élémentaires ou énergétiques.[1][2]

Nous allons très probablement avoir un système de runes et ensuite nous aurons la possibilité d'enchanter des armes en dehors de cela aussi... Ce ne sera pas toujours comme une progression verticale... Une partie demandera d’abandonner quelque chose pour obtenir autre chose ; alors peut-être que je fais moins de dégâts physiques mais plus de dégâts magiques, ce genre de chose.[2]Jeffrey Bard

Ce n'est pas comme si vous alliez nécessairement les acquérir une fois et ensuite vous êtes prêt pour vos enchantements PvP, mais au lieu de cela, vous devrez continuellement performer mois après mois afin de continuer à avoir ces enchantements.[4]


Il existe deux types d'enchantements pour les objets : Verticale et horizontal.[6]

  • Les enchantements verticaux sont une progression de puissance pour un objet fabriqué. Plus de dégâts ou d'atténuations, d'effets ou de bonus supplémentaires. Les enchantements verticaux comportent des risques.[6]

En ce qui concerne les choses sur-enchantées, ce que nous allons faire est probablement d'avoir une sécurité - et c'est évidemment quelque chose qu'il faut tester - mais nous allons avoir une période d'enchantement de sécurité vous savez, comme dans Lineage 2, je pense que vous pourriez enchanter à plus quatre ou quelque chose comme ça. Et donc nous allons avoir un système similaire où vous pouvez enchanter en toute sécurité, puis lorsque vous commencez à prendre des risques, ce pourcentage d'endommager potentiellement votre objet soit via le système d'usure, soit en le désactivant complètement via le système de destruction sera un risque présent.[8]Steven Sharif

  • Les enchantements horizontaux sont plus situationnels. Par exemple : J'aimerais que mon épée fasse des dégâts de force au lieu de dégâts sacrés car les monstres que j'ai tendance à combattre sont incorporels.[6]
    • Cela ne rend pas l'objet plus puissant, mais plutôt plus applicable à différentes situations, et moins à d'autres.[6]
    • Ce type d'enchantement ne prend aucun risque, juste du temps et des efforts.[6]

Les services d'enchantements sont vendus dans les étals de joueurs.[10]

L'enchantement n'augmente pas le niveau requis des objets.[3]

Vous ne poussez pas vraiment l'exigence de niveau d'un élément particulier ou l'identité de cet élément. Vous pouvez l'améliorer, vous pouvez y ajouter des enchantements, mais c'est toujours l'objet qu'il est.[3]Steven Sharif


A few different professions participate in the creation of enchantment scrolls. Those enchantment scrolls are primarily going to be interfaced on the profession side with scribe, but once that scroll is created then it's in the hands of the open economy and players may utilize them to enchant weapons and stuff.[11]Steven Sharif

Mechanisms for achieving the safer enchantment routes would mainly be through very rare material acquisition and boss kills.[12]Steven Sharif

There are two types of enchantments for items: Vertical and horizontal.[6]

  • Vertical enchantments are a power progression for a crafted item. More damage or mitigations, added effects or bonuses.[13] Vertical enchantments include risks.[6]
    It's a progressive tier of risk. At lower levels you have opportunities to potentially lose out on the pluses instead of breaking the equipment. But when you reach a certain threshold, there is an opportunity to essentially destroy the equipment, where you get resources back. But that's a risk that the player takes.[14]Steven Sharif
    • Lower levels of over-enchanting carries the risk of losing bonuses on the item. Over-enchanting beyond a certain threshold carries the risk of destroying the item and gaining resources back.[14][8][9]
    • There may be mechanisms for achieving safer over-enchantments, such as difficult to obtain enchantment scrolls, or very rare material acquisitions.[15][12][8]
    Personally, I am fine with RNG in enchantment, so long as there are special ways to mitigate the RNG with investment, to a degree. For example, difficult to obtain enchantment scrolls that insure enchantment efforts, and including a buffer of safe enchantment in earlier pluses.[15]Steven Sharif
  • Horizontal enchantments are more situational. For example: I'd like my sword to do force damage instead of holy damage because the monsters I tend to fight are incorporeal.[6]
    • This doesn't make the item more powerful, but instead more applicable to different situations, and less so to others.[6]
    • This type of enchanting assumes no risk, just time and effort.[6]

Enchantment appearance

Enchantments have visual effects associated with them, such as glows and colors on weapons.[16][17]

PvP seasons

Performance in various JcJ systems (such as Caravanes, Arènes, Guerres de guilde) is measured over the course of 6 month PvP seasons. At the end of each season, a player's cumulative score may unlock various rewards.[18][4]

Arena ladder

The arena ladder system records a player's progress within PvP seasons based on their arena win/loss ratios.[18][21]

  • Titres can be received from arena play.[22]
  • Other rewards will be revealed at a later time.[23]
  • Arena points that can be used to buy gear is not currently in the design.[22]

Guild ladder

An inter-guild ladder will rank guilds based on their performance within competitive activities:[24][25]

When the guild participates in guild wars or they participate in sieges, you'll be able to climb the ranks of your inter-guild ladder as well so you get bragging rights amongst your friends.[25]Steven Sharif

Weapon progression

In-game achievable sword and polearm rendus 3D.[26]

Power creep is a balance issue... When it comes to gear progression specifically, the idea is to create an open market that is not heavily dependent on soulbound items; and having many item sinks and gold sinks within that economy that allows for the potential degradation and loss of assets within that closed economy; and not introduce items from the market that companies put in from a pay-to-win perspective or from a pay-to-convenience perspective that undermines the economy that players have built. That is a huge mistake that companies have made in the past and that lends to the imbalancing of what designers maybe have actually balanced well.[27]Steven Sharif

Armes have their own progression paths.[28][29]

Ashes of Creation is all about providing many progression paths... The reason why we don't like the term endgame is because with the amount of progression that's available with the amount of diversity and player agency that impacts the world... We want the weapon system [to] add an element of that as well... You can determine special effects that proc from currently the combo system; you can determine ancillary effects that proc based on enchantment types; you can power stone weapons to add different either elemental types of damage and/or energy that play rock-paper-scissor with player defenses ... and then you can skill tree out how those effects that are granted ... you can make them better you can branch them off into a different direction.[1]Steven Sharif

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