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Différences entre les versions de « Divine gateways »

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=== Order of the Steel Bloom ===
{{Order of the Steel Bloom}}
== Artwork ==
== Artwork ==

Version du 5 octobre 2021 à 20:30

Les passerelles divines sont des portails dans les zones de départ où les joueurs arrivent d'abord à Verra.[1]

Là où les joueurs débutent, ils passent par ce portail depuis un autre monde nommé Sanctus. Sanctus est un endroit sans magie et avec une technologie minime ; et les joueurs sont les premiers membres d'expéditions qui viennent à travers ce portail dans le monde de Verra.[3]Jeffrey Bard

Starting areas

Alpha-1 starting area.[4]

There is no railroaded driven theme park experience here. You will have the opportunity to create your own destiny in that regard, which means you don't have to necessarily follow the quest line nor do you have to participate in events or experiences around the starting area. Now it may be more beneficial to do that; and in that regard I guess there could be a meta around doing that, but you could branch out proceed to other areas and do different content.[5]Steven Sharif

Chaque race a sa propre zone de départ, qui intègre un portail divin.[6] L'exception à ceci sont les Tulnar, qui ont une zone de départ sans portail divin.[7]

Les joueurs pourront choisir leur passerelle divine de départ.[9] Ce choix ne sera pas limité par la race.[7]

Il y aura de petits campements de PNJs dans les zones de départ. Ils représentent les éclaireurs qui ont été envoyés en amont de l'expédition principale pour Verra. Ces campements sont conçus pour acclimater les nouveaux joueurs arrivant dans le monde.[11]

  • Bien que cela puisse présenter des avantages, il n'y a aucune obligation pour les joueurs de prendre part à n'importe quel contenu des zones de départ.[5]

Les zones de départ sont à une certaine distance les unes des autres.[7]

Un problème que beaucoup de MMOs ont, est que ces zones de départ deviennent simplement presque dépourvues de joueurs et c'est très triste parce que le meilleur élément d'un MMO est cette communauté dont vous faites l'expérience, donc un des aspects importants du système de nœuds est que ça fonctionne vraiment du point de vue de l'acquisition de nouveaux joueurs, là où ces nœuds ont tendance à se développer davantage près des zones de départ autour du monde ; et ça amène les joueurs à revenir à ces endroits s'ils sont citoyens et veulent des services dans ces villes. Ainsi, quand les nouveaux joueurs pénètrent dans le monde, ils seront en pratique probablement entourés par davantage de population, car les gens reviennent dans ces nœuds plus importants.[12]Steven Sharif

Alpha-1 starting area

Alpha-1 alpha island starting area.[13]

There's been some significant lighting changes here in this area. There's been some work on the foliage, on the trees that are available, toned down some of the ruins, rearranged some of the tents and it's starting to look pretty good.[13]Steven Sharif

The Alpha-1 starting area was set in the ruins of a Pyrian divine gateway to the south of alpha island.[14]

Tulnar starting area

Points of interest will exist that represent Tulnar npc structures. In the similar fashion that the starting areas around divine gateways will include expeditionary npc settlements not tied to the node structures but serve as initial quest origination points.[15]Steven Sharif

Tulnar have a starting area that does not involve a divine gateway.[7]

  • Points d'intérêt exist that represent Tulnar NPC structures in a similar fashion to the starting areas around divine gateways.[15]
Tulnar have the same option of starting at any of the divine gateways. Their civilization, though within the underrealm, has also begun to explore the surface.[10]Steven Sharif

Unlike the other races, the Tulnar won’t be returning to Verra. Instead they will be returning to the surface from the Underrealm for the first time in generations.[16]

Carte du monde

Updated Ashes of Creation map.[17][18]

The new world map in all its 1,200 square kilometer glory. So you're gonna see some names here- a little bit of a reveal of some of these locations in these areas- and you're also of course seeing similar biomes that are present as well. But more importantly what you are seeing is the orientation of these continents and these islands that are facilitating specific types of inter-continental trade gameplay; and they support the relevance of these caravans moving across the land mass to locations that will now incorporate these harbor areas, which aren't identified on the map here... But the important part was providing a lot of coastal naval gameplay between these zones and trade routes between land base.[18]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 work-in-progress map UI.[19]

The world of Verra features an in-game viewable world map. This map is not randomly generated, and begins covered in a fog of war.[20] Players will not be able to see the world until they have explored it or gathered information about it. The world is also full of imperfect information, which will require the player to act on it for verification.[21]

For example, you may hear a rumor in a tavern that tells you the location of a cave full of weak Kobolds, but this was not accurate as the rumor was started by well-equipped bandits in order to waylay overconfident adventurers.[21]
  • Not every server will share the same map, as player decisions will vary between servers.[27][28][23]
Even though we're an open-world that doesn't mean that from a design perspective, especially with the way our economic systems work, that we will want to create Geographic choke points.[30]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngCertaines des informations suivantes n'ont pas été récemment confirmées par les développeurs et peuvent ne pas figurer sur la feuille de route de développement actuelle.


Sanctus est le monde dans lequel les habitants de Verra trouvèrent leur sanctuaire.[33]

Il y a très très longtemps, tout le monde vivait sur une planète appelée Verra. Un événement cataclysmique a eu lieu et a forcé les gens de ce monde-ci vers un autre, appelé Sanctus. Verra est un monde avec beaucoup de magie. Sanctus est un endroit sans aucune magie. Les habitants se sont échappés à travers ces portails vers le monde de Sanctus. Ils ont dû redécouvrir la technologie, car beaucoup de leur technologie d'alors était basée sur la magie, donc ils ont été obligés de comprendre comment interagir avec ce monde. Des milliers et des milliers d'années s'écoulent. Un long âge de ténèbres passe. L'histoire que je viens de vous raconter tombe dans les mythes et légendes. Une fois cette période révolue, les portails s'ouvrent de nouveau et les joueurs vont se joindre aux gens passant une fois encore à travers ces portails pour revenir dans le monde de Verra et redécouvrir cette magie, redécouvrir leur histoire et tenter de comprendre ce qui est arrivé à ce monde, les forçant à le quitter.[3]Jeffrey Bard

Histoire et traditions

L'histoire de la Création nous parle d'une race d'êtres nommés Les Anciens, créés à l'image de ce que furent jadis Les Dix. Les Dix accordèrent toutes leurs qualités à une race devant avoir l'intendance de toute la Création. La puissance des Anciens grandit et un désaccord apparut au sein des Dix pour contenir leur nouvelle création. Trois parmi les Dix se séparèrent des autres et commencèrent à enseigner aux Anciens les Secrets de l'Essence. Lorsque les Sept apprirent cela, une formidable bataille céleste s'ensuivit. Des éternités passent et vous observez tandis que le combat continue dans le royaume céleste. Certains disent que c'est la bataille qui créa les étoiles et les cieux que nous voyons à présent. À chaque coup entre les Dix naquit une nouvelle étoile. Quand la bataille s'acheva, les autres et les Anciens furent bannis par les Sept dans le Néant. Les Sept trouvèrent l'erreur de leur approche et décidèrent de répartir leurs qualités dans quatre races au lieu d'une seule ; et c'est ainsi que les Humains, Elfes, Orcs et Nains vinrent à être. Vous observez tandis que les Sept créent Verra et placent chacune des races à leur emplacement respectif. Lorsque l'histoire prend fin, une sombre silhouette grandit au loin et se rapproche de vous. Jusqu'à ce que tout ce que vous voyez soit l'obscurité. Et vous vous réveillez en sueur après un cauchemar.[34]Steven Sharif

The Essence is a metaphysical energy or life-force (Chi) that can be manipulated to create what could be viewed as magic. There are different planes of existence (realms) with varying degrees of strength (of magic), determined by their proximity to the Essence. The planes of existence in Ashes of Creation are connected across bridges created by the Essence, referred to as Rivers of Essence.[35][36][37]

The higher up you go in these planes, the closer to the source of the Essence you really are. And that's where you can see stronger manifestations of the magical aspects of the Essence.[35]Steven Sharif
The essence is a stream that exists across all planes of existence, but it exists at different levels of strength essentially at different levels that can be utilized; and the void is the furthest... There is a very minute amount of essence that can be found within the void. However the planes of existence that are in Ashes of Creation- they are connected across bridges created by the essence. So these ley-lines in a sense that exist within the different planes provide conduits of access and on Verra, which was a planet that was made after the ancient- the celestial battle.[37]Steven Sharif

Souls (also referred to as Mortal coils) are the conduits for The Essence to travel between the different planes of existence. This idea is an integral component of the broader features in the storyline.[35][36]

When you think about souls being a conduit, what are conduits used for? Conduits are passages: they're methods by which Essence can travel between realms, between planes. And there hasn't been any definitive understanding of just how many planes exist. We understand that there is a disparity between the planes when it comes to their connection to the Essence, and because Essence is so powerful; and it flows through these planes almost like a river. You can think that conduits help to maintain that flow and/or even exaggerate the flow; and there might be something at play, that I don't wanna touch necessarily, as to why one would want to create these types of conduits, these souls, this creation on the material plane: Something of significance.[36]Steven Sharif
  • The Essence is so powerful it flows through the planes almost like a river. Soul conduits help to maintain or even exaggerate this flow.[35][36]
Souls acting as conduits is a very integral component of some broader features in the storyline. If you think about souls being a conduit for Essence and you think of the gods as masters of the Essence: If you think of the Essence being separate from the Gods- let's say they're parallel to each other- one didn't create the other, but they coexist in this almost symbiotic form with one another: almost to the point where their manipulation of the Essence is perfection: They can perfectly manipulate it and lesser beings- and I say 'lesser' in a sense of their alignment or closeness to Essence. They're still perfecting that manipulation and some never achieve perfection almost to the degree of ascendency or enlightenment- Essence being that sort of Chi that exists. In that regard, when a perfect being such as the gods- and I'm not saying 'perfect' as the correlation between sin and not sin, I'm thinking perfect in the sense of how you can control and manipulate the Essence: That control is perfection for them.[36]Steven Sharif
  • The gods are masters of the Essence, but they are separate from it. One didn't create the other, but they exist together in a symbiotic form where the gods have achieved an almost perfect manipulation of the Essence and of "lesser beings" who exist further from the Essence.[35][36]
One of the great differentiators between mortal divine races and the gods is that aspect of mortality. And one of the ways that the divine races were created in order to interact with the Essence was through the use of a mortal coil; and that mortal coil was malleable. Your soul was malleable. It could change to adopt a greater connection with the Essence around one particular school of magic perhaps, or one type of magic that you might use Essence for. And the more you experienced that, the more adept you became with utilizing that magic. And that's because your coil would start to mold itself to best facilitate that flow of essence: whatever school of magic you were manipulating with it.[35]Steven Sharif
  • King Atrax was the first ruler of Verra to discover the purpose of The Essence, allowing the manipulation of matter and exploitation of magic for any means.[38]
When you have the story of the original Ancients, the predecessor race to the divine races, their coil began to warp and change to best facilitate Essence through the use of corruption and corrupt magic, because it was in their history that they learned the most powerful use- or at least what they believed was the most powerful use of Essence was, through corrupt magic. And that's what allured them towards it. So to give you better context about why that conduit is so important is as your base character, as your core archetype continually learns and manifests things in the world of Verra through the use of the Essence. It will continue to shape and change its conduit towards that purpose.[35]Steven Sharif
  • The Tulnar have souls and these souls act as conduits for the Essence.[39]
Now, how does the soul act as a conduit to the other races, to the other realms? Remember, that Essence is like a river that flows through the planes; and when it touches mortal coils that use it in a certain way, it has reverberations throughout the river that is felt across the planes. And that's how important the divine races are when it comes to the war over their soul, so to speak, is what impact it has across the universe.[35]Steven Sharif
  • Shape-shifting (changeling) is done so through the Essence by focusing on that specific type of magic.[41]


Order of the Steel Bloom

The Order of the Steel Bloom was an order of Knights, specially selected by the wise Aelan queen to carry out near impossible endeavors immediately preceding the exodus.[43]

  • When the divine gateways opened, the Queen ordered her protection to leave her side and make haste to the Brighthold to ensure the success of the Lightpact's crucial mission.[43]

Formed by the wise Aelan queen as she foresaw the impending darkness, the Order of the Steel Bloom consisted of specially selected knights strong of heart and valor. The Order was essential in carrying out nigh impossible endeavors of critical import during the last days of Verra, under the direction of the beloved and revered Lady of the Rose. When the Divine Gates opened, at great personal risk to her own safety, the queen ordered her protection to leave her side and make haste to the Brighthold to ensure the success of the Lightpact’s crucial mission. The Order would not return from the command.[43]


Voir également

Les références

  1. Direct, 2017-05-19 (29:25).
  2. Entrevue, 2020-07-20 (13:33).
  3. 3.0 3.1 Entrevue, 2018-04-20 (5:46).
  4. Direct, 2020-03-28 (32:30).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Direct, 2020-07-25 (1:03:03).
  6. Direct, 2017-05-19 (29:25).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Direct, 2017-10-16 (53:58).
  8. 8.0 8.1 underrealm-gateway.png
  9. starting gateway.png
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 tulnar-gateway.png
  11. Direct, 2017-07-28 (25:20).
  12. Vidéo, 2018-04-05 (40:08).
  13. 13.0 13.1 Direct, 2021-03-26 (17:23).
  14. Direct, 2021-03-26 (16:05).
  15. 15.0 15.1 steven-tulnar-pois.png
  16. Direct, 2017-05-17 (5:49).
  17. Blog - Development Update with New Map and Feature Discussions.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Direct, 2022-08-26 (46:52).
  19. Vidéo, 2023-01-27 (4:39).
  20. Entrevue, 2017-05-22 (22:54).
  21. 21.0 21.1 The mighty beard!
  22. Direct, 2023-09-29 (1:14:29).
  23. 23.0 23.1 MMOGames interview, January 2017
  24. Direct, 2023-09-29 (1:11:22).
  25. Direct, 2022-05-27 (2:33).
  26. Blog: Know Your Nodes - Scientific Node Type
  27. roshen servers.png
  28. Direct, 2017-05-19 (37:03).
  29. Direct, 2022-08-26 (53:26).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Direct, 2020-06-26 (1:25:11).
  31. Direct, 2020-10-30 (1:19:13).
  32. Direct, 2017-05-15 (30:53).
  33. Official Livestream - May 4th @ 3 PM PST - Q&A
  34. Direct, 2018-11-03 (0:00:39).
  35. 35.00 35.01 35.02 35.03 35.04 35.05 35.06 35.07 35.08 35.09 35.10 Direct, 2023-04-07 (16:42).
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 Podcast, 2020-11-15 (36:29).
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 Direct, 2020-11-08 (0:00:00).
  38. Direct, 2020-11-08 (00:49).
  39. Podcast, 2020-11-15 (40:24).
  40. Direct, 2020-11-08 (9:51).
  41. Podcast, 2020-11-15 (42:22).
  42. Vidéo, 2023-10-31 (5:06).
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Ashes of Creation Store: Order of the Steel Bloom.