The return

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Adventurers arrive on Verra through great divine gateways.[1]

For those of you who are unaware of the lore of how you get into the world of Ashes of Creation, essentially actually Verra was your ancestral home and when you play the MMORPG you're going to be stepping through what are called these Divine Gateways from a planet called Sanctus; and Sanctus was really a safe haven that was forethought by the Goddess of Fate and Creation as a sanctuary to provide the people of Verra who could survive the fall- the apocalypse- the exodus, essentially.[2]Steven Sharif

The return began with the divine gateways reigniting in Sanctus back to the four capital cities of Verra, which have laid in ruins for centuries following The Apocalypse.[3][1][4]

You are returning to a world that has essentially been destroyed and left untouched for many millennia, and as a result those old capital cities are essentially the ruins of which you're returning to; and the new cities that you are developing- the node structures that exist- these are brand new cities. They might be couched within ruins of old empires so to speak, but they will not be representative of the old capital cities.[5]Steven Sharif
Ancient evils lie in wait for hapless adventurers.[1]

The Ancients exist within the Void until there is a conduit that opens for them to enter into the material plane, so a lot of the Harbingers that still exist on Verra as dungeons essentially is where the Ancients are capable of pushing into the material plane; and they can continue to do so under the guise of the effects of corruption as it spreads; and there are events that lead to the spreading of corruption that players will have to fight back against. These events that occur, players are going to need to participate to keep the intrusion on the material plane back.[6]Steven Sharif

Vast expeditions were sent through the gateways to discover this beautiful and perilous magical realm.[1] Players arrive in Verra to explore, rebuild and repopulate their place of origin. Ancient treasures and wondrous adventures await those who dare to disturb the dark remnants of evil that inhabit this land.[1]

  • Players start in Verra a few short months after the very first expeditionaries were sent through the divine gateways when they opened from Sanctus.[7]
The Ancients have been on Verra for a long time prior to your return; and it's important to note that players who are starting in the world of Verra, they're coming in actually a few short months after the very first expeditionaries were sent through the Divine gateways when they opened from Sanctus. And the early days on Verra with the return were not super easy. They were difficult. There were struggles with the food supplies. There were a little bit of mutinies that occurred. There were certain artifacts that were found by some of these NPCs that were your predecessors in the return; and some of them decided that they would be better off on their own, or that they had a more powerful thing or creature that they could follow and be rewarded from.[7]Steven Sharif
  • Harbingers that exist on Verra as dungeons are where The Ancients are capable of pushing into the material plane. They can continue to do so under the guise of the effects of corruption as it spreads. There are events that lead to the spreading of corruption that players will have to fight back against. When these events occur, players will need to participate to keep the intrusion on the material plane back.[6]
  • From now on, the choices of these adventurers will influence how the story unfolds.[8]
I heard a lot of people asking was, from a technological standpoint where do the people returning stand in relation to what their civilization was before the fall; and I think that in some regards they haven't quite even attained what their people were able to achieve before the exodus.[9]Steven Sharif


Le nom du monde d'Ashes of Creation est Verra.[10]

Carte du monde

Updated Ashes of Creation map.[11][12]

The new world map in all its 1,200 square kilometer glory. So you're gonna see some names here- a little bit of a reveal of some of these locations in these areas- and you're also of course seeing similar biomes that are present as well. But more importantly what you are seeing is the orientation of these continents and these islands that are facilitating specific types of inter-continental trade gameplay; and they support the relevance of these caravans moving across the land mass to locations that will now incorporate these harbor areas, which aren't identified on the map here... But the important part was providing a lot of coastal naval gameplay between these zones and trade routes between land base.[12]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 work-in-progress map UI.[13]

The world of Verra features an in-game viewable world map. This map is not randomly generated, and begins covered in a fog of war.[14] Players will not be able to see the world until they have explored it or gathered information about it. The world is also full of imperfect information, which will require the player to act on it for verification.[15]

For example, you may hear a rumor in a tavern that tells you the location of a cave full of weak Kobolds, but this was not accurate as the rumor was started by well-equipped bandits in order to waylay overconfident adventurers.[15]
  • Not every server will share the same map, as player decisions will vary between servers.[21][22][17]
Even though we're an open-world that doesn't mean that from a design perspective, especially with the way our economic systems work, that we will want to create Geographic choke points.[24]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

Starting areas

Alpha-1 starting area.[27]

There is no railroaded driven theme park experience here. You will have the opportunity to create your own destiny in that regard, which means you don't have to necessarily follow the quest line nor do you have to participate in events or experiences around the starting area. Now it may be more beneficial to do that; and in that regard I guess there could be a meta around doing that, but you could branch out proceed to other areas and do different content.[28]Steven Sharif

Chaque race a sa propre zone de départ, qui intègre un portail divin.[29] L'exception à ceci sont les Tulnar, qui ont une zone de départ sans portail divin.[30]

Les joueurs pourront choisir leur passerelle divine de départ.[32] Ce choix ne sera pas limité par la race.[30]

Il y aura de petits campements de PNJs dans les zones de départ. Ils représentent les éclaireurs qui ont été envoyés en amont de l'expédition principale pour Verra. Ces campements sont conçus pour acclimater les nouveaux joueurs arrivant dans le monde.[34]

  • Bien que cela puisse présenter des avantages, il n'y a aucune obligation pour les joueurs de prendre part à n'importe quel contenu des zones de départ.[28]

Les zones de départ sont à une certaine distance les unes des autres.[30]

Un problème que beaucoup de MMOs ont, est que ces zones de départ deviennent simplement presque dépourvues de joueurs et c'est très triste parce que le meilleur élément d'un MMO est cette communauté dont vous faites l'expérience, donc un des aspects importants du système de nœuds est que ça fonctionne vraiment du point de vue de l'acquisition de nouveaux joueurs, là où ces nœuds ont tendance à se développer davantage près des zones de départ autour du monde ; et ça amène les joueurs à revenir à ces endroits s'ils sont citoyens et veulent des services dans ces villes. Ainsi, quand les nouveaux joueurs pénètrent dans le monde, ils seront en pratique probablement entourés par davantage de population, car les gens reviennent dans ces nœuds plus importants.[35]Steven Sharif

Divine gateways

Les passerelles divines sont des portails dans les zones de départ où les joueurs arrivent d'abord à Verra.[36]

Là où les joueurs débutent, ils passent par ce portail depuis un autre monde nommé Sanctus. Sanctus est un endroit sans magie et avec une technologie minime ; et les joueurs sont les premiers membres d'expéditions qui viennent à travers ce portail dans le monde de Verra.[37]Jeffrey Bard


Pre-alpha Sladeborne NPC race. This was a once-beautiful race of cloud-dwelling bird people who were struck by the great calamity long ago.[39]

Sladeborne are a corrupted NPC avian race in Ashes of Creation.[40][39]

  • The Sladeborne were first revealed as a mob in Alpha-0.[39]
  • When the Apocalypse occurred, the sentient avian races didn't think to go into the Underrealm. Their first inclination was to take to the sky. The Sladeborne race is indicative of what happened to those who chose not to take refuge in the Underrealm.[41]
  • Sladeborne tribes.

There are bastions that existed of the avian-like races in AoC on Verra before the Apocalypse and before the remaining major and minor races fled to the Underrealm, that held out for a period of time. But there's specific reason why in A0 one of the first races you experienced as monsters or NPCs was an almost humanesque avian bird race. This particular race is I think indicative to what happened to those races because they chose not to go to the Underrealm and there are specific war reasons as to the leaders of those minor races that chose not to do so, which will be revealed in future stories and questlines.[41]Steven Sharif

Player driven narrative

One of the major goals I feel like we have is to allow player decisions to have consequences and to have meaningful results from the decisions that they make, so it seems like people can really create their own stories.[42]Aimi Watanabe

The world of Verra will be the same on each server, but Nœuds will develop differently. Different servers will have different narratives. Things that happen on one server may not happen on another.[22]

We want as many people as possible to experience the main server Narrative. These will branch at different scales, but largely at the personal level. Where things change is at the Node level – different parts of the story will be unlocked based on where and when Nodes grow. Unlocking a part of the story in a certain way locks out progression of the story in a different way. You’ll see different antagonists, different NPCs, and different calls to action depending on what’s happening with the server at that time.[44]

It redefines what the players will experience in an MMORPG to come into a wilderness that is devoid of really any structure outside of what the community creates themselves; and then what can be created can be changed, if they want to experience a storyline that's been seen on another server, but you're fighting a dragon because you're near a mountain and the other server's fighting a Kraken because they're near the coast and you want to fight that Kraken because of its drop table. If you want to meta it or because you just want that under your belt: to be the server first to take out that Kraken and you have yet to develop the node there, it's incumbent upon you to manifest that in the game.[45]Steven Sharif

#REDIRECT MediaWiki:Story arc quests/fr

Les Quêtes d'histoire peuvent avoir de multiples étapes. Ces étapes de quêtes peuvent être échouées.[46]

Il y aura beaucoup de quêtes différentes qui auront des étapes dans l'histoire ; et ces étapes peuvent être éventuellement échouées. Vous pouvez franchement rater une histoire ; ce qui n'est pas terrible quand on y pense, mais en même temps ce risque rend votre investissement beaucoup plus important.[46]Steven Sharif

Arcs Narratifs

Alpha-2 early preview of the story arc UI.[48]

Story arcs are like a pre-packaged tabletop campaign. They contain all of the NPCs and quests and monsters- all the things you need to make a cool fantasy story. They're not procedurally generated... We write all the dialogue and we construct all the narrative beats and everything like that, but they will enter the world dynamically depending on the state that the world is currently in; how players have built up specific nodes, what races control various nodes. We have plans to include lots of different things on top of that, but we don't have any quest hubs or anything like that in this game, because players build up all the cities. So we had to get a system that looks at what players are doing and can inject content into the world that makes sense for what they're doing.[49]Skott B

The Blood Still Due story arc unlocking at The Tower of Carphin.[50]

When story arcs come online, they change a lot the environment. They update what monsters are in the world. They create quest NPCs... and then new Pathways can open up through the environment.[51]Skott B

Arcs Narratifs are unlocked by multiple types of player activity within each server.[52][50][49][53]

Every stage a node develops it's unlocking narratives, storylines, it's changing the spawn population of the area around it, changing what bosses exist, it's triggering events where you may have legendary dragons attack the city. It's basically writing the story of the server based on the actions and determination of the players. So, you may experience a dungeon one month earlier and have a completely different story that relates to this location the next month, because something has changed either geopolitically or from the node standpoint.[53]Steven Sharif
Even player driven mechanics will still have story components. There will be a reason why the player driven mechanic is available or required of the player; so every system that's created touches a story.[61]Steven Sharif
  • If there are too many other major arcs happening at the same time in the same zone, a story arc may need to wait its turn, even if conditions are right for it to be unlocked.[52]
  • Arcs Narratifs drive one or more storyline quests within the game.[63][64][65][46][56]
    • Story arcs can branch into different stories with multiple possible endings depending on the quest objectives that players complete during each chapter.[63][64]
    • The developers will try to ensure that story arcs in future expansions flow on from existing story arcs, regardless of the different possible outcomes.[63]
  • There will be a variety of different types of story arc content at different scales, with different cooldowns to suit different types of players in the game.[67]
We must provide enough of this content at varying scales such that it isn't worthwhile or economical to control every single story arc in the world. Some will be smaller in scale and production value, and thus, will move faster and have shorter cooldowns before they're reintroduced.[67]Skott B
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

Certain story arcs can be unlocked through the bulletin board system. Certain requirements would need to be met in order to access story arc quests.[71]

Quêtes raciales

Les Quêtes peuvent être basées sur la race d'un personnage.[72]

Différentes quêtes peuvent être en relation avec la culture qui aura contribué le plus dans un Nœud. Cela ne verrouillera pas le contenu, mais au contraire ajoutera de la saveur aux quêtes.[72]

Il pourrait même exister différents répertoires de quêtes qui existent pour des races spécifiques, et même si vous partagez une quête pour tuer un boss, si vous êtes humain et que je suis un elfe, j'aurais un arc narratif différent qui me dirigera potentiellement dans une direction différente de la vôtre, même si on a pris exactement la même quête ; et cela peut être en rapport avec la culture qui aura contribué le plus dans un nœud déverrouillant différents arcs pour les cultures qui partagent la culture principale d'un nœud - Cela ne verrouillera pas le contenu, mais au contraire ajoutera de la saveur dans une direction différente pour ne pas donner la sensation que tout est préfabriqué.[72]Steven Sharif

La race est importante car les histoires ont des chemins qui sont également influencés par la culture qui aura contribué le plus dans un nœud... Si vous êtes un Niküa et que vous vous trouvez dans un nœud Niküa qui est principalement composés de Niküa, vous obtiendrez certains services et/ou compétences en tant que membre de la race Niküa auxquels les autres races n'auront pas forcément accès... Ils auront peut-être des suites de quêtes alternatives, mais ils n'auront pas les quêtes spécifiques. Pour ce qui est des quêtes spécifiques aux Niküa elles seront en rapport à la méta-narration qui sera présente dans le monde et elles commenceront à diriger une partie de cette méta-narration ; et ça sera bénéfique pour votre race car ça débloquera certains contenus pour votre race que d'autres races n'ont pas encore débloqués. Donc il y a une forme de motivation présente pour progresser de cette manière pour atténuer le progrès d'une race dominante.[73]Steven Sharif

Les Quêtes qui sont spécifiques aux Races, Titres, ou aux Guildes composeront sans doute moins de 10% du total de quêtes. 90% des quêtes devront être partageables par tout le monde.[74]

World history

L'histoire de chaque serveur sera suivie et visible par les joueurs.[75]

Nous allons garder la trace de l'histoire du monde afin de pouvoir raconter aux gens le récit jusqu'à ce jour. Un tout nouveau joueur, qui arrive après six mois, peut jeter un œil à chaque serveur, ce que chaque serveur a réalisé, comment le serveur a abordé l'intrigue ; et ils peuvent décider par eux-mêmes quelle communauté ils veulent rejoindre, à quelle version du monde ils veulent prendre part.[75]Jeffrey Bard


Languages in Ashes of Creation may refer to:

Jeu de rôle

Backpack sockets (slots).[79]

A big component of the MMORPG that - half of that acronym is RPG role-playing game. And in order to role-play you need to be able to represent what your character is doing in that world and part of what animation is doing is creating these sockets on the let's say the belt or the back that can plug in certain types of props or items that are created by the character team, like Carson, might be a scroll tube, it might be a potion, it might be whatever: Those players will have the ability as we've discussed in the past will have the ability to select what they want to be represented in those sockets and then animation will make sure that jibe well in movement.[79]Steven Sharif

Il y a plusieurs systèmes qui permettent de conter des histoires dans Ashes of Creation.[80]

Un MMO vit et respire grâce à sa communauté et nous ne voulons laisser de côté aucun de ces types. Tous sont importants : les amateurs de jeu de rôle sont importants, les gens qui veulent simplement passer du temps dans l'Auberge et parler sont importants, chacun apporte quelque chose au jeu et donc nous voulons nous assurer que nous prenons soin de tous... Vous pouvez tenir un commerce basé sur le jeu de rôle.[82]Jeffrey Bard

Respawn lore

Il y a un arc narratif qui porte sur comment et pourquoi les personnages ressuscitent ainsi que les lieux dans lesquels ils ressuscitent. Ceci sera révélé tandis que les joueurs explorent le jeu.[84]

Voir également

Les références

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Unreal Engine Interview, 23 May 2017.
  2. Direct, 2020-11-08 (0:00:00).
  3. 3.0 3.1 Entrevue, 2020-07-20 (13:33).
  4. Ashes of Creation - A world with consequences.
  5. Direct, 2022-03-31 (1:18:49).
  6. 6.0 6.1 Direct, 2020-11-08 (12:47).
  7. 7.0 7.1 Direct, 2022-12-02 (1:16:19).
  8. A reactive world - Nodes.
  9. Direct, 2017-10-16 (17:09).
  10. Vidéo, 2017-09-04 (1:16).
  11. Blog - Development Update with New Map and Feature Discussions.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Direct, 2022-08-26 (46:52).
  13. Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (4:39).
  14. Entrevue, 2017-05-22 (22:54).
  15. 15.0 15.1 The mighty beard!
  16. Direct, 2023-09-29 (1:14:29).
  17. 17.0 17.1 MMOGames interview, January 2017
  18. Direct, 2023-09-29 (1:11:22).
  19. Direct, 2022-05-27 (2:33).
  20. Blog: Know Your Nodes - Scientific Node Type
  21. roshen servers.png
  22. 22.0 22.1 Direct, 2017-05-19 (37:03).
  23. Direct, 2022-08-26 (53:26).
  24. 24.0 24.1 Direct, 2020-06-26 (1:25:11).
  25. Direct, 2020-10-30 (1:19:13).
  26. Direct, 2017-05-15 (30:53).
  27. Direct, 2020-03-28 (32:30).
  28. 28.0 28.1 Direct, 2020-07-25 (1:03:03).
  29. Direct, 2017-05-19 (29:25).
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Direct, 2017-10-16 (53:58).
  31. underrealm-gateway.png
  32. starting gateway.png
  33. tulnar-gateway.png
  34. Direct, 2017-07-28 (25:20).
  35. Vidéo, 2018-04-05 (40:08).
  36. Direct, 2017-05-19 (29:25).
  37. Entrevue, 2018-04-20 (5:46).
  38. 38.0 38.1 Direct, 2021-02-26 (1:06:20).
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Direct, 2017-09-03 (15:40).
  40. 40.0 40.1 Direct, 2021-03-26 (47:14).
  41. 41.0 41.1 Podcast, 2020-11-15 (1:03:17).
  42. Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (28:11).
  43. Direct, 2019-12-17 (1:10:30).
  44. Interview: Ashes of Creation on Building Their Virtual World, 2017-04-13.
  45. Direct, 2017-05-22 (28:02).
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Entrevue, 2018-10-20 (2:36:25).
  47. Direct, 2020-07-25 (1:50:20).
  48. Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (14:14).
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (3:32).
  50. 50.0 50.1 Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (1:22).
  51. Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (6:30).
  52. 52.0 52.1 skotty-story-arc-2.png
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Vidéo, 2018-04-05 (35:01).
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 Direct, 2022-04-29 (1:05:37).
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 Direct, 2022-03-31 (1:15:29).
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 Direct, 2018-01-18 (39:08).
  57. Direct, 2023-04-07 (55:22).
  58. Direct, 2023-03-31 (1:00:16).
  59. Direct, 2022-10-28 (32:52).
  60. Direct, 2017-06-01 (37:39).
  61. 61.0 61.1 Direct, 2019-05-30 (1:18:16).
  62. Direct, 2017-05-26 (15:37).
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 Direct, 2023-04-07 (58:39).
  64. 64.0 64.1 Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (14:20).
  65. Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (12:47).
  66. Vidéo, 2023-09-29 (2:59).
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 skotty-story-arc-1.png
  68. Entrevue, 2023-07-09 (47:05).
  69. Direct, 2023-03-31 (59:10).
  70. Vidéo, 2023-03-31 (16:42).
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 Direct, 2017-10-31 (29:50).
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 Podcast, 2018-04-23 (29:56).
  73. Entrevue, 2018-05-11 (1:00:19).
  74. Direct, 2019-07-26 (1:13:23).
  75. 75.0 75.1 Entrevue, 2018-04-20 (9:20).
  76. 76.0 76.1 Direct, 2022-03-31 (4:57).
  77. steven-lore-languages.png
  78. What languages will Ashes of Creation be in?
  79. 79.0 79.1 Direct, 2019-05-30 (1:09:13).
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 80.5 Direct, 2017-05-17 (44:42).
  81. Direct, 2017-07-28 (37:25).
  82. 82.0 82.1 Vidéo, 2018-04-05 (44:06).
  83. Ashes of Creation Store: Death's Bastion.
  84. Podcast, 2018-05-11 (51:39).