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Alpha-1 early example of the first tier of animal husbandry stables on a freehold plot.[1]

Players will be able to place the animals they are trying to focus on from a Husbandry perspective within the stable area and then over the course of time are going to be able to yield some type of results out of those parings.[1]Steven Sharif

Stables in Ashes of Creation refer to:

  • A system that stores active mounts in slots that can be used local to the stable.[3]
The active mounts are determined based on you having that active mount as part of a slot within the stable that you're within the area of. And what that means is that mounts are relevant in battle; and if you lose your mount in battle it is a detriment. There are ways for you to bring that mount back. There are active potions that you can have available to you to do fast resurrections to reduce that cooldown potentially; and you can also interface with the stable itself if you want to swap that mount out with a different mount.[3]Steven Sharif
Q: Will you be able to keep your mounts that you've unlocked on your freeholds plot to move freely about as they please like in a stable or in a little fenced area?
A: There are a number of different types of ways that creatures can be acquired: some of them in a mount format; and can be utilized in animal husbandry/livestock placements on the freehold. But from a cosmetic perspective, we don't quite have a system in place for that yet. I'm not going to rule that out for the future of post-launch, but right now it's delegated specifically to hunting, taming, livestock, and animal husbandry.[4]Steven Sharif

Animal husbandry

Capture d'écran d'une variante d'un Brise-aube acquérable grâce au métier d'éleveur. Model par Jessica Jennings.[6]

Les variations introduites ici avec comme modèle, celle du Brise-aube, sont des exemples des changements, des plus subtiles aux plus extrêmes, des changements que peuvent découvrirent les éleveurs. Les plus subtiles tel que la variation des ailes, ceux avec une variation de la fourrure, des variations de couleurs, ou bien même le changement de la couleur des yeux. Toutes ces choses, toutes ces possibilités font parties intégrantes du système du métier d'éleveur et c'est vraiment sympa de voir tout ce que les joueurs pourront expérimenter.[7]

Monture Flailrunner rare [8] qui ne peut être obtenue que via la reproduction de deux créatures apprivoisables à travers le métier d'éleveur.[9]

L'élevage est fait de manière à être un métier plutôt complet et diversifié: Un métier de plus très important car il est bien connu que les joueurs de MMO adorent leurs montures et c'est pourquoi nous voulions en faire quelque chose d'unique.[10]Steven Sharif

L'élevage est une des professions de la branche Traitement des classes artisanes.[11][12]

De nombreux animaux qui peuvent être apprivoisés et élevés grâce au métier d'éleveur peuvent être trouvés dans des troupeaux à travers les terres de Verra. Ces troupeaux représentent une ressource récoltable, en quelque sorte, que les maîtres de la profession d'éleveur peuvent ensuite utiliser pour découvrir des variantes d'espèces moins connues avec des pouvoirs et des capacités jamais révélés. Les montures jouent un rôle important dans Ashes of Creation, et des animaux comme le cheval sont une première porte d'entrée vers les possibilités illimitées qui attendent ceux qui sont qualifiés dans les arts de l'élevage.[13]

Breeding mechanics

Gryphon concept art.[16]

These are some concept iterations of exactly how the animal husbandry profession's going to work as you create the offspring of different combinations of animals and you find and discover types of mounts. For example this Gryphon: You will have the ability to open up an in-game character customization screen for the animals; and you'll be able to use certain dials to touch different aesthetic aspects of the actual animal's features: On its wings, on its head, its beak, its armor that's going to be present; the claws and talons. You will be able to actually make a unique representation of this mount, so you're just not a cookie cutter like everybody else.[17]Steven Sharif

Animal husbandry will have discoverable blends of breeding.[11][18]

  • Pets, Montures, Livestock, and Beasts of burden can be captured and tamed to breed the best version of that species.[11][19]
    • Geographical location may be relevant for the creation of certain types of breeds.[11]
    Creatures will have a wide variety of traits and characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, within their species. The best version of a species will need to be blended from creatures from many places across Verra... For example, the best horse would need speed from desert horses, the coat and the health from tundra steeds, and the size and strength of ones that might be in the riverlands.[11]Steven Sharif
  • Royal mounts (such as Dragons) are dropped as eggs that can be cultivated by Animal husbandry artisans with a high enough stable upgrade on their freehold.[20]
    • These mounts are not breedable.[21]
  • Mounts that are bred through animal husbandry may be sold at auction.[22]
    • These mounts can also be applied as certificates toward the construction of caravans.[22]
  • There will be a cap on the number of times an animal can be bred. This is defined by the type, quality, and purpose of the animal.[23]

Once an animal is born, there are stages of development to raise that animal from birth to adulthood. Animal husbandry practitioners will be able to specialise their focus into raising and training creatures to maximise the quality of the creature in adulthood.[11][24]

  • Youngling stage: For mammals this relates to baby animals. For lizards (reptiles) this is an egg stage.[24]

Once these creatures are actually born there is an element of raising the creature. So animals need to be raised from birth to adulthood and trained for the intended purposes, either as a mount, a pet, a beast of burden, or livestock. Animal husbandry feeds a lot of these different aspects; and you'll be able to specialize your focus as an 'animal husbandrist', if that's a word, to one of those particular ends. Players have a multitude of activities to perform like feeding, cleaning the creatures, taking them out for practice rides, training them to fight monsters, etc. This period is very important however- the training period- because it will have the greatest influence on the resulting quality of the genetically determined stats and abilities of the creature once they reach adulthood. So basically as you're discovering these different genetic paths when pairing different animals, and the offspring is born, it will have a window of where a stat block will land. But where it lands will be determined by the training phase by raising the creature up- and that's going to be an important aspect.[11]Steven Sharif

There may be a user interface rather than recipes for the animal husbandry system that records successes and failures of breeding attempts.[25]

I'm not sure that there are going to be recipes per-se. Instead what we're thinking about with the husbandry system is going to be a user interface panel that gives a record of your successes and failures with certain types of breeding attempts; and then from there, if you choose to share that information with other individuals you can of course. But it's not something that's going to be streamlined through an interface that we would use for the player.[25]Steven Sharif

There is a compendium of acceptable parameters for breeding[26], which isn't going to be known until players discover it.[22][27] This discovery may be different for different players.[27]

  • Animals have a unique ID that is tied to the husbandry chart (compendium) that takes into account possible combinations between animals.[22] There will be odd combinations, but there will be limits to what is possible.[27]
  • Discovery of certain breeding habits and different quests may grant access to slots in the compendium.[27]
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

A modified character creation system allows customization of Summoner pets and Animal husbandry.[17][24]

  • Changes at the Youngling stage affect the appearance of the animal at adulthood.[24]
  • During the Youngling stage there may also be quests for specific types of cosmetic features.[24]

There's definitely going to be odd combinations, whether it's a butterflyger, giraffealope I don't know, but there will be definitely caps that are present.[27]Steven Sharif

Ecuries Royale

info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

Ecuries Royale are a type of building in Ashes of Creation.[28]

  • Castles come with a royal stables.[28]
  • Maires can choose to build royal stables within their node. Once chosen, the community will need to build the stables through quests.[28]
  • Royal mounts must be mounted in a royal stables in order to fly.[28]
The royal mounts will be the only class of mounts that can fully fly in the world; and they are will be needed to be mounted while in a royal stables. Royal stables are a building that can be built in a node if elected to be built by the mayor and supported by the community building it up through the quests to do so; and castles come with a royal stable as well. So once you have a royal stable and you become that Mayor or King or Queen, you may then mount the creature there and then take it wherever you wish.[28]Steven Sharif

Summoning mounts

Invocation d'une monture durant l'Alpha-1.[29]

Nous voulons être sur qu'invoquer son coursier et commencer à se déplacer avec elle ne soit pas une procédure lourde ... Les coursiers joueront un rôle important dans la mobilité.[29]Steven Sharif

Les montures sont sous forme d'objets que le joueur transporte avec lui pour activer l'invocation de monture à côté de lui.[30]

  • Les montures peuvent en général être invoquées pendant un combat dans le monde ouvert.[31]
    • Il peut cependant y avoir des restrictions à ça, notamment dans les donjons, les instances ou encore d'autres espaces ou invoquer une montures ne sera pas possible.[31]

Une monture peut-être un transport initiatique, un transport pour fuir, un transport utilitaire, ou même un transport de traversée[31]Steven Sharif

Les montures seront des objets que les joueurs pourront transporter sur eux et qu'ils pourront activer afin d'invoquer la dite monture en face d'eux ou à côté d'eux; Ils pourront ensuite la chevaucher.[30]Steven Sharif

  • Un joueur peut descendre de monture et avoir sa monture qui le suit.[32][33]
    • Certaines capacités avec effets de contrôle de foule peuvent faire descendre un joueur de sa monture. Dans ce cas, la monture restera et aura sa propre barre de vie ainsi que d'autres statistiques.[32]
    • Durant l'Alpha-1 les montures de test n'étaient pas séparées de leurs joueurs, mais dans le futur ça sera le cas.[32]

Pour le moment, nous n'en sommes pas encore à la phase ou la monture et le joueur sont séparés. Vous montez automatiquement sur votre monture pour le moment dès lors que vous l'invoquez. Mais dans le futur, vous pourrez l'invoquer, et ne serez pas automatiquement dessus juste après l'invocation. Elle se tiendra juste à vos côtés. Elle vous suivra, et vous pourrez monter dessus si vous le souhaitez.[32]Steven Sharif

  • Désinvoquer sa monture la fera retourner sous forme d'objet dans l'inventaire du joueur.[2]


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