Siege mechanics

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info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

A siege occurs over several phases.[1]

  • Certain siege mechanics may be gated for specific size groups during sieges.[2]
  • There will not be a deserter debuff for leaving a siege before it is complete.[3]
  • More will be revealed in an upcoming blog entry.[1]

Server prime-time

Objective-based PvP events such as node sieges, castle sieges, guild wars, and node wars will occur within a prime-time window somewhere between 3PM and 9PM server time. This is subject to testing.[4][5][6]

  • Guild wars and node wars can be declared at any time, but the objectives will only spawn during the prime-time window.[7]

Siege participation

Non-registered combatants are not permitted on the siege field in castle or node sieges.[8]

  • Players may choose to respawn at their HQ as long as they are registered.[11][14]
    • Non-registered guilds are not granted the ability to take ownership of the castle if victorious.[11]

Lower level characters will have usefulness in mass combat that does not depend on their level, such as manning siege weapons, helping repair fortifications, bringing proximity-based buffs to key positions, using stealth or scaling walls. These types of things are relevant to the tide of battle and do not require the player to be max-level or have high combat stats.[16]

Siege alliances

Quand un siège débute, des alliances temporaires sont formées parmi les attaquants et les défenseurs.[17]

  • Pour les sièges de nœud, les citoyens du nœud ou des nœuds provinciaux attaqués sont automatiquement inscrits en tant que défenseurs.[18]
  • Il y a de nombreuses raisons de participer en tant qu'allié à l'attaque ou la défense d'autres noeuds.[19]
    • Titres.
    • Objets.
    • Matériaux.
    • Argent.
    • Liens sociaux.

Plusieurs motivations existent qui peuvent être utiles à votre nœud et à vous-même personnellement en participant à l'attaque ou la défense de villes. Celles-ci vont des titres aux objets, matériaux et argent. De plus, aider les autres peut vous aider à renforcer les liens lorsque vos biens sont menacés.[19]Steven Sharif

Siege PvP

Sieges don't use the PvP flagging system.[20]

Death penalties do not apply to objective-based events (such as caravans, guild wars, and node sieges).[21]

Siege NPCs

Siege NPCs, Gardes, and mercenary NPCs serve as defense points during sieges and other events.[22][23]

  • Only combat PNJs are killable during a siege. Non-combat NPCs, such as merchants, will despawn and will respawn if the siege is unsuccessful.[22][24]

Mercenaires PNJs

Mercenaires PNJs can be hired to participate in objective-based situations.[27][28][29]

  • Varying tiers of mercenary NPCs may be unlocked based on the investment made in their progression. Highest tier NPC mercenaries are referred to as heros.[30][31][27][28]
  • Players can assign mercenary NPCs, but won't micromanage them, in a similar manner to pets.[29]
There are mercenary NPCs that can be assigned to players. We've discussed about that before and those will follow generically... a pet system even adopted majority of the pet system with the added bonus of objective based points of interest that you can assign them to. But we don't want to inundate the field with these mercenaries they'll be few and far between. They'll be assigned specifically like let's say for example as the mayor of a node during a siege you'll be able to assign these two specific players that are citizens within your node and then they'll have those they'll spawn during the during the node siege; or vice versa and the castle siege guild leaders can assign mercenaries that are available based on the progress of those subsidiary nodes around the castle siege whether or not you have those available to your defense or your attack.[29]Steven Sharif

Siege objectives

info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

Each node has a number of districts, depending on its stage.[1]

  • Districts are taken by defeating a "raid boss" guard NPC in that district.[1]
  • If attackers take over a district, they gain that district as a respawn location.[1]
  • Attackers can kill the quartermasters to increase the respawn times of the defenders while reducing their own respawn times.[32][1]

Defenders can assault the outposts of the attackers to hinder them.[1]

  • Destroying the headquarters of the attacking army is a victory condition for the defenders.[32][33]

Attackers may not be capable of deleveling a node. Instead they may carry out precision attacks to disable specific service-oriented buildings within the node. These buildings can be targeted with siege weapons and bombs.[34]

As the attackers are sieging a city they have obviously a win condition- a win objective- but additionally there can be casualties from a structural standpoint during that process. So let's say if the... attackers were to not succeed in completely destroying the node they could still affect damage across multiple types of buildings that are present within the node, which disables services for that those citizens and also will require some type of reconstruction effort on behalf of the citizens.[35]Steven Sharif

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