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Titanbark gear set in Alpha-2 (items in inventory).[1]

Titanbark is a gear set in Ashes of Creation.[2]

Item Icon Type Tier Set Rarity Level requirement Source Cost
Titanbark Belt TitanbarkBeltIcon.png Belt Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Boots TitanbarkBootsIcon.png Boots Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Bracers TitanbarkBracersIcon.png Wrists Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Chestplate TitanbarkLeggingsIcon.png Chest armor Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Cloak TitanbarkCloakIcon.png Back armor Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Gloves TitanbarkGlovesIcon.png Gloves Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Helmet TitanbarkHelmetIcon.png Helmet Titanbark Rare
Titanbark Leggings TitanbarkLeggingsIcon.png Pants Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Shoulders TitanbarkShouldersIcon.png Shoulders Titanbark Rare



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