Loot tagging

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Looting rights (also known as Loot tagging) is based on a blended tag and damage done system.[1][2]

  • The first party to obtain a tag (on a mob or boss) will gain an approximately 5-10% edge over competing parties in terms of the total damage done when determining looting rights.[1][2]
    • These numbers will be balanced based on testing.[1]
  • At the end of the fight, the party with the highest damage done, including first tagging bonus, will be granted looting rights.[1][2]
We have a blended approach of damage done and a tag benefit. So if you tag the boss first, or you tag the loot- whatever the loot target is first- you're gonna get a benefit in the damage overall determination. So if you need to have 51% of damage done in order to qualify your raid, or the plurality of damage done if there's even three or four raids, then tagging first might give you a five or ten percent edge. We'll play with that number- balance it based on testing, but generally that's our approach in competing loot rights[1]Steven Sharif
Q: If looting rights are based on a blended tag and damage done system, will there be any mechanics in place to ensure roles like tanks and healers have an equal shot even when they haven't dealt as much damage?
A: That's the reason for the blended approach. The reason that we're doing a hybrid system between tag and damage done is for the purposes of those classes who may not be as DPS oriented as other classes. The tag system- all classes are going to have a sprinkling of immediate effects- of instantaneous casts and they can use that to tag a target, and that'll give them a modifier on the looting rights: So plus 10 or plus 15 will balance that, but it'll give them plus 10 to 15 on overall damage done if they tag the target and then their damage will make up the remainder of that percentage completion. So if I do 50 damage to a target but someone else has the tag I'm not going to be able to claim that looting right. They'll have done the other 50 plus 10 or 15.[3]Steven Sharif

Tables de Butin

Q: Can only one gathering artisan harvest resources from a single boss, or can multiple different artisans harvest different parts from a boss for different resources? For example, a lumberjack gets a special wood from Tumock's tree weapon, while a herbalist gathers the flowers from that same tree.
A: We don't have the concept of harvesting from bosses. NPCs follow a reward table format, where those reward tables are global. They're not unique to particular players. So, once the NPC is vanquished, you have access to the loot container that is its corpse; and it has a static value of either materials or items that get dropped; and whatever the party loot settings are that you might be a part of, or if you're a solo player you will be able to recover those things.[24]

Resource quality

Ressources will have differing tiers of quality for the same resource type.[27] This is somewhat similar to Star Wars Galaxies.[28]

You will have an opportunity to proc certain qualities based on your progression in the Artisan tree. So if you are a gatherer; and as you advance in your gathering, you'll have a higher opportunity to collect better resources.[30]Steven Sharif

Caravan looting

Si une caravane est détruite (devient une épave) elle fera tomber une partie des Produits qu'elle transportait.[31][32][33]

  • Des composants de caravane peuvent également être ramassés lorsqu'une caravane est détruite. Ces composants peuvent être récupérés par le propriétaire de la caravane ou pas les autres joueurs, dans le cas où il s'agirait de composants de haute qualité.[34]
  • Les caravanes font tomber des certificats pour des articles lourds qui peuvent être échangés au Nœud d'origine contre une partie des articles.[35][33]

Une caravane devient une épave lorsqu'elle est détruite et cette épave devient un objet utilisable et les joueurs peuvent y récupérer des certificats à échanger contre une portion des articles à l'intérieur de la caravane. L'idée, ensuite, avec ces certificats est qu'ils doivent être ramenés au point d'origine, ou au moins une région à l'intérieur de ce point d'origine. Nous verrons à propos de cette dernière partie, car il existe quelques choses que j'aimerais tester dans l'Alpha d'un point de vue jouabilité. La raison étant que, ce qui pourrait se passer, si vous avez une sorte de collaboration à l'intérieur d'une guilde pour abuser du système. Hé ! Je vais suivre cette caravane jusqu'à la frontière de la zone et ensuite on la détruit tous, on ramasse tout et ont l'amène dans les entrepôts de cette région ; en évitant de parcourir tout le reste du chemin en l'escortant. Donc elle devra atteindre sa destination avec succès avant que les produits ne soient comptabilisés pour cette région.[33]Steven Sharif

AoE looting

L'AoE (effet de zone) permettant l'obtention de butin n'est pas inclus dans le système d'obtention de butin au moment de la rédaction ce cet article. Cela sera peut-être ajouté selon les retours.[36]

Full loot

There will not be a full loot (full drop) system in Ashes of Creation.[37]

There will not be a full drop and the reason for that is because our intention when it comes to progression within the world is we want it to be meaningful and take some investment on behalf of the player; and if even if from a design standpoint we're like yeah but they have to choose to go to the area; we don't want a choice that a player can make where they delete their character so to speak.[37]Steven Sharif

Voir également

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