Service building expansions

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Alpha-2 service building tech tree work-in-progress UI.[2]

Default buildings they specialize as they expand. So this isn't like a traditional skill tree, it's exclusionary, more like a tech tree. So selecting the next upgrade for it will lock out the other two paths. So as you get better with the building it will continue to narrow, which allows lots of nodes to carve out lots of niches in the world.[2]Chris Justo

Service buildings are upgraded by expansions, which are unlocked through the placement of passive service buildings.[3][4]

To upgrade your building, you choose expansions, you build passive buildings to allow you to unlock those expansion slots and just a little- basically specialize your service building down a path; and the building specialization will narrow down a specific path. So you might start as a generalized Blacksmith building and then you'll specialize towards maybe armorsmithing, and then towards specifically, like plate armor through the expansion tree.[4]John Collins
  • Building expansions unlock higher tier workstations at the cost of dedicating service building plots. Lower stage nodes can achieve higher tier service buildings by dedicating a majority of their service plots to that path. Maires decide how to specialize their node. Once they choose certain things they won't be able to choose other things.[6][7][8]
The pathway of upgrades is exclusionary. So when I choose a path down a particular building type in order to reach a tier five benefit: when I eventually reach a higher stage, or even if I'm lower stage and want to dedicate a majority of my service plots toward one particular crafting building; like I may get a very top tier workstation as a result, even if I'm still a Village node. It's like I'm the village node that makes the T5 swords because I've dedicated all of my plots to that.[6]Steven Sharif
You might have a parent node, or a Regent node, that has a vassalship over your node and you're getting benefits conferred to you through either the prerequisite of the building types that you can construct as well to make a bit more headway there.[6]Steven Sharif

List of service building tech trees

Service buildings

Le Gouvernement de Nœud décide de l'emplacement et du type de Bâtiment constructible qui sera construit dans l'un des secteurs d'un Nœud.[8][7][12]

Ce sont des bâtiments dont le maire a le pouvoir d'ordonner ou non la construction. Les Bâtiments constructibles peuvent être sélectionnés sur un emplacement de terrain qui a été gagné lors de l'avancement du nœud. S'ils choisissent de démarrer la construction de l'un de ces types de bâtiments - l'un d'entre eux pouvant être le marché - cela accordera certains bénéfices économique ainsi que des étals que les citoyens pourront utiliser.[13]Steven Sharif

Lorsque les types de bâtiments sont déterminés, la communauté devra amener des Ressources dans le Nœud (en utilisant des Caravanes) et travailler ensemble pour construire les bâtiments (via des Quêtes et autres).[8]

Le Gouvernement de Nœud décide comment spécialiser leur nœud. Lorsqu'ils choisiront certaines choses ils ne pourront plus en choisir d'autres.[8]

Différents gouvernements pourront changer les bâtiments à l'intérieur d'un nœud.[8]

Et il pourrait y avoir des changements de régimes... Si des gens n'apprécient pas le fait qu'un marché ait été construit et qu'ils souhaitent réélire un nouveau gouvernement au prochain cycle, ils peuvent le faire... et ce marché pourrait être détruit pour qu'un nouveau bâtiment prenne sa place.[8]

Des paramètres Prédéfinis limitent le nombre de Bâtiments de Nœuds dans un Nœud.[7]

List of service buildings

Alpha-2 Service buildings work-in-progress UI.[14]

All the services that come default with the node, we as a design team deemed essential: We want caravans to move around the world, so everyone should have a Caravansary. You want players to have storage, so everyone should have a Warehouse. But that doesn't mean those default buildings can't be upgraded and specialized themselves. But the empty plots are where you really get to start specializing your node.[14]Chris Justo


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