Forteresses de guilde

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Les forteresses de guilde sont des halls de guilde assiégeables sur Ashes of Creation. Elles sont différentes des nœuds et des châteaux de guilde.[1]

Les forteresses de guilde sont des objectifs dans les guerres de guildes.[2] Elles sont contestées régulièrement.[3] Les développeurs décideront si les forteresses de guilde seront implémentées dans le jeu ou mises de côté.[3]

La conception des forteresses est également quelque chose qui pourrait être mis de côté. Nous n'avons pas encore décidé. Nous allons l'examiner, mais l'idée derrière la forteresse est qu'il s'agit d'un hall de guilde compétitif, où vous devez le contester régulièrement ; ou qu'il peut vous être pris. Alors que le hall de guilde est une structure similaire à celle d'un freehold qui ne peut être pris que par des sièges réussis contre un nœud, ces derniers ne sont pas pris mais détruits.[3]Steven Sharif

Guerres de guilde

Guerres de guilde are objective-based PvP events between guilds.[4][2]

  • Guild wars are not permanent. Definitive victory/surrender conditions exist that are based on the level of the warring guilds and the assets that those guilds have.[7][9]
  • Guild wars are considered a core system of Alpha-2.[14]
Q: How do you plan on keeping wars fresh long term? Typically in other games wars become one dimensional in terms of strategy. Will intrepid be looking at map changes every few years, or will you give guilds / node mayors the ability to customize the layout or objectives of the battlefield?
A: Our guild wars have objective-based gameplay that spawn in the world based on several different factors and predicates that might exist. Some of those predicates might be where is your guild a patron guild of? Does your guild have a guild hall? What node is your guild leader and/or officers a citizen of? What was your last completed raid boss? All of those can serve as predicates to then spawn a certain objective within the world that players have to either engage with in a number of different manners. Either they can be kill objectives, they can be control objectives, they can be capture and move objectives. They could be a caravan caravan summons that need to take supplies from those objectives. The idea is to incorporate all of these other ancillary systems that exist within the game in some way shape or form- tie it into the guild war, because we've created those systems for a reason. We want players to engage with those systems, so why not hook those systems into the guild war format? And I think that that creates a very dynamic setting where it is not just about killing and logging out, but rather strategy in both your resource placement, how you respond, and when you respond, the composition of your raid/group teams. Those types of things play a role now in the outcome of those guild wars and I think they keep it fresh because it'll be different per war.[4]Steven Sharif
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Guild war objectives

There will be default guild war objectives as well as objectives that dynamically spawn in the world based on the assets guilds own, the activities guilds have participated in, and other conditions.[4][7][2][8]

  • If the guild owns a guild hall, objectives might be related to capturing a quest item in or around the guild hall that is only visible to the warring guild. Capturing this objective may require channeling time.[4][8][2]
If you have a guild hall and a certain type of guild war is declared that is maybe a higher stakes war, some of those objectives will be centralized either at your guild hall, at the opponent's guild hall; could be a progression step towards the guild hall. It might be a specific a period of time that accumulates into into a central battle at the guild hall for an objective.[2]Steven Sharif
  • If the guild has recently completed a raid, objectives might include stealing one of the quest items that the guild received from killing that raid boss.[4][2]
  • Guild wars can be declared at any time, but the objectives will only spawn during server prime-time.[5]
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  • There may be bounty objectives to kill a particular guild member. The target may have increased damage mitigation and/or health against the warring guild and can call for help.[8]
  • Guild war objectives are intended to be more fluid than castle siege objectives.[8]

Guild housing

The term "guild housing" refers to guild buildings and not guild owned player housing.[15]

Salles de guilde

Summer guildhall appearance cosmetic concept art.[16]

Guildhalls are the ultimate expression of a guild's power! In Ashes these structures will serve as focal points for a guild, offering any guilds who construct them a whole host of benefits as well as customization options.[17]

Salles de guilde serve as a focal point for a guild, offering a host of benefits and customization options.[17]

  • When a guild reaches a certain level, its guild master is granted a certificate to enable placement of a guild hall.[3]
  • Guild halls may be placed within Baronies within the ZI of a node.[18]
    • A barony can only have a single guild hall.[18]
    • The number of baronies that can have an active guild hall is determined by the node's stage.[19][20]
Only a limited subset of the guild halls available around the node are available concurrently... So you might only have two that might be available at fifth level and then three at sixth level of a node; and the guilds have an opportunity to select from the six available which three are going to be active.[19]Steven Sharif
  • Guildes mécènes may also place their guild hall within (the footprint of) their patron node. These guild halls have different perks and benefits to halls placed within Baronies.[21][3][8][21]
    • Patron guild halls placed within Baronies may have the ability to confer benefits to surrounding estates within that node by speccing into passives in their guild skill tree and carrying out a lengthy quest line.[22]
  • The design of guild-halls is currently subject to active iteration by the developers.[23]
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Salles de guilde unlock actions a guild can perform within a node.[25]

Châteaux de guilde

Avec cinq châteaux dans le monde, et chacun ayant été possédé par différentes civilisations dans le lointain passé de Verra, vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que chaque Château ait sa propre identité. Des terrains et des configurations différents feront que chaque Château aura ses propres avantages et désavantages. Le simple fait d'avoir réussi à capturer un Château ne signifiera pas que vos stratégies fonctionneront pour le suivant. Les commandants devront connaître le terrain, prendre en compte le moment du jour, les conditions météorologiques et même les saisons lorsqu'ils établieront leurs plans de bataille.'[26]

Ces Châteaux sont occupés lorsque les joueurs arrivent sur Verra, et leurs habitants actuels devront être délogés avant que n'importe quel joueur puisse le revendiquer. Les châteaux seront des zones de raid dangereuses et de haut niveau jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient dégagées, et le premier group de joueurs à le faire remportera le Château comme récompense.[26]

Cinq châteaux de guilde existent dans Ashes of Creation.[26][27] Ces châteaux seront initialement occupés par un adversaire PNJ. Ce sont les principaux antagonistes dans l'histoire.[28]

  • Les guildes ont une période de temps pour monter de niveau afin d'assiéger ces châteaux.
  • Ces châteaux seront très difficiles à prendre aux PNJs.
  • Les nœuds de château seront absents autour de châteaux de PNJs.


Guild castle concept art.[26]

It's a reciprocal relationship between the castle and its nodes essentially. There are benefits granted to citizens of the castle; and the longer that the castle remains in the hands of its incumbent guild, the stronger the benefits become overall. But at the same time that represents a greater incentive to attack the castle because the rewards will get greater over time also.[29]Steven Sharif

Châteaux de guilde provide benefits and trophies for guilds that capture and control them.[29][30]

  • These benefits increase the longer a guild holds its castle.[29]

There are levers and dials that are present to both the owners of Castles as well as the elected officials of Nodes that during their administration they have the ability to impact and influence the region around them.[31]Steven Sharif

Guild castles exert a King or Queen's presence over nodes within their region.[29][31][32]

Voir également

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