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At Village (organiser 3) the academic node's unique building is the Bibliothèque.[1]

In the past we talked about having a library that was capable of facilitating players exchanging information for map data like that, but we've moved a little bit more in a direction of just presenting that information up front to the player, because travel is such a meaningful portion of the game and we don't have fast travel. So, I think that for Alpha-2 what's planned is that we're going to be showcasing the intricate details of services offered at these node locations from just a UI presentation standpoint within the map.[2]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

Players can use the Library to access information, including (but not limited to) the following:[1]

World history

L'histoire de chaque serveur sera suivie et visible par les joueurs.[3]

Nous allons garder la trace de l'histoire du monde afin de pouvoir raconter aux gens le récit jusqu'à ce jour. Un tout nouveau joueur, qui arrive après six mois, peut jeter un œil à chaque serveur, ce que chaque serveur a réalisé, comment le serveur a abordé l'intrigue ; et ils peuvent décider par eux-mêmes quelle communauté ils veulent rejoindre, à quelle version du monde ils veulent prendre part.[3]Jeffrey Bard

Memory fragments

Server-firsts within a server's story arc will be able to be captured and collected on memory fragments that players can collect in-game so they may relive their experiences.[4]

We're going to leverage tech that captures at the moment when something server-first is done in the story arc; and those will be recorded on these memory fragments that players can collect within the game through their experiences and relive potentially.[4]Steven Sharif


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