Origin story

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L'histoire de la Création nous parle d'une race d'êtres nommés Les Anciens, créés à l'image de ce que furent jadis Les Dix. Les Dix accordèrent toutes leurs qualités à une race devant avoir l'intendance de toute la Création. La puissance des Anciens grandit et un désaccord apparut au sein des Dix pour contenir leur nouvelle création. Trois parmi les Dix se séparèrent des autres et commencèrent à enseigner aux Anciens les Secrets de l'Essence. Lorsque les Sept apprirent cela, une formidable bataille céleste s'ensuivit. Des éternités passent et vous observez tandis que le combat continue dans le royaume céleste. Certains disent que c'est la bataille qui créa les étoiles et les cieux que nous voyons à présent. À chaque coup entre les Dix naquit une nouvelle étoile. Quand la bataille s'acheva, les autres et les Anciens furent bannis par les Sept dans le Néant. Les Sept trouvèrent l'erreur de leur approche et décidèrent de répartir leurs qualités dans quatre races au lieu d'une seule ; et c'est ainsi que les Humains, Elfes, Orcs et Nains vinrent à être. Vous observez tandis que les Sept créent Verra et placent chacune des races à leur emplacement respectif. Lorsque l'histoire prend fin, une sombre silhouette grandit au loin et se rapproche de vous. Jusqu'à ce que tout ce que vous voyez soit l'obscurité. Et vous vous réveillez en sueur après un cauchemar.[1]Steven Sharif

The Essence

The Essence is a metaphysical energy or life-force (Chi) that can be manipulated to create what could be viewed as magic. There are different planes of existence (realms) with varying degrees of strength (of magic), determined by their proximity to the Essence. The planes of existence in Ashes of Creation are connected across bridges created by the Essence, referred to as Rivers of Essence.[2][3][4]

The higher up you go in these planes, the closer to the source of the Essence you really are. And that's where you can see stronger manifestations of the magical aspects of the Essence.[2]Steven Sharif
The essence is a stream that exists across all planes of existence, but it exists at different levels of strength essentially at different levels that can be utilized; and the void is the furthest... There is a very minute amount of essence that can be found within the void. However the planes of existence that are in Ashes of Creation- they are connected across bridges created by the essence. So these ley-lines in a sense that exist within the different planes provide conduits of access and on Verra, which was a planet that was made after the ancient- the celestial battle.[4]Steven Sharif

Souls (also referred to as Mortal coils) are the conduits for The Essence to travel between the different planes of existence. This idea is an integral component of the broader features in the storyline.[2][3]

When you think about souls being a conduit, what are conduits used for? Conduits are passages: they're methods by which Essence can travel between realms, between planes. And there hasn't been any definitive understanding of just how many planes exist. We understand that there is a disparity between the planes when it comes to their connection to the Essence, and because Essence is so powerful; and it flows through these planes almost like a river. You can think that conduits help to maintain that flow and/or even exaggerate the flow; and there might be something at play, that I don't wanna touch necessarily, as to why one would want to create these types of conduits, these souls, this creation on the material plane: Something of significance.[3]Steven Sharif
  • The Essence is so powerful it flows through the planes almost like a river. Soul conduits help to maintain or even exaggerate this flow.[2][3]
Souls acting as conduits is a very integral component of some broader features in the storyline. If you think about souls being a conduit for Essence and you think of the gods as masters of the Essence: If you think of the Essence being separate from the Gods- let's say they're parallel to each other- one didn't create the other, but they coexist in this almost symbiotic form with one another: almost to the point where their manipulation of the Essence is perfection: They can perfectly manipulate it and lesser beings- and I say 'lesser' in a sense of their alignment or closeness to Essence. They're still perfecting that manipulation and some never achieve perfection almost to the degree of ascendency or enlightenment- Essence being that sort of Chi that exists. In that regard, when a perfect being such as the gods- and I'm not saying 'perfect' as the correlation between sin and not sin, I'm thinking perfect in the sense of how you can control and manipulate the Essence: That control is perfection for them.[3]Steven Sharif
  • The gods are masters of the Essence, but they are separate from it. One didn't create the other, but they exist together in a symbiotic form where the gods have achieved an almost perfect manipulation of the Essence and of "lesser beings" who exist further from the Essence.[2][3]
One of the great differentiators between mortal divine races and the gods is that aspect of mortality. And one of the ways that the divine races were created in order to interact with the Essence was through the use of a mortal coil; and that mortal coil was malleable. Your soul was malleable. It could change to adopt a greater connection with the Essence around one particular school of magic perhaps, or one type of magic that you might use Essence for. And the more you experienced that, the more adept you became with utilizing that magic. And that's because your coil would start to mold itself to best facilitate that flow of essence: whatever school of magic you were manipulating with it.[2]Steven Sharif
  • King Atrax was the first ruler of Verra to discover the purpose of The Essence, allowing the manipulation of matter and exploitation of magic for any means.[5]
When you have the story of the original Ancients, the predecessor race to the divine races, their coil began to warp and change to best facilitate Essence through the use of corruption and corrupt magic, because it was in their history that they learned the most powerful use- or at least what they believed was the most powerful use of Essence was, through corrupt magic. And that's what allured them towards it. So to give you better context about why that conduit is so important is as your base character, as your core archetype continually learns and manifests things in the world of Verra through the use of the Essence. It will continue to shape and change its conduit towards that purpose.[2]Steven Sharif
  • The Tulnar have souls and these souls act as conduits for the Essence.[6]
Now, how does the soul act as a conduit to the other races, to the other realms? Remember, that Essence is like a river that flows through the planes; and when it touches mortal coils that use it in a certain way, it has reverberations throughout the river that is felt across the planes. And that's how important the divine races are when it comes to the war over their soul, so to speak, is what impact it has across the universe.[2]Steven Sharif
  • Shape-shifting (changeling) is done so through the Essence by focusing on that specific type of magic.[8]

Pantheon of gods

"Planetarium" concept art par Ryan Richmond.[10]

Les dix déités dans Ashes of Creation forment un panthéon de dieux.[11] Il y a eu une lutte céleste entre les dieux, qui les a fracturés entre le bien et le mal.[12]

Le commencement de la création de l'univers présent dans Ashes of Creation est le résultat d'un groupe d'êtres divins. Ils étaient dix et il y a eu une lutte céleste qui a conduit à une fracture parmi ces dieux. Et il existe au sein de cette histoire deux composantes de bien et de mal.[12]Steven Sharif

Tôt dans la création de l'Univers, le panthéon des dieux a été divisé. Certains dieux influencent le côté corrompu des êtres qui existent dans l'Univers. Il est possible à travers des quêtes et une décision du joueur de rejoindre ou vénérer ces dieux.[13]

  • Les Anciens et les Autres sont les dieux maléfiques qui sont les principaux antagonistes dans l'histoire et qui ont souillé et perverti toute la création.[14]
  • Il est possible pour certains arcs narratifs de se rattacher à un parcours plus sombre/maléfique, si un personnage en fait le choix.[12]

Les dieux dans Ashes of Creation représentent différents aspects de l'Univers, ainsi que des sentiments.[15]

Chaque dieu... possède un domaine spécifique qui le relie au monde et à sa création.[12]Steven Sharif

Nous avons une histoire riche concernant le panthéon des dieux, mais c'est une chose dont je veux être sûr que les joueurs découvrent dans le jeu, pas par des explications.[15]Steven Sharif

The Ancients

A Lieutenant of The Ancients Rendu 3D.[21]

This is one of the lieutenants that exists of the Ancients; and you can see they have an almost alien look to them and that is because they have deviated over such a long period of time from their original creation, which looked something very very different: more akin to the Elven and Human races that we have now. But over time through their manipulation of the Essence and the corruption that has ensued within their race, they have taken the form that you can see.[22]Steven Sharif

Suffering Wanderer Rendu 3D.[23][24]

You're going to see really a dark, more insidious creature that's present as the primary antagonist within the storyline of Ashes of Creation. You know they don't have the typical physical attributes you come to expect from a bipedal species like eyes and a mouth, but more something alien- that exists something that is just not natural in its appearance.[25]Steven Sharif

The Ancients (the original creations of the Ten gods) and The Others (the banished gods) are the primary antagonists in the lore who defiled and perverted all of creation.[21][4][14]

  • The Ancients learned from The Others how to use The Essence to achieve immortality. This was a pure form of immortality, more akin to the godhood that exists among the Pantheon. This immortality prohibited them from encompassing undeath in the manner of King Atrax.[26]

If the Verran races were combined they’d be the ancients.[29]Steven Sharif

  • The Ancients arrived at Verra through the Harbingers, which are comet-like celestial bodies powered by a very strong source of magic that essentially acts as a bridge between The Void and the Material plane where Verra exists.[21][4]

You're going to see lieutenants, captains, generals, and raid bosses and they're all going to take different forms because their whole perversion of Essence through the corruption is to take creation on the material realm, that the Pantheon of good Gods did, and twist and bend it to the corruption that exists within the Essence, because they view that as a more powerful form, a more raw and arcane form of what magic is meant to be used for. There's no point in these false constructs of morality when utilizing and harnessing the power that comes from the Essence. That is a social construct that was created by inferior gods, according to the Others; and it limits the ability of their creation to really capitalize on what the Essence is to be used for in its pure, innate nature.[8]Steven Sharif

  • The Ancients' race exists in a caste-oriented system because the Essence has a profound effect biologically, physically, and visually on the appearance of the creatures that are manipulating it and are corrupted by it.[30][8]
    • Grunts are the peons or soldiers on the front lines who are specifically geared toward combat, or magic utilization, or specific environments or climates.[30][8]
    • Lieutenants have wing structures and more asymmetrical appearances.[30][8]
    • Captains and generals are also ranks in the caste system.[8]
    • Large raid bosses and/or world bosses are monolithic in their appearance and unlike what standard creatures look like. These are huge, imposing creatures.[30][8]

The gods... wanted to represent their qualities, their characteristics, their attributes within creation with the creation of something, so they started with a race that are now known as The Ancients; and they imbued them with all of their qualities. Essentially now that that turned out to be a mistake because with those types of qualities all in one species there was a a pride that happened- a desire to become more; and that led a little bit of conflict between the Ancients; and actually there was a partition created between some of the gods within the pantheon that embraced the idea of introducing the Ancients as part of essentially their plane of existence and teaching them the ways of the Essence, in all of its facets: not just what can be used for good, but also what could be used for evil as well. And three of the gods split off and went against the quorum that was established about not interfering with the Ancients after they started this down this road of learning more of the essence and how to manipulate it; and these three gods are known as The Others. So the others really embraced teaching the Ancients knowledge of the essence that they had learned through their eternal existence; and this caused a celestial battle to occur; and the pantheon of the Seven were able to defeat the others; and they banished the Ancients and the Others from the material plane and from the plane of the gods to the void which is the furthest from being connected to the essence.[4]Steven Sharif


Il y a six religions principales ainsi qu'une religion de l'Underrealm.[32][33]

  • La religion est envisagée comme étant une source de motivation et non d'esthétique.[34]
  • Choisir une religion permet au joueur de suivre un chemin lumineux ou sombre.[12]

Nous parlons ici d'un panthéon, pas nécessairement de religions distinctes. Il y a toutes sortes de ramifications sur qui est le meilleur dieu, ou quel est le dieu qui vous correspond le mieux.[12]Jeffrey Bard

Orders of the Seven

Les Ordres des Sept sont des organisations religieuses correspondant aux sept grands temples de Verra.[19]

  1. L'Ordre de l'espoir est un ordre des Humains Aelan basé dans la capitale d'Aela. Sa divinité tutélaire est Resna.[19]
  2. L'Ordre du destin est un ordre des Orcs Kaivek dont le siège se trouve dans la capitale de Ren. Sa divinité tutélaire est Norlan.[18]
  3. L'Ordre de la vérité est un ordre des Elfes Pyrian dont le siège se trouve dans la capitale d'Amera. Sa divinité tutélaire est Shol.[20]

Au sein des temples des sept, il existe différents niveaux d'organisations qui ne font appel qu'aux services des disciples les plus dévots. Selon les aptitudes du disciple, les services peuvent signifier de nombreuses choses. Pour ceux parmi les disciples qui détiennent un ensemble d'aptitudes particulier, il y a les ordres des sept. Chaque ordre obéit à une hiérarchie différente au sein des multiples temples des sept que l'on trouve sur l'ensemble de Verra.[19]Steven Sharif


Eight of the nine races in Ashes of Creation.[35]

Ashes of Creation offre 9 races jouables.[36]

Parent race Races
Aela Humans Kaelar.[36] Vaelune.[36]
Dünzenkell Dwarves Dünir.[36] Niküa.[36]
Kaivek Orcs Ren'Kai.[36] Vek.[36]
Pyrian Elves Empyrean.[36] Py'Rai.[36]

Verra est un monde aux cultures riches et diverses. Une grande partie de son histoire importante a été dominée par les races principales. Les Humains de la côte et des plaines, les Orcs dans les collines et les marais, les Elfes de la forêt et des rivières, et les estimés Nains des montagnes. Les grandes races ont dominé à travers d'innombrables guerres et escarmouches entre les races mineures de Verra. Des décennies peuvent s'écouler entre ces flambées de violence. Il existe de nombreuses races mineures sur Verra. Certaines races mineures existent dans des villages ou des tribus de fortune, si vous voulez. Certains des principaux villages parmi les races mineures sont composés principalement de géants, de sectes moins réputées d'Humains, de Gnomes et d’Halfelins. Les Halfelins ne sont pas des Halfelins au sens traditionnel mais en fait des sang-mêlés de races différentes..[38]Steven Sharif

Errant dans les endroits les plus sombres du monde se trouvent de véritables abominations sinistres de la création. Les grandes églises de civilisation envoient souvent des héros de l'État pour éliminer ces menaces contre les mortels. Il existe actuellement quatre grandes nations sur Verra. C'est 25 ans à peu près avant la chute: l'Empire Aelan, le Royaume Pyrian, le Protectorat Kaivek et la nation de Dünzenkell. Il n'y a pas toujours eu seulement quatre grandes nations. Il y a longtemps, les races étaient davantage divisées en plusieurs nations et cités-états.[39]Steven Sharif

Au cours des 7 000 ans d'histoire attestée, des guerres après guerres ont été menées. Certaines pour la terre, d'autres pour les ressources, beaucoup pour les croyances. Les maisons royales se sont levées et sont tombées au fil des ans. Certaines sont désormais dépourvues de seigneurie. De nombreuses cités-États existent à Verra. Certaines semblables à des bastions autogérés de la démocratie et des républiques. D'autres sont des États vassaux à l'ordre de leurs bienfaiteurs.[40]Steven Sharif

Aela humans

Les Humains Aelans sont divisés en deux races : les Kaelar et les Vaelune.[42]

L'Empire Aelan est le plus récent successeur de l'ancienne grande maison de Lyneth. Pendant plus de mille ans, la maison de Lyneth régna sur l'Aela. Un âge d'or perdura pendant la plus grande partie de son règne. C'est seulement à l'aube du [dernier siècle avant la chute], lors de la Grande Guerre des Immortels, que la maison chuta. Sans aucun héritier approprié pour le trône de Lyneth, le pays tomba dans le chaos. Ce qui a émergé est la fragile république que nous voyons aujourd'hui. Elle a administrée par l'Empereur élu par le Conseil des Cinq : les cinq qui gouvernent les plus grandes villes de l'Empire. L'Empire Aelan est de loin le plus vaste pays de Verra, avec une population de plus de huit millions d'âmes. Les Aelans représentent également la plus grande population de Verra. Ses frontières bordent toutes les autres nations; et avec leurs intérêts d'expansion sur les mers de Verra, ils peuvent déployer leurs armées largement redoutées sur n'importe quel rivage. L'Empire utilise cette peur pour intimider de nombreuses cités-États et les plier à sa volonté. Ceux qui nient la volonté de l'Empire se retrouvent souvent au bout d'un glaive.[43]Steven Sharif

Doren Greyshore

Doren Greyshore was a famous Aelan explorer who founded The Greyshore Company.[44]

Hundreds of years before the first Harbinger appeared in the Verran sky, under the rule of King Fentis Lyneth VIII, there lived a great Aelan explorer named Doren Greyshore. Doren sailed the first ships to the shores of Erinthia, where he established one of the wealthiest guilds the 10 seas had ever seen: The Greyshore Company. Their motto - to this day - still holds true: "The sails of diplomacy are driven by the winds of trade, within the seas of opportunity."[44]

Dünzenkell dwarves

Les Nains Dünzenkell sont divisés en deux races: Dünir et Niküa.[45]

Au plus profond des montagnes de Verra, la légende parle d'une forge créée par les dieux, de laquelle tous les nains sont originaires. Imaginée comme étant la première des quatre races majeurs créées, on raconte que les nains sont arrivés sur le continent à bord de bateaux fait de pierres et d'acier. Les forgerons et artisans nains se trouvent aux quatre coins de Verra. Le centre de la race Naine est la nation de Dünzenkell, se trouvant profondément dans les montagnes du nord. La société naine a tendance à être principalement matriarcale et les clans sont sous le contrôle des plus anciennes matriarches. Les Nains sont liés les uns aux autres par des alliances forgées entre les guildes familiales. L'enfant Nain est marqué très jeune avec le sceau de sa guilde. Certains nains bannis de Dünzenkell ou ayant choisis de prendre la route seuls auront généralement leur sceau effacé par le feu.[46]Steven Sharif

La nation de Dünzenkell, enfui profondément dans les montagnes de Verra est la plus ancienne nation du monde. Les Dünzenkell sont connus par bien des noms au fil des ages, mais seulement un nom fut accordé à la plus haute montagne dans laquelle leur capitale se tient depuis les balbutiement de l'histoire: Dün. Les Nains de Dünzenkell règnent au travers d'un conseil de guildes. Une famille royale est choisie une fois tous les 200 ans par ce conseil pour régner. Actuellement le droit de régner incombe au roi Grimlay. Cela fait presque 400 ans depuis que le roi a mené les Dünzenkell. traditionnellement ce rôle incombe à la matriarche de la famille. Des expéditions sont régulièrement envoyée dans l'Underrealm depuis Dün; et nombreux sont ceux qui pense que c'est là que se trouve la source des secrets entourant les Nains et leur réussite dans la maitrise de l'artisanat. Une magie innommable existe dans les profondeurs de Verra. Sa source inconnue de beaucoup. Dünzenkell a pourtant longtemps bénéficié de cette source. Elle a nourrie les expansions des royaumes nains partout dans les montagnes du Nord.[47]Steven Sharif


Dünheim is an open-world dungeon in the Alpha-0 zone that was once a Dünir dwarven city.[52]

Dünheim history

During the great calamity that befell Verra, the inhabitants of Dünheim elected to remain in their mountain keep. This didn't work out well for them. In the wake of the destruction many artifacts and treasures were left behind.[52]

Dillia's diary

Dillia's diary.[51]

I was a child when they first appeared in the night’s sky. At first there were three distinct lights. Not quite the brightest in the sky, but they were bright enough. My mother told me that they were a sign from the Gods, that the world was about to change. She had a sense for these types of things. A long line of women in my mother’s family were Oracles. Written on one of the many tablets in the Great Halls of King Grimlaey, is the story of my Great-Grandmother, the Royal Court’s Regent Oracle, and how she foretold the rise of the Undying during the Great War.

As the days grew to months, and months into years, the lights in the night’s sky grew in number. The priests in the temples began to refer to the lights as Harbingers. Upon my graduation from the Master Stonecutters University, the lights numbered 16. Each passing month, the lights grew in brightness and size.

It didn’t take long for things to change in Dünheim. Families that I had grown up with, began to move away from the city in the heart of the Mountain. Travelers became less common, and temple services were filled every day with new converts seeking answers about the Harbingers and what they meant. My mother wanted to leave the city as well, but my father wouldn’t hear it. His auction house is what kept food on the table, and my brothers were both in the Council Guard. There was no way my father was going to be seen leaving the mountain. Honor and respect meant more than life itself, and my father had great pride in my brothers. Despite my mother’s persistence to leave the city, we stayed.

Life went on, as normal as it could. Day by day, the Harbingers loomed overhead, eventually visible in the day’s sky. A constant reminder of the future that would befall Verra. The greatest scribes of our time could not find any references to this phenomena in our ancient manuscripts. The High Priests and Oracles of all the major temples across the Dünzenkell kingdom were summoned to the great Capital City, Dünthol.

Days before the Great Council meeting was set to begin, King Brühnir was stricken with a mysterious illness. My mother, who was a part of the delegation from Dünheim, wrote to me describing the King’s haggard appearance. King Brühnir stood to deliver his address to the delegates and collapsed at the start of the blessing ceremony. What was meant to be a meeting of the Great Council, became a coronation ceremony. At the pronouncement of his death, King Brühnir’s eldest daughter Vilga became the Queen of the Dünzenkell Kingdom, and protector of the Dwarven people.

My mother returned a different woman from Dünthol, with a sort of terror in her eyes. My father and her stayed in their room the entire night. The next morning was the first time I saw my father paralyzed with fear, as if he had seen a ghost. We began to pack immediately, planning to head to my uncle’s mine inside the Aelan Empire. My brothers were told that our Uncle Godin had died from a cave-in, and we were to attend his funeral. It was the only time my parents had told my brothers and I a lie. We spent the next day preparing for the 3-day journey. Once packed, we began to follow the road out of the mountain.

The road into Dünheim was a long tunnel that begins at the Great Gates of the mountain. Several miles in length, it was the only entrance into the mountain. Normally, this passage was filled with traders and travelers from across Verra. But in the recent years, the world had changed, and with it so had the lifeline into Dünheim.

We were just an hour or so from the Grand Gates of the mountain when it happened. A loud boom reverberated across the ground, and along the walls. It sounded as if the mountain itself had been split apart. Followed several seconds later by a shaking that nearly caused the rams carrying our supplies to fall to the ground. I could see my father’s mouth moving as he screamed at me. But I couldn’t hear anything other than the loud ringing that filled my head. It was at this moment I felt something wet falling down my neck. I lifted my hand to feel what it was… I guess the shock of the whole thing, prevented me from understanding what had just happened. My fingers were covered in blood. The shaking stopped almost as soon as it began, behind the sight of my father calling to me I saw my brothers struggling to lift the cart which had collapsed. It was then that I noticed a hand from beneath the collapsed axel of the wooden cart. I immediately ran to the cart and began to push with all my might.

The frame of the wooden vehicle collapsed into itself, revealing my mother’s mangled body. She laid lifeless amidst the debris, as my brothers and I stood in shock. Our father frantically searched through my mother’s bags, while we watched for the slightest hint of movement.

“Where is it?” my father asked, as he tore through books and clothing in the various bags that were thrown to the road when the cart collapsed.

“Where’s what?” I said to him, despite his complete attention devoted to his searching.

My mind began to fill with memories of my mother. I saw both my brothers were already overcome with emotion, and just as despair began to take its grasp I heard my father shout out. “Got it!”

He rushed to my mother and standing over her recited a phrase I did not understand. A blinding flash of white light erupted from my father’s hand. A curled and tangled wand fell from his hands. I then watched as my mother began coughing, tightly in my father’s arms. My brothers and I rushed to them both.

“We need to get out of the mountain, Bron” She said to my father as he held her.

“Helgun, Thargud, quickly! Help me grab the food and supplies.” He told my brothers. Looking at me he asked “Dillia, watch your mother while I help your brothers.”

As I sat with my mother, watching my father and brothers tie what supplies they could recover to the ram’s saddle, she turned to me.

“Dillia, there is something you must know.” She said.

“I love you, more than life itself… my only daughter. You are the light of my life and I would do anything to keep you safe.” Her eyes began to flutter.

“But the darkness has come.”

Kaivek orcs

Les Orcs Kaivek sont divisés en deux races : les Ren'Kai et les Vek.[54]

Les Kaivek ont toujours respecté un code de loyauté tribale strict... Environ treize siècles [avant la chute], un chef nommé Ran'Kal unifia les clans dans une nation appelée le Protectorat Kaivek. Kal enseignait que tous les Orcs s'engagent envers la protection de l'ordre divin. Cet enseignement exprimait la croyance que la volonté des dieux était que les Orcs aient la supériorité sur les autres nations de Verra. Car c'était uniquement par l'union des clans que les habitants de Verra seraient conduits à l'illumination. Ce furent les enseignements de Kal qui conduisirent les Kaivek à mener des campagnes de conquêtes à travers les terres de Verra. Tandis que les Orcs étaient nomades et divisés avant Kal, ils devinrent sous son commandement une nation puissante, unie dans la conquête. Des trophées de chacune des villes conquises se trouvent dans la capitale de Ren. [Juste avant la chute], le Protectorat Kaivek a adopté une politique de coexistence pacifique avec ses voisins. Ayant enduré des siècles de conflit, des chefs se sont levés parmi eux pour faire écho à ces enseignements de paix. Ces récentes réformes ont une fois encore conduit à une rupture dans le Protectorat. De l'agitation parmi les clans a nécessité l'élimination de ceux indignes de la protection de l'ordre divin.[55]Steven Sharif

Pyrian elves

Les Elfes Pyrian sont divisés en deux races : les Empyrean et les Py'Rai.[58] Les Pyrian sont la race elfe mère d'une époque lointaine :[59] les anciens Elfes.[60]

Pour plus de 4 000 ans, la famille royale Pyrian de Eradal a perduré. Les frontières du royaume incluent la grande forêt d'Erinthia. La capitale Amera est parmi les plus anciennes et plus belles villes du monde. Ses familles royales peuvent retracer leurs lignées jusqu'à l'époque des Feux Sombres. Les universités Pyrian d'études magiques et martiales sont inégalées dans les terres de Verra. De nombreux citoyens du Royaume s'aventurent dans les terres de Verra avec le souhait de transmettre leur connaissance de l'art et de la science aux autres Verrans. Ces expéditions sont souvent financées par les maisons royales de Pyria avec l'espoir de favoriser de meilleures relations avec leurs voisins Humains. Autrefois un proche allié d'Aela et de la maison de Lyneth, le Royaume Pyrian et l'Empire Aelean ont mis fin à l'une des guerres les plus sanglantes de l'histoire Verran. Quatre-vingts ans ont passé depuis la dernière effusion de sang, et bien que les tensions se sont calmées parmi les citoyens des deux nations, il reste niveau de défiance accru entre les nouveaux dirigeants de l'Empire et la famille royale de Pyria.[20]Steven Sharif

La race elfe est plutôt secrète, éxistant au sein du royaume Pyréen. Société principalement patriarcale, les Elfes tendent à demeurer à l'intérieur des frontières naturelles de leurs forêts. C'est seulement depuis le dernier millénaire qu'on voit l'existence des colonies elfes dans le Riverlands. Les érudits elfes, dignitaires et pionniers, peuvent souvent être vus dans les nombreuses citées humaines: bien que leur présence se fasse rarement autre-part que sur des sites archéologiques, académiques ou diplomatiques. Les rumeurs abondent dans les plus sombres cercles de Verra qu'une lignée particulière d'elfes existe dans l'Underrealm de Verra.[61]Steven Sharif

Toren empire

The Toren empire, it's equitable to what the Roman empire was on Earth in the sense that this was one of the first major civilizations; and partially the reason why the area you're in currently is considered the badlands or the frontier and is riddled with ruins during this time in Verra before the actual Apocalypse.[62]Steven Sharif

The Toren empire was the greatest and first civilizations of Verra. Its capital city was Torall.[63][5]

  • The Torens were half-elves: A mixture of what was once the predecessor to the Aelan kingdom- the humans, and the Pyrian elves.[63][5]
  • King Atrax was the last and longest serving ruler of the Toren empire.[5]
The ancient capital city of Torall... was the center of one of the greatest and first civilizations of Verra. This was actually a very rare civilization known as the Toren empire. The Torens were essentially half elves. They were a mixture of what was once the predecessor to the Aelan kingdom- the humans, and the Pyrian elves.[5]Steven Sharif

King Atrax

A staff of the Ancients Rendu 3D.[64] [65]

A glorious staff of the Ancients that we revealed during November's development update![65]

The last ruling house of the Toren empire, which oversaw its downfall was the house of Atrax. King Atrax was actually its longest ruler, also its last ruler, and he was a very powerful and advanced wizard for his time. He dedicated the vast majority of his early rule to seeking out artifacts, knowledge, the focal points of essence; and he discovered its purpose as it becomes the manipulating matter behind exploiting magic for any means. He became obsessed with the pursuit of that knowledge as a very accomplished wizard and one of the ways he pursued that ever-longing learning was to try and achieve immortality; and in his pursuit of immortality he discovered that manipulating the life-force of a soul essentially is to greater increase your ability to focus the essence, because each person's soul acts as, in some way shape or form, a conduit of the essence across the plains. So that's essentially how the gods are capable of reaching into the material plane- one of the ways- is through the souls of their divine beings, which are the four great races and their descendants. In his pursuit of immortality he came across some more dark applications of the essence and in doing so- discovering these artifacts along the ley lines that are in Verra- he came into contact with forces that existed outside of the material plane in the void itself. Now these were unbeknownst to him The Ancients as well The Others and manipulating that contact.[5]Steven Sharif

King Atrax began to manipulate the essence in a way that was trying to capitalize on everlasting life, on immortality. So in doing so he came into contact with the ancients; and the Ancients took advantage of this- was their first contact with any of the divine races actually- and this is what led the Ancients to begin their pursuit of Verra: to start that process of the Harbingers eventually finding Verra and coming to the planet to pervert what the gods- the seven gods- had created through their second creation. Now the Ancients created this contact with Atrax through summoning rituals that Atrax had learned through manipulating the essence; and it was through these contact rituals that Atrax learned how to achieve immortality. But the Ancients were deceptive in actually not informing Atrax how this would deform his conduit, his soul essentially that exists with the Essence. So he underwent a process of essentially lichdom where he was the first lich and the first undead on Verra; and it was from him and his pursuit of immortality that undeath became a reality on Verra; and it was his subjects that suffered as a result of his desire to become immortal. So he began different rituals on his subjects, which allowed the undeath to propagate across the world in his population over time. So he would- before he became a lich he experimented on his citizens; and that's what really was the origin of the undead and this undead the Ancients- one of the unique things about the Ancients was in their first discovery of how they could use the Essence and what the Others taught them was they became immortal themselves. But they became immortal in a more pure form, essentially akin to the godhood that exists among the Pantheon; and that prohibited them from encompassing this undeath component. But they did not teach that to King Atrax. So that talks a little bit about the origins of the undeath on Verra and undeath in general.[26]Steven Sharif

King Atrax was the last and longest serving ruler of the ancient Toren empire, which was one of the greatest and first civilizations of Verra.[5]

  • King Atrax was a powerful and advanced wizard for his time who dedicated the majority of his rule to seeking out artifacts, knowledge, the focal points of The Essence. He discovered its purpose, manipulating matter and exploiting magic for any means.[5]
  • His goal was to achieve immortality; and in this pursuit he discovered that manipulating the life-force of a soul essentially increases one's ability to focus the Essence, as each person's soul acts as a conduit of the essence across the planes of existence.[5][26]
  • In his pursuit of immortality he came across other dark applications of the Essence and in doing so he came into contact with forces that existed outside of the material plane: in The Void itself. Unbeknownst to him these were The Ancients and The Others who began manipulating that contact through summoning rituals that Atrax had learned in his studies of the Essence.[26][5]
    • This contact prompted the Ancients to begin their pursuit of Verra, which started the process of the Harbingers eventually finding Verra and coming to the planet to pervert what The Seven gods had created (in their second creation).[26]
  • Through his summoning rituals Atrax finally learned how to achieve immortality. But the Ancients were deceptive in actually not informing him how this would deform his conduit (his soul) that exists with the Essence. Atrax eventually underwent a process of becoming first Lich and first undead on Verra.[26]
    • It was from this pursuit of immortality that undeath became a reality on Verra: Atrax had begun different rituals on his subjects, which allowed the undeath to propagate across the world, causing suffering amongst his subjects.[26]
    • The Ancients had previously learned from The Others how to use the Essence to achieve immortality themselves. Unlike Atrax, they became immortal in a pure form, more akin to the godhood that exists among the Pantheon, which prohibited them from encompassing this undeath component themselves. This pure form of immortality was not taught to King Atrax.[26]
  • After his lichdom was achieved Atrax continued to enslave his undead subjects, having them procure ancient artifacts from around the world so that he could further pursue his manipulation of the Essence and magic.[66]
  • Following The Great War of the Undying with King Atrax, the Aelan people would form the Aelan Empire.[67][43]

Fallow's Hold

Fallow's Hold is one of the great dungeons of Ashes of Creation located near the capital city of the ancient Toren empire, Torall.[66]

  • Fallow's Hold was commissioned by King Atrax and built by the master builders of the Dünzenkell dwarves with whom he was affiliated.[66]
  • Fallow's Hold was originally built as a great vault to house powerful ancient artifacts that were procured from around the world by Atrax's undead slaves so that he could further pursue his manipulation of The Essence and magic.[66]
  • Fallow's hold is a very dangerous dungeon with many constantly changing traps.[66]

The ancient civilization of the Torren empire and their capital city of Torall, which houses one of the great dungeons of Ashes of Creation; which is the Fallow's Hold. Fallow's Hold is essentially where many of the artifacts that had a close alignment to the Essence on Verra because of their proximity to these ley lines and these sites that exist throughout the world: They were all brought here to King Atrax even after his lichdom was achieved, because he continued to enslave his subjects, the undead essentially, to procure these artifacts from around the world so that he can continue even in his immortality to learn about the use of Essence and magic and manipulation of it; and he constructed a great vault here through his affiliation with the master builders essentially of the Dünzenkell dwarves to create a massive complex underground from the city of the capital of Torall. Now Fallows hold is a very dangerous dungeon and there are constantly changing traps that exist.[66]Steven Sharif

Ancient artifacts

A staff of the Ancients Rendu 3D.[64]

This is not the Staff of the Ancients per-se, it's a staff... Here in the curvature and design of this staff you'll see that it has a very specific and unique looking type of mold so-to-speak. So there could be some relationship between these designs of the staves and/or weapons that you'll see, which are used to harness or focus the use of the Essence, or magic; and how perhaps those structures relate to the types of magic that those creatures are using.[64]Steven Sharif

Les quatres Ancient artifacts de Verra furent initialement découverts par King Atrax dans sa poursuite de la puissance de The Essence. [68][5] Ces artefacts étaient étroitement liés à The Essence sur Verra du fait de leur proximité avec les lignes telluriques d'Essence réparties à travers le monde. [66] Ces artefacts étaient historiquement à l'abris dans le coffre de Fallow's Hold, l'un des grands dungeons de Ashes of Creation, situé non loin de la capital de l'ancien Toren empire, Torall.[66]

  • Le Calice Doré étaient selon les croyances censé apporter la vie éternelle mais permettait en réalité à la corruption de manipuler The Essence pour pénétrer l'âme à travers l'acte d'y boire quelque chose. [68]
  • La Couronne représentait le lien direct que The Ancients avait dans les pensées du King Atrax et qui leur permit de le manipuler. [68]
  • L'Épée apporta un pouvoir inhabituel à travers la manipulation du coter mauvais de The Essence, c'est ainsi que le King Atrax pu maintenir sa domination sur son peuple : grâce à sa puissance physique, se résumant pour l'essentiel à frapper ceux qui s'opposaient à lui et son reigne.[68]
  • Le Baton permit au King Atrax de projeter sa magie sur de longues distances, sa puissance et sa manipulation s'étendait ainsi sur toutes les terres de Verra, lui permettant de garder sous surveillance l’ensemble de son royaume.[68]

Voir également

Les références

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