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Concept art de Monnaie.[1]

L'économie est généralement quelque chose qui se passe en arrière-plan dans les autres jeux. Dès le premier jour, nous savions que l'économie serait une chose vraiment importante pour nous.[2]Jeffrey Bard

Les Marchés dans Ashes of Creation sont régionaux, ce qui signifie que chaque marché a sa propre personnalité. Parce que les ressources vont changer de lieu quand elles sont épuisées, les joueurs vont donc se déplacer en permanence autour du monde, à la recherche des meilleures ressources pour leur artisanat, et des meilleurs marchés pour leurs objets.[3]

Une caractéristique majeure de notre économie qui diffère de la plupart des MMOs fantasy, est que nous ne l'abordons pas de manière globale. Nous essayons plutôt de découper le monde en régions, et faire que chacune se concentre de manière indépendante, et en même temps qu'elles fonctionnent bien sûr ensemble.[8]Peter Pilone

Economic regions

Nous voulons que nos joueurs aient une raison d'explorer les régions sauvages, de voyager avec un but précis, et une grande partie de cela sera déterminée par notre système de ressources. Le transport de ces biens pourrait être plus difficile que leur collecte. Notre système de marché régional permet aux joueurs de participer à la création d'économies de poche qui renforceront la stabilité des marchandises dans des régions particulières. Les joueurs pourront déplacer des ressources et s'installer dans d'autres régions pour profiter de la diversité des marchés. Les ressources étant générées de manière dynamique, certaines régions deviendront naturellement des plaques tournantes importantes pour le transport des marchandises dans le monde entier.[9]

Les régions économiques sont des zones statiques définies par des points d'intérêts géographiques.[10][11]

L'ensemble de la carte serait sous l'influence d'une des 5 régions de château. Cependant, les régions de châteaux ne sont pas le seul TYPE de région - il y a aussi des régions économiques, entre autres.[11]Sarah Flanagan

Buying and selling

Étals de joueur, personal shops, and auction houses enable buying from and selling to other players.[14]

Étals de joueur Boutiques personnelles Auction houses
Player presence
  • An attendant NPC is assigned to the stall. Character does not need to be online or at the stall.[24][16][17]
  • Player must be online and present at the shop.[24][17]
  • Players may be killed while occupying their personal shop and are subject to material loss due to normal death penalties.[25]

Étals de joueur

Niküan player stall concept art.[31]

If there were ever a cornerstone serving as the bedrock of Niküan trade, then this modest stall would be it. Stacked from floor to thatched roof with all manner of catch, it is prepped for a full day of commerce and trade. Here, haggling is not merely a suggestion, but a requirement.[31]

Étals de joueur (also called Kiosks and rental stalls) are rentable locations near the unique building in an Economic node[21], in Marchés (the constructible building available for placement by mayors of any Town (organiser 4) node or higher), or as business buildings on freehold plots.[33][22]

All nodes do have the ability to spawn player stalls. If you're not an economic node and you don't have a market- that's essentially your unique building- then you can construct essentially what is I guess would be called a... marketplace; and that marketplace will then come with certain services and it will come with a certain number of stalls. The economic node as I recall has the ability to construct an auction house and the auction house serves through the economic means the ability to list and sell items and that comes with additional stalls as well for the players.[22]Steven Sharif

Renting a player stall enables players to sell items as well as provide repair and enchanting services, even when they are not online.[16]

  • Player stalls are rentable by node citizens.[17]
    • Player stalls may be utilized for a period of time based on the price paid to rent the stall.[16]
  • Player stalls are linked to a player's warehouse.[25]
  • Player stalls do not require the attendance of the character or for that character to be online.[17]
    • An attendant NPC is assigned to the stall.[25][16] This may be an "image" of the player.[27]
  • Players are able to input required items for repair and also purchase required materials for that repair.[34]
  • Player stalls may still operate during node siege declaration. This is subject to testing.[35]
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  • Players are not able to be attacked or robbed while occupying their player stall inside the limits of a node.[19]
  • Bulletin boards that list the items available in player stalls can be accessed from anywhere in the region.[27]
    • These give the location of the stall so players can travel there and purchase the items.[27]
  • Stall sales are also listed in auction houses.[14]
    • This may no longer be accurate.[18]

Boutiques personnelles

Certificates to place Boutiques personnelles (player-owned shops) may be purchased by citizens and non-citizens from Nœuds économiques.[18][19][20]

  • When a character creates a personal shop, a billboard pops up above them with a custom advertisement message for items or services available on that character's person. Purchasers can interact directly with the character to purchase these items or services.[24]

A player shop is where you have a certificate to essentially create a shop with your character and a little billboard will pop up above you as you sit down for that shop and advertise a custom message that you want say that has to sell things and/or services that are on your person. So players can then come up to you and they can interact with you. So you reside yourself to that shop.[24]Steven Sharif

Hôtel des ventes

Alpha-1 Auctioneer NPC.[37]

If a Node is the Vassal Node of an Economic Node, an Auctioneer NPC appears in that Vassal Node. The Auctioneer allows players to list non-resource/processed materials in the Parent Node’s Auction House, but players cannot bid on items from this Auctioneer. These resources and processed materials must be stored within an Economic Node in order to be listed in that Node’s Auction House. In order to bid, they must still travel to the Auction House in the Parent Node.[23]

Auction houses enable players to list items at specific nodes.[38][3]

  • Previously this was stated to be at the economic node in which the auction house is located. The new quote may not necessarily contradict this statement.[21]
Auction houses allow items and resources to be listed for sale at a specific node location.[38]Steven Sharif
  • A listing fee will be charged to list items in the auction house.[21]
  • Nœuds Vassaux of the auction house node will be able to view items that are listed on that auction house, regardless of node type of the vassal node.[21]
    • This will be possible through an auctioneer emissary NPC in that node.[21]
    • Items cannot be listed in non-economic vassal nodes.[21]
  • Items listed are also visible in community boards (bulletin boards).[18]
That's probably how it's going to be surfaced... Your your mayor is going to have to build it for you.[40]Jeffrey Bard

Bulletin boards

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Bulletin boards are available within nodes[42] and player taverns.[43]

Merchant NPCs

Les Marchands PNJs (également appelés Vendeurs) sont présents à partir de la première étape de l'avancement de nœud (Expédition).[48]


La monnaie de base du jeu est appelée or.[49][50]


Or concept art.[1]

Money will play a big part in the in-game. However, with that being said, there are organizational specific currencies that can't be traded. So there is like a general gold that will be very important end-game, but then there's also your progression within certain religions, societies, or nodes will also have... there will be progression-based currencies as well.[49]Steven Sharif

Or is the general in-game currency in Ashes of Creation.[52][49][50]

Bound currencies

Bound currencies are specific progression-based currencies that cannot be traded. Bound currencies are utilized by various systems.[52][64][49]

There are bound currencies that exist within the game; and then there is the general currencies that's usually achieved through certificates and the ability to trade those certificates in to get gold that we've talked about in the past. But some of those bound currencies are like favor: these are points that you achieve doing some divine questlines, participating in divine story-arcs; or honor, which is like PvP-oriented unique currency stuff like that.[52]Steven Sharif
A bound currency that's used to purchase a number of different types of vendorable items that exist within nodes. It is not player-to-player currency. It is not intended to be traded between players, but instead it interacts with these unique vendors that supply a large segment of necessary components for a number of different things: whether it be crafting, enchantments, a lot of different things that exist within the node. This is the reason why you would want to acquire that currency so you have access to those types of items.[67]Steven Sharif
  • Node currencies stay bound to the player, even if their node is destroyed or they drop citizenship. They will be able to use their node currency once they are a citizen of a new node (of the same type).[68][52]
Node currency stays with the player even if their node is destroyed or they drop citizenship. This is something that you have available to you and you carry forward to your next location. But you may only spend your node currency at nodes that you're a citizen of.[68]Steven Sharif
  • Players must have enough node reputation in order to purchase certain items with node currency.[68]
You have to have enough node rep to be able to buy certain tiers of things from the node with your node currency. Even though the currency is generic, you still need the rep with the node to unlock better purchases.[68]John Collins

Player to player trading

Il y aura du commerce entre joueurs dans Ashes of Creation.[6][7]

Q : Ashes of Creation aura-t-il du commerce entre les joueurs ? Y'aura-t-il quelque chose qui m'empêchera de donner de l'argent à un ami qui est nouveau dans le jeu, pour l'aider à se lancer rapidement ?
R: Rien ne vous empêchera de faire ça.[6]Steven Sharif

Escrow system

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We're going to have a UI... you're gonna put the resources in or they're gonna put the resources in. It'll be like an escrow system and then once [the job] is complete you'll get the item they'll get the money.[70]

Caravan insurance

Caravan insurance will not be an in-game system in Ashes of Creation.[71] Previously it was stated that insurance was able to be purchased from a caravansary prior to the launch of a caravan.[72][73]

There's nothing to say that that can't be player organized. If some particular guild wanted to go and create a caravan mercenary corp that helped aid in the defense and transit of caravans, they could employ some type of insurance system.[71]Steven Sharif

Mailing items

Les objets et les ressources ne pourront pas être envoyées par courrier par les joueurs.[74][75]

Les achats autres que les matériaux et les ressources provenant des maisons de ventes seront envoyées par courrier à l'acheteur.[26]

Equipement lié

Il pourra y avoir de l'équipement lié (BoE ou BoP) mais ça sera plutôt l'exception que la règle, puisque ça n'encourage pas les objectifs pour l'économie.[76]

A lot of what we experienced in games that usually come before us is that many things are account bound and they're soulbound to your character... Instead very little here is character bound. Very very little. The vast majority of gear- yes you will get quest related gear as rewards- but it won't be let's say one set in one dungeon and you must run the dungeon over and over. Instead we want to really emphasize the reliance on the economy and crafters and gatherers and processors to support a majority of the gear structure in-game, combined with that of world raid bosses and dungeon bosses; not a repetitive quest line through a single dungeon.[78]Steven Sharif


Il n'y aura pas de mécanique de vol (pickpocket) dans Ashes of Creation pour ce qui est des joueurs vivants.[79]

Il n'y a pas de mécanique de vol pour que vous puissiez vous approcher d'un joueur vivant et dérober quelque chose.[79]Steven Sharif


Stockage points exist at warehouses within nodes and in chests (storage containers) that can be placed in freeholds and static in-node housing.[80][81][82]


Entrepôts are default service buildings that come pre-built with nodes. Their function is to provide storage points within nodes.[85][86][81][87][28][29]

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Player housing storage

Coffres are a type of furniture that provides localized storage within a specific house.[103][104][105]

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Nodes advance to the first stage quickly. This enables NPC services such as vending or banking items.[110]


Les Caravanes facilitent le transfert de produits pour les joueurs souhaitant faire un profit.[9]

Le système de caravane est un système de JcJ en monde ouvert qui tourne autour de l'opportunité et du risque. Les Caravanes facilitent le transfert de produits pour les joueurs souhaitant faire un profit.[9]

  • Les caravanes ne peuvent partir et arriver que depuis un Nœud à l'étape de village ou au-dessus.[114]
  • Les caravanes peuvent transporter des produits pour plus d'un joueur.[115]

Types de caravanes

Il existe différents types de Caravanes dans Ashes of Creation.[118][119]

Le système de caravane est un autre point important du système de nœud. Elles sont l'une des activités économiques principales et il existe plein de différents types de caravanes.[119]Jeffrey Bard

Raft caravans

Alpha-2 raft caravan in the Riverlands biome.[120]

Caravans are capable of transitioning from land to raft caravans. So if you start out as a land-based Caravan and you move to the coast and you want to move into the water there's gonna be a little transition period there; it's gonna be a little construction site: You're not gonna have to do anything it's just gonna be a timer right so that you can't quickly move between land and water. It's gonna be probably in the matter of a minute to two minutes. There's a little bit of vulnerability in that regard.[121]Steven Sharif

Raft caravans (also referred to as Naval caravans) allow the transportation of cargo over the water.[122][123][72][124]

Classes artisanales

Les classes d'artisan permettent aux joueurs de se spécialiser dans un ou plusieurs des arbres de compétences suivants skill trees.[128]

L'artisanat et la collecte sont un élément très important de l'économie sur lequel les joueurs auront un contrôle direct. Que vous souhaitiez établir une plantation tentaculaire autour de votre maison, ou parcourir le vaste monde sauvage à la recherche de trésors et de ressources.[9]

Gathering professions

Processing professions

Crafting professions

Artisan supply chain

AshesOfCreation Screenshot 009.jpg

Les artisans dans Ashes of Creation doivent choisir une voie dans leur arbre de compétences d'artisanat. Cette interdépendance crée une chaîne d'approvisionnement allant des matières premières jusqu'au produit fini.[129][130] Chaque étape de la chaîne peut nécessiter des caravanes pour transporter les marchandises d'un artisan à l'autre.[131]

  1. Obtenir les matières premières :[132]
  2. Raffiner les matières premières grâce au métier de Traitement.[130]
  3. Fabriquer le produit fini en utilisant sa recette de fabrication.

En tant qu'artisan, vous allez vouloir savoir où certaines recettes peuvent être complétées ; quels nœuds ont la capacité de créer ce pour quoi vous avez transformé les ressources que vous avez récoltées ; et ensuite, vous allez vouloir planifier votre itinéraire afin d'y acheminer les marchandises ou faire en sorte de vous trouver dans une zone où vous pouvez à la fois collecter et fabriquer. Donc il y aura beaucoup de planification qui sera nécessaire.[135]Steven Sharif


Taxes de nœud

Les Maires/Gouvernement de Nœud allouent des ressources, taxes, et des quêtes pour aider à développer les défenses des Nœuds.[137]

  • L'argent des taxes ne sert qu'à financer le Agencement et style des nœuds.[138]
  • Les taux de taxation évolue en fonction de la date à laquelle un joueur rejoint un nœud en tant que citoyen. Le but est d'exercer une pression financière sur la population des nœuds en rendant les taxes de plus en plus élevées en fonction de l'Avancement de Nœud, plutôt que de mettre en place des limites fixes du nombres d'habitants.[139]

Les Nœuds Parent récupèrent une partie des taxes depuis les habitations des joueurs et depuis chaque service qui se situe dans leurs ZI.[140]

  • Cette taxe n'impacte pas nécessairement le citoyen individuel, car les niveaux de taxes des citoyens sont déterminés par leur gouvernement de nœud, mais les finances d'un nœud sont affectées par la taxation mise en place par son nœud parent.[140]

Housing taxes

Lorsqu'un noeud atteint l'étape 3 (village) et qu'un gouvernement dirigé par les joueurs s'est formé, toutes les habitations de joueurs paieront des impôts.[141]

  • Le montant des impôts d'un joueur sera déterminée par le nombre de structures construites sur son terrain.[138]
Housing foreclosures

Housing foreclosures result from failing to pay property taxes or other fees.[142][143]

  • Non-payment of taxes will put the housing into a default status. The player will have a period of time to settle the debt before the housing is foreclosed.[142]
  • The developers are considering allowing pre-payment of housing taxes and/or allowing auto deduction of tax from a designated location, such as their personal inventory or warehouse.[144]
If you don’t pay taxes and other fines, your Freehold property will be foreclosed. When a Freehold is foreclosed on, stored and placed props like furniture are returned to the previous owner. Materials that were stored on a Freehold will be included in the auction for the Deed to that Freehold.[143]

Castle taxes

Castles have direct power over the Nodes that belong to it, but also have soft power across the entire region it belongs to. All Nodes belonging to that region pay fealty to the Castle in the form of taxes paid directly to the Castle. The Monarch sets the rate, and can use those proceeds to upgrade defenses, maintain the Castle’s direct Nodes, or provide buffs and benefits to the citizens of that region, as the magnanimous ruler that you are.[146]

Châteaux de guilde impose a tax on all revenue for the nodes within its region.[147][148]

Castles have the ability to allocate taxes collected from nodes under them toward certain benefits that go back to the node. Or they can be more selfishly governed that treasury more towards the guild that owns it and that obviously is going to have some political implications, because it could- if you're not using it for the benefit of the people in the region they might rise up and help take you out from that that position of owning that castle.[147]Steven Sharif

Débarras d'objets

It's important for a healthy economy to have item sinks, so that anything that can be crafted can also be destroyed:[5]

  1. Over-enchanting carries the risk of destroying that item[132], rendering it useless for use temporarily.[155]
  2. Players gain craftable items and recipes from deconstructing (salvaging) completed items.[132]
  3. A portion of resources and materials are lost when caravans or nodes are destroyed.[156]
  4. Corrupted players who die can lose gear.[157]
  5. Item durability (item decay) does not destroy items, but it acts as a materials sink.[157][158][159] Zero percent durability will unequip an item, increasing its repair costs.[160]

An important aspect of a healthy economy is having some item sinks available... There are three kinds of item sinks: You can gain craftable items from deconstructing completed items; You can have decay... and if you want to over-enchant that item there will be a potential to destroy it as well. It's important for an economy to experience those types of emphasis on what can be crafted as well as seeing those items that are crafted be destroyed as well..[159]

The concept there is this is part of the engine that is supply and demand. So the server is constantly generating these materials on tick as they propagate throughout the world and get repopulated, players are going out there and collecting these things. We want to make sure that there is a driving force and factor behind what crafters and gatherers are out there doing: There's constantly going to be a demand for them to supply these things. Whether that death is from PvP or from PvE these are going to be necessities for players to constantly provide.[158]Steven Sharif

Item durability

The decay system is not going to be some worthless "Oh I'm just going to throw some gold into this and it's a simple gold sink". It's actually going to require some base materials in order to repair decayed items; and decay occurs from death and also the destruction and disable system. For the weapons over the over-enchanting will require those materials as well. So creating that dependency I think is healthy for the crafting economy.[161]Steven Sharif

There is item durability (item decay) in Ashes of Creation.[159]

If you allow it to get to certain stages, or to get to a destructed stage then it requires a lot of material components in order to return back to its former glory.[163]Steven Sharif
There is durability in the game... It's not going to be a trivial durability. There is a potential to destroy gear (weapons and armor), but there is also an ability to reforge that destroyed gear using a portion of the materials necessary as well as finding an item creator who can reforge it.[159]Steven Sharif

Item deconstruction

Players gain craftable items and recipes from deconstructing (salvaging, dismantling, disenchanting) completed items.[132]

There's salvaging where you can deconstruct an item to get components only capable of retrieving from salvaging an item that can be used in crafting other types of items.[5]Steven Sharif
Specific crafting components yielded by gear deconstruction, and some of these components can be only be obtained from gear of certain enchantment levels and type of equipment. These components are needed for certain recipes for gear and other ancillary crafting professions. But the itemization team is still ironing out some of these flows.[167]Steven Sharif
  • Item deconstruction will not be a meaningful way of circumventing restrictions on transit of resources and materials.[169]

Excès de puissance

The developers intend to limit power creep via item sinks, the lack of gear binding, and the absence of pay-to-win or pay-to-convenience in Ashes of Creation.[170]

Security systems

Security systems will be in place to combat cheating, exploiting, botting, gold selling/real money transactions (RMT), item duplication and other things that affect the economy starting from Alpha-0.[171][172][173][174][175][176][177]

  • A broad spectrum of approaches are going to be utilized in order to try to protect the integrity of the game once it launches. Testing of these systems will begin leading up towards Alpha-2.[172]
Security is always at the top of any concern when you have a closed system like an MMO is... We've seen a lot of MMO is launch without security in place and the economy gets ruined as a result thereafter. And every band-aid that's slapped on top of that wound is just making things worse. And so part of why you take the time in order to ensure that things are done correctly is also the security component of things; and that's where testing with a live audience is a bit different also than testing with a Q&A audience as well, because you're going to get those bad actors- and we call them bad actors because ultimately they're attempting to destroy the fun for others... So what we've done is we've hired some security experts who've worked on massive other MMOs like World of Warcraft and other games, and they bring with them lot of experience; and we're going to be testing that in leading up towards Alpha-2. It's a very important part of Alpha-2. It's not something that we really addressed with Alpha-1 because again, that was a much more barebones functional testing experience. We did see some issues during Alpha-1 and we made it important for Alpha-2 to test those systems. We have a broad spectrum of approaches that we're going to be utilizing in order to try to protect the integrity of the game once it launches.[172]Steven Sharif
  • These systems collect user data and flag abnormal activities for investigation. This combined with player reporting functions generates a live "heat map" that draws attention to unusual behavior.[171][173][174][177]
We do have already built into the game on the outset is essentially behavioral metrics. So in the game, as a player does normal things and they acquire normal gold, that's all good and well, but if there starts to be item IDs that appear on the player account that are out of the norm, like either a large amount of gold, or significant legendary items, what it does in the back-end it flags the account for view so that we can take a look at where did this item come from. Is it coming from a known gold seller or a flagged bot, or whatever; and then we investigate. So we're going to be pretty hard on the ability for players to subvert the natural economy systems by RMT or botting.[174]Steven Sharif
  • Botters, cheaters, gold sellers, and RMTers, will face severe penalties from the active GM/community team.[171][178][179][177]
It's important to note that there is a sanctity that must be protected within the game from RMTing; and let me just go into a little diatribe about this: But in games that I've played where the company or the publisher does not enforce rules, it becomes the standard that you buy gold if you want to be competitive. If you want to compete at the top tier levels in certain games, and everyone's buying gold, you almost either have to buy the gold or you're just not going to be able to compete with those people and that's a really shitty feeling to have. Excuse my French, I apologize. That is sucky; and in order for that not to be the case it is the responsibility of the publisher or the developers both to make sure that we have stringent practices from a CS- from a customer customer service perspective- to enforce our rules and to make sure that players are aware if they partake in this there is a huge risk in doing so. It's not going to be a slap on the hand. It's not going to be a "we told you once, we told you twice, we told you three, four, five six times okay. We're just taking some gold away", that thing. We have got to ensure that it is feared to do those things because that ashes has active GMS, it has active customer service, it has an active community team.[179]Steven Sharif

Game masters

Game masters (GMs) will be present and active on Ashes of Creation servers.[173][180][179][181]

On the customer service side, we do plan to have in game GMs. We do plan to service people in the best way possible. And we will grow our service team as much as we need as our player base grows.[180]Margaret Krohn
The direction that I'm taking Intrepid as a company in is that a significant portion of the revenue created by the game goes into not only creating additional content and updates for the game but also goes into I think caretaking, as I like to call it; and that caretaking is multiple things: It's having active and present GM's on servers. It's having a an interacting community team that is always present and on-call for participating in forum discussions and streams and updates.[181]Steven Sharif
  • There will be a standard escalation system, where different actions are taken based on the seriousness of each infraction. Actions could range anywhere from being stripped (of the illegitimate items or currency) to being banned for a period of time, or being permanently banned.[181]
Following a standard approach to an escalation system where certain infractions are immediate and automatic bans and some infractions provide a path forward where action is taken that might ban the account or strip the account or provide some chat bans or the ability to play over a week or so... If you buy gold and depending on the seriousness of the infraction you could go anywhere from being stripped and to being banned for a period of time to being permanently banned.[181]Steven Sharif
  • Botters, cheaters, gold sellers, and RMTers, will face harsh penalties from the GM and community teams.[179][177]
When a player takes their play experience to the point of harassing another player, and doing so on a repetitive basis, in order to diminish their play experience, it is a ticketable offense. If you are following around a streamer or you're following around a player and your intent is to keep them from playing the game or to force them to quit, that is a dirty player mindset. It's a bad player mindset. It's a griefer's mindset. It's not something that's desired in the ecosphere in the community of Ashes of Creation. And as a result, it is a serviceable customer service situation. That is where warnings are given and actions can be taken against the account holder of an individual whose sole purpose is to disrupt and affect negatively the gameplay experience of the game.[180]Steven Sharif
I believe that so far in development we have demonstrated the level of customer service and community engagement that will be on display after our live launch. You are right however in saying that many of these problems that can arise on the fringe of certain systems will require an active GM support team available to address problems that the user base encounters[184]
  • The volunteer moderator program will continue (post-launch).[185]

Two-factor authentication

info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.

Token-based two-factor authentication (2FA) was expected to be in place for Alpha-1.[186]

World manager

Le World manager est un algorithme dans Ashes of Creation qui contrôle les éléments dynamiques du monde. Il agit à la fois en tant que régulateur et en tant que système de récompense / motivation pour des activités variées en s'assurant que certains paramètres atteignent des paliers acceptables.[187]

Par exemple si vous êtes au courant que le fer est utilisé en tant que matériau brut pour une construction spécifique qui pourra augmenter le prix du mithril ou de l'argent ; cela influencera le marché à corriger sa direction légèrement. L'idée générale est de fournir des motivations légères qui aideront à réduire la demande et également à fournir une ressource qui ne serait plus présente dans le système économique.[188]Steven Sharif

Tables de Butin

Q: Can only one gathering artisan harvest resources from a single boss, or can multiple different artisans harvest different parts from a boss for different resources? For example, a lumberjack gets a special wood from Tumock's tree weapon, while a herbalist gathers the flowers from that same tree.
A: We don't have the concept of harvesting from bosses. NPCs follow a reward table format, where those reward tables are global. They're not unique to particular players. So, once the NPC is vanquished, you have access to the loot container that is its corpse; and it has a static value of either materials or items that get dropped; and whatever the party loot settings are that you might be a part of, or if you're a solo player you will be able to recover those things.[202]


Glint in a player's inventory in Alpha-2.[204]

You're hovering over an item we call Glint. [It] comes in a few different rarities. It was formerly known as the monster certificates but we have rebranded them.[204]Chris Justo

Glint rarities in Alpha-2.[204]

Glint (previously known as Hunting certificates and Monster certificates) is a bound currency that drops from mobs and players, and is offered as a reward for completing certain quests, events, and achievements. Glint is intended to be the primary method for generating gold in the Ashes of Creation economy.[55][56][57][58][49][50]

Glint serves a very integral role in the economy within Ashes of Creation. It is a material substance that is acquired through various means, but primarily hunting different antagonists within the world; and it is the physical form of Essence within the beasts of Verra. So when you acquire this it is bound to your character, and that is a very important component of the economic systems here because glint will be used to pay for certain services, such as taxation for buildings that you have, or citizenship dues that are necessary.[205]Steven Sharif
  • Glint may be traded with commodities vendors for player commodities. These commodities can then be transported to other nodes (via caravan or merchant ship) where they can be traded for gold.[57][188][49][206][50] The gold value is based on the demand for the commodity at the destination node (over the last seven days) as well as its distance from the originating node.[208][57]

Population based scaling

The prices that PNJs sell items for will scale based on the economic activity on a server. Prices will rise to combat inflation and fall as a population diminishes.[210]

The node system allows the developers to scale the experience needed to level a node and the attrition that affects a node based on activity.[210]

Things that NPCs buy and sell scale based on the economic activity that exists on that server... As inflation rises, prices rise and everything ends up being equal, even though there might be a couple of extra zeros. So that can go up and it can also go down so as a population leaves, things become less expensive and players don't have to do as much to earn that. On the other side of things we look at the node system and the node system is set up in this really flexible way that allows us to scale the experience needed to level a node and the attrition that delevels a node to scale based on activity too. So it's just a matter of adjusting a couple of constants and that goes up and down and the server can watch it and change those on the fly as it needs to.[210]Jeffrey Bard

Trade agreements

Maires can enter into trade agreements with other nodes to facilitate trade between the nodes.[211][119][212]

  • There are a limited number of trade agreements that a node can have.[211]
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.
Mercenary guilds will be a viable way forward for different organizations. I think there will be a lot of business to be had with that; and one of the systems in our trade agreements is creating an escrow for those particular type of arrangements that we're looking into.[214]Steven Sharif

Routes commerciales

Mayoral caravan launched by a mayor to establish a trade route with another node.[119]

For example: this node over here might have access to cotton as a resource and when that node processes that cotton it might be some very nice type of linen that only that node, or very rarely nodes would have access to. So when you initiate a trade route, you're bringing its supplies that the mayor has requested because they're trying to build, let's say a specific type of service building, or they're trying to unlock a blueprint that they have access to now to build up their node.[215]Steven Sharif

Routes commerciales in Ashes of Creation refer to.

  • Roads for the transit goods via the caravan system.[216]
    You might have a mountain pass and during winter that mountain pass is always closed and so the trade routes on land change with caravans and that's something that can not only exist on a cyclical level but also dynamically based on player activity.[216]
From a diplomatic standpoint the ability for the mayor or citizens to set up NPC routed trade routes between nodes as a trade agreement or as a diplomatic process.[215]Steven Sharif


Stock exchanges (also called Stock markets and Share markets) enable players to buy and sell shares in Nœuds, Guildes and Organisations sociales.[219][220][221]

info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.
  • There is no regulatory commission to restrict the purchase and sale of stocks.[222]


Les joueurs achètent les actes d'Habitation de joueur depuis le Nœud lui-même.[223] Les joueurs peuvent également acheter et vendre des propriétés aux autres joueurs.[224]

  • Les habitations auront un prix de base qui évoluera avec le nombre de citoyens à l'intérieur du Nœud.[225]
  • Les développeurs étudient une méthode de vente aux enchères pour les nouvelles propriétés qui deviennent disponible à l'achat lors de l'Avancement de Nœud.[227]
    • Un période de grâce sera mise en place avant qu'une habitation devienne disponible pour la vente aux enchères.[227]
    • Des enchères seront ensuite acceptées commençant par la valeur minimale basée sur le nombre de citoyens dans ce nœud.[227]
    • A la fin de l'enchère, l'enchère la plus élevée remportera la maison.[227]
  • Une Habitation statique et des Appartements peuvent être listés et vendus aux autres joueurs.[228][229]

Il n'y a pas de limite sur les prix d'une vente organisée par les joueurs. Ils seront déterminés essentiellement par l'offre et la demande à l'intérieur du jeu et il n'existe pas de barrière artificielle jusqu'où la demande peut augmenter.[230]Steven Sharif

  • La propriété d'une maison peut retourner au Nœud si le propriétaire échoue à payer ses taxes foncières. Une balance et des pénalités seront chargées au nouvel acheteur de la maison à la manière d'un "processus de saisie".[225]
  • Les joueurs ne pourront pas excéder leur allocation d'habitation dans le jeu.[233]

Cela permettra aux joueurs de transférer des biens immobiliers. Cela inclut ... des maisons statiques, des appartements qu'ils possèderaient ; et ils peuvent vendre ceux-ci car ils auront une quantité limitée et finie.[233]Steven Sharif

Le concepts de location et de prêt sont considérés à ce jour.[233]

Certains concepts que nous avons sont par exemple la location ou le prêt qui pourraient éventuellement permettre aux joueurs de louer une propriété pour une période de temps où les droits de contrôles sur l'utilisation des emplacement de stockage de la zone, contrôler les meubles ou les points d'accès ; ce genre de choses.[233]Steven Sharif


Voir également

Les références

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ashes of Creation Press Kit.
  2. Vidéo, 2017-04-30 (8:02).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Unreal Engine Interview, 2017-05-23.
  4. economic-metro-linking.png
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Direct, 2017-05-10 (10:47).
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Direct, 2017-05-15 (10:32).
  7. 7.0 7.1 Direct, 2018-01-18 (46:56).
  8. Vidéo, 2017-04-30 (6:54).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 About Ashes of Creation.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 economic-regions.png
  11. 11.0 11.1 economic-regions1.png
  12. economic-regions-static.png
  13. region-overlap.png
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 steven-player-stalls-shops.png
  15. steven-shops-on-ships.png
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Direct, 2017-05-10 (16:36).
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 steven-player-stalls-shops-online.png
  18. 18.00 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 18.07 18.08 18.09 18.10 18.11 Direct, 2020-07-31 (1:34:06).
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 Direct, 2017-10-16 (59:39).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 steven-player-shops-placement.png
  21. 21.00 21.01 21.02 21.03 21.04 21.05 21.06 21.07 21.08 21.09 21.10 21.11 Direct, 2019-05-30 (1:26:16).
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Entrevue, 2020-07-08 (55:05).
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Know Your Nodes: Economic Node Type.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Direct, 2020-10-30 (1:03:52).
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 Direct, 2020-10-30 (1:04:59).
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 steven-ah-purchases.png
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  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Direct, 2020-04-30 (1:14:44).
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  34. 34.0 34.1 player stall repair.png
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  36. Ashes of Creation Store: Confectioner’s Delight.
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  38. 38.0 38.1 steven-auction-houses.png
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  41. Direct, 2017-05-19 (33:57).
  42. 42.0 42.1 Direct, 2017-10-31 (28:58).
  43. 43.0 43.1 The mighty beard!
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  45. Direct, 2017-05-10 (16:37).
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  47. Direct, 2020-03-28 (50:57).
  48. Blog - Know Your Nodes - The Basics.
  49. 49.00 49.01 49.02 49.03 49.04 49.05 49.06 49.07 49.08 49.09 49.10 49.11 49.12 49.13 49.14 49.15 49.16 49.17 49.18 49.19 49.20 49.21 49.22 Entrevue, 2020-07-18 (27:11).
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  53. Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (4:09).
  54. Direct, 2021-03-26 (1:07:00).
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 Direct, 2023-10-31 (1:06:32).
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  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 steven-glint.png
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  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 Direct, 2021-03-26 (1:07:33).
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 a419c5398b542a713545e4f393d67215.png
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 Podcast, 2017-05-05 (43:05).
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  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 Entrevue, 2023-07-09 (19:56).
  67. Direct, 2023-08-31 (1:01:10).
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 Direct, 2023-08-31 (1:05:23).
  69. Ashes of Creation - The visuals.
  70. 70.0 70.1 Direct, 2017-05-10 (32:22).
  71. 71.0 71.1 Direct, 2023-10-31 (1:21:02).
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 Direct, 2022-08-26 (1:20:17).
  73. Direct, 2022-07-29 (3:21).
  74. Vidéo, 2018-09-06 (3:53).
  75. Direct, 2018-07-09 (50:16).
  76. Direct, 2017-05-15 (13:06).
  77. 77.0 77.1 Entrevue, 2020-07-18 (52:57).
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 Entrevue, 2018-08-24 (4:15).
  79. 79.0 79.1 Podcast, 2017-05-05 (43:05).
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  81. 81.0 81.1 Entrevue, 2018-12-06 (20:30).
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  83. Direct, 2023-06-30 (18:45).
  84. 84.0 84.1 Vidéo, 2023-08-31 (25:00).
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  143. 143.0 143.1 143.2 Blog: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds.
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  145. Direct, 2017-05-24 (42:22).
  146. 146.0 146.1 Blog: 10 facts about castle sieges in the MMORPG.
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  154. castle-taxes5.png
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  163. 163.0 163.1 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (32:35).
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  182. Direct, 2022-10-28 (13:53).
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  193. Ashes of Creation Forums - Former Lineage 2 PvP'er wanting to discuss PvP loopholes.
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  195. February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
  196. Entrevue, 2020-07-20 (21:57).
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  212. City hall.
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  214. Direct, 2018-04-8 (AM) (18:59).
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  218. Kickstarter - We Just Broke $1,500,000!
  219. 219.0 219.1 steven-stock-markets.png
  220. 220.0 220.1 Direct, 2017-05-17 (11:27).
  221. 221.0 221.1 221.2 Stock Exchange.jpg
  222. 222.0 222.1 Entrevue, 2018-10-20 (5:51).
  223. MMOGames interview, January 2017
  224. 224.0 224.1 Node series part II – the Metropolis.
  225. 225.0 225.1 Direct, 2020-06-26 (53:41).
  226. Direct, 2017-05-12 (52:01).
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  233. 233.0 233.1 233.2 233.3 Direct, 2019-05-30 (1:23:41).