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Rogue primary archetype combined with Cleric secondary is a Cultist class.[1]


All classes are capable adventurers, but rogues excel at delving the deepest dungeons and finding the most hidden of treasures.[2]

  • Rogues will have utility skills that enable them to discover hidden doors, traps and additional treasures.[3]
  • These will be randomly spawned throughout different times of the day to ensure that encounters are not the same each time.[3]

If you're in a party and you have a Rogue that's available, they'll be able to use that utility skill to discover these random doors that might exist in a dungeon. Now the way we make it so that it's not essentially the same door every time and it's just a first time thing and every time thereafter where that door's at, is these locations are randomly spawned throughout different times of the day so they'll change essentially as you go into a dungeon at different times. So it'll be important and relevant for parties to make sure that they have a diversity of archetypes available to them. And in particular for the rogues case because they can find those hidden type doors and then have access to different types of loot tables based off of that.[3]Steven Sharif

Skill Icon Description
Stealth This does not render a player completely invisible.[4] Instead, there will be indicators that can help players "feel out" where stealthed individuals may be.[5]

Cleric augments

Les Classes avec clerc en tant que second archétype pourrons choisir des améliorations pour leur compétences en lien avec la vie ou la mort.[6][7]

  • Choisir des améliorations de vie procurera des bénéfices d'auto-soin tout autant que des dons de vie limités aux autres joueurs.[8][6]
  • Certaines améliorations de clerc appliqués à certaines capacités procureront indirectement la capacité de soigner les autres. Ceux-ci ne remplaceront pas le besoin d'un archétype de clerc.[9]
  • Les améliorations de clerc changeront radicalement les types d'invocations disponible pour l'archétype primaire de l'invocateur.[10]
    • Les squelettes, les zombies, et les autres invocations mortes-vivantes seront disponibles avec des améliorations basées sur la mort.[10][11]

N'importe quelle classe qui choisira le clerc comme seconde classe obtiendra la capacité de choisir parmi ces améliorations pour influencer sur leurs capacités à affecter la vie des autres joueurs autour de vous.[6]Steven Sharif

Voir également

Les références