Fast travel

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Le voyage rapide est limité dans Ashes of Creation.[1]

Il n'existe que très peu de téléportations dans le monde. On peut en débloquer une partie grâce à des métropoles d'un certain type. En outre, il existe des montures qui permettent de voyager plus rapidement et des services qui permettent de voyager rapidement entre les noeuds.[2]Steven Sharif

Faster travel

Les voyages plus rapides dans Ashes of Creation font référence aux.[4]

Même s'il n'y a pas de voyage rapide, il y a un voyage plus rapide. Donc, vous connaissez les montures. Il y aura des points de vol entre certains nœuds via l'utilisation de créatures automatisées volantes que vous pourrez utiliser. Des choses comme ça.[4]Steven Sharif

Scientific node superpower

Les Nœuds scientifiques qui ont atteint le statut de métropole débloquent le super-pouvoir Téléportation.[8]

  • Les citoyens d'une métropole dans un nœud scientifique peuvent se téléporter entre la métropole et chacun de ses nœuds vassaux, peu importe le niveau d'avancement du nœud vassal, du moment que le nœud vassal n'est pas en guerre.
  • Les citoyens d'un nœud vassal peuvent se téléporter à leur nœud métropole et vice-versa.
  • S'il existe plusieurs métropoles scientifiques, un appareil volant permettra le voyage rapide entre ces métropoles scientifiques pour les citoyens de ces nœuds et de leurs nœuds vassaux, du moment que les métropoles ne sont pas en guerre.

Ce qui permettra aux citoyens et vassaux d'une Métropole Scientifique de faire beaucoup de choses plus vite que les autres, car le voyage rapide est limité dans le monde de Ashes of Creation. Ils seront en mesure d'échanger des produits et des informations avec facilité et de se rendre à des emplacements dans le monde beaucoup plus rapidement pour récolter des matériaux pour créer des recettes, également de participer à des événements limités dans le temps.[8]

Public transportation

There are multiple types of public transportation services where players can go AFK and be driven somewhere.[7][10]

One of the nodes has the idea of an airship that can go from node to node and I'm certain that we will have harbors that do similar things with other node types... It might be something that could be player-driven... We're sure to have a taxi system where you load up a couple people and you drive them somewhere while you AFK.[7]Jeffrey Bard

Déplacement du joueur

  • Sprinting will consume a percentage of a character's mana pool. Sprinting will not be permitted while in combat.[14]
    • A sprinting/dash skill with a cooldown was confirmed to be part of a class kit.[15]
I've instructed design to incorporate a mana consumption that's percentage based for sprinting. So it'll be a similar amount of time that each class, regardless of their mana values, will have in order to sprint and it will not be accessible while in a combat.[14]Steven Sharif
  • There is a toggleable walk/run (autorun) capability.[16]
  • There is not going to be any "go to waypoint" (auto-pathing) mechanics.[2]


For every play, there should be a counterplay. We often see Castle Sieges turn into zerg-fests, which really doesn’t capture the epic, back-and-forth battles we wish to see in Ashes of Creation. One of our key pillars is that Choice Matters[21], and that applies to tactics and strategy as well. A well-formulated battle plan should win out over stat sheets and bodies. Zergs will generally be difficult to pull off, and will be eminently counterable through siege weapons, traps, and other battlefield tricks.[22]

Zergs are empowered by fast-travel. Meaningful travel times are intended to prevent zerg play from being so much of an influence.[23]

Encounters are designed to have meaning in terms of how boss skills and abilities relate to group compositions, tactics and strategies. Zerging is not experiencing content.[24] There are different ways to make a fight more difficult for larger sized groups without relying solely on stat buffs or making the boss a "damage sponge".[25]

  • Raid and dungeon bosses have specific mechanics and abilities that players need to learn and react to.[25] Zergs that are not aware of these mechanics or react to them appropriately will be wiped.[24]
  • There may be environmental hazards and AoE effects that cause more damage based on the number of players present.[25]
  • There is a give-and-take for guilds that want to see a larger number of members as opposed to a more focused group that may be a part of an alliance.[26]

We're very cognizant of the fact that we don't want to see zerging be a mechanic that's utilized by guilds to accomplish content or just to steamroll over sieges... There are specific mechanics that we are working on that will be seen through the testing phases that relate to a degree of understanding of certain systems that can't just be overrun with numbers.[26]Steven Sharif

Mechanics that encourage political intrigue will play a role in destabilizing zergs.[27]

The best way that I found in games I played previously to take down a zerg is to cause drama from within... It's that conflict inside of the politicking that happens in that big organization. If we provide opportunities for division to occur then it also provides stability to keep a server healthy away from that zerg mentality also... If we approach the castle siege and we've destroyed the walls and we're in the throne room and we're about to cast on the penultimate thing and I at this time am just so excited from what's happening that I'm like "screw it I'm gonna go for it". It's gonna be mine. I'm gonna take the taxes for the next month. I'm gonna take all the gear from the castle. I'm gonna take everything... We want that political intrigue to be present in the game.[27]Steven Sharif

Objective-based game play helps to balance the zerg mentality.[28]

I always feel that if you balance based on groups that in your balance focus is to incorporate features that play well from a player versus player perspective as well as a player versus environment perspective: Having support classes, having DPS and tanks that can obstruct movement and/or create bottlenecks on the field and stuff like that. I think a well-rounded raid it will perform better against a non well-rounded raid, however then you incorporate the second aspect of numbers; and that's where again mobility, organization, leadership tactics. Having objectives in gameplay that make those important helps to balance the zerg mentality that a lot of guilds can tend to have.[28]Steven Sharif

Instanciation doesn't play a major role in limiting zergs, due to 80% of content in Ashes of Creation being open-world.[29]

  • There may be instanced locations within castle and node sieges where specific groups can participate in certain objective-based waypoints.[29]

Zerging is always a problem in a lot of these MMORPGs where you really can't control the number of participants in certain open-world systems; and in that sense instancing is a great tool that designers can sometimes use to curate a particular number of participants that you want. But the predominant amount of content within Ashes of Creation, over 80% of which is is open-world content, so instancing is very limited.[29]Steven Sharif

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